Politics and Religion

Obama care exceeded its enrollment goal!
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 2698 reads

Where are all the “Sky is Falling” nay sayers?

"legal action and fines by the IRS" works on people in general. I wonder how it would have done without the aforementioned caveat?

EnrolledAgent789 reads

to enforce the collection of the penalties. Meaning if you own it and don't want to pay it the IRS can't do anything about it. The only thing they can do is accumulated it and when you get some refunds they can subtract the accumulated penalties from it.

are the subsidy recipients aware they'll have to pay those back later too?

of course, they can just die broke and avoid all that....

EnrolledAgent727 reads

Your subsidies are based on your estimated income, if you happened to underestimate your income yes you will pay back some of the subsidy but if you overestimate your income you'd get an increase in your subsidy. It's really no different than tax withholding, too little you pay, too much you get a refund.

Nothing nefarious here.

yes, but just like Medi-Cal benis, you get em as long as you live but your estate settles up upon your death. Of course if you die with no assets, no worries
I'm sure that's being fully understood by everyone now clamoring for the subsidies....or maybe not.

Posted By: EnrolledAgent
Your subsidies are based on your estimated income, if you happened to underestimate your income yes you will pay back some of the subsidy but if you overestimate your income you'd get an increase in your subsidy. It's really no different than tax withholding, too little you pay, too much you get a refund.  
 Nothing nefarious here.

Your estimated income is calculated using your tax filing and subsidy is allocated based on calculation known as Modified Aggregate Gross Income or MAGI for short. MAGI is a mathematical formulaThis is one of the modules that was not performing unto par at ACA launch.

Subsidies are not paid based on what the applicant puts in but on-line based on the applicants tax filing.  

Right wing disinformation again.

EnrolledAgent773 reads

Okay to be more precise the 2014 subsidy amount is based on either your 2012 or 2013 tax filing. When you file your 2014 return, the income on that return is used to determine what the actual amount of subsidy you should have received, again if you got too much pay it back if you didn't get enough you receive it as tax credit.

What Fox News has to do with this beats the hell out of me.

If you don’t pay Insurance Companies will cancel your policy. When the policy is cancelled, cancellation gets notified to CMS (agency managing ACA). CMS shares data with IRS and IRS knows the status of the policy.

Which right wing nut job did you get this information from? Faux News?

EnrolledAgent599 reads

I think you're talking about a completely separate issue.

What you responded to was my comments about the IRS's ability to collect/enforce the excise tax on not having insurance.

What exactly are you asking?

What happens after you cancel a policy? to the subsidy? to the excise tax

Pimpathy803 reads

I haven't heard any success stories from any board posters.

EnrolledAgent577 reads

I got rid of really crappy insurance and got a better policy costing about $200/month less per month and my monthly prescription costs also fell $100 per month (Lipitor)

Pimpathy657 reads

and were you able to retain your doctor?

Could you afford your previous insurance?  

Posted By: EnrolledAgent
I got rid of really crappy insurance and got a better policy costing about $200/month less per month and my monthly prescription costs also fell $100 per month (Lipitor)

EnrolledAgent535 reads

I don't have Medicaid if that's what you're asking. I have a regular policy from a major insurer.

Yes I kept my doctor why wouldn't I?

Affordability is relative term and for me not an issue. All I know is now I have an additional 4k/year to spend on my ATF Nigerian/French whore.

Pimpathy747 reads

I need this whore to confirm what you say.

EnrolledAgent737 reads

She mine, mine, I say.  

One of the best fucks I've had in many years. More PSE than any PS I've ever had and at GFE rates.

Posted By: EnrolledAgent
. . . . my monthly prescription costs also fell $100 per month (Lipitor)
Lipitor went generic 2-1/2 years ago (Atorvastatin). The full retail cost for the max dosage has been only about $20 per month for a long time now.

He is now paying $100 more a month out of pocket for his medical supply needs. It seems many who CAN afford it are paying less, and many who CAN'T are now paying more.  

 Anyone remember the context of this movie?


Posted By: EnrolledAgent
I got rid of really crappy insurance and got a better policy costing about $200/month less per month and my monthly prescription costs also fell $100 per month (Lipitor)

Were you hibernating for the winter? There are many stories about people with pre-existing conditions getting coverage. Poor people in Kentucky getting treatment for diseases, etc.

If you only watch Faux news, you are not hear since they are right wring mouth piece

Pimpathy586 reads

No I have not... I haven't heard any success stories from any board posters.  

Posted By: anonymousfun
Were you hibernating for the winter? There are many stories about people with pre-existing conditions getting coverage. Poor people in Kentucky getting treatment for diseases, etc.  
 If you only watch Faux news, you are not hear since they are right wring mouth piece

JackDunphy680 reads

Is this some sort off new Obamamath? Tell me honestly. Do you REALLY think they should count people who left their shopping carts at checkout but DIDNT pay their premiums? Is that really an "enrollee?"  

But we don't know ho many people that is. Obama won't tell us.

And do you REALLY think we should count the 5 million people kicked off of policies they liked and forced to join Obummercare?

But we really don't know how many had insurance, lost it under O-care, and are now being counted in the 7 million. Why? Obama won't tell us.

And how many of the 7 million were uninsured? We don't know.

Why? (Everybody now!) OBAMA WON'T TELL US

salonpas846 reads

It's 7.1 million enrollee's  instead of the 5 million shown in the image

salonpas772 reads

....... I posted have NOT been updated to account for the latest enrollment numbers. I would really like Republicans to go ahead and repeal ACA, it would be a gift for the Democrats in the midterms.

But the most open administration in history has refused to answer a few simple questions.

Of the 7 million, how many have actually paid as opposed to sign up.  They either don't know or won't say.

Of the 7 million, how many were previously insured, like me, who lost their policy and got a new one.  They either don't know or won't say.

Of those 7 million how many are actually buying insurance or were transfered to Medicare.  Again, don't know, won't say.

Of those 7 million how many were the "young invincibles."  I won't even add my tag line.

Without these numbers, the 7 million is an illusion.  Now, if you know those numbers and can provide a governement link, I will give a sincere "I am sorry.

Finally, no one ever said the sky would fall in April.  They said the system is not sustainable in the long run.  But you make up an event that was never predicted and then when it doesn't happen, you say "See we told you so."

JackDunphy640 reads

It would involve them telling the truth. They had to lie about the whole "keeping your doctor" thing just to get it passed by the slimmest of margins.

CBO has said 31 million will STILL have NO insurance by 2024.

And you can kiss the whole $2500 savings per family meme out the shitter too as insurance execs are leaking the word all over the place this week that O-care premiums are set to skyrocket next year

Instead of me trying to answer your stupid questions why don’t you find check the link and find out for yourself!

You link to a non-governmental source.  And he doesn't say where he gets those numbers.

THEY CAN'T BE OFFICIAL because no agency has released them

Posted By: anonymousfun
Instead of me trying to answer your stupid questions why don’t you find check the link and find out for yourself!

Instead spewing same old BS and hoping for another Obama conspiracy for socialism.

For Republicans to now call for ending "Obamacare", it means denying 7 million people their health care benefits.

followme695 reads

Believe that bull-fucking-shit?
I suppose those who are sucking on obama’s diseased dick and swallowing do.

There is so much bullshit and unanswered questions about that number, that the administration will not answer. Since they will not answer and will not show proof of their claims there is no doubt they are LYING.
It is nothing more that a diversion from all obama’s other fuck-ups.

You’re Welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

Clrw_guy06684 reads

in the unaffordable health care debates.  It is the ability of people, especially the young invincibles to really afford health insurance.  I managed to pay for college by using the GI bill and working part time, and during the summer to pay tuition, and pay rent to keep a roof over my head, and food on the table.   When I graduated I had enough money left to buy a suit to interview in.  Finally got insurance when I started working an office job.  When the employer mandate first hit, all the young invincibles that work in the sports bars, restaurants etc that I frequent were having to go out and work 2 or 3 jobs as part time employees to keep a roof over their head.  A large payroll managing software company even developed a system to "pool" all the hospitality employees that all of a sudden had their hours cut way back.  With the system, all the companies cutting hours could "share" the employees.   Didn't know one person in that predicament that could afford health care.  They were more concerned with the economy and the ability to make a living, and that is what the government should be mainly concerned with in IMHO.

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