Politics and Religion

Refocusing on what truly matters more than...
mattradd 40 Reviews 1596 reads

politics or policies. A focus on enduring love, faith, faithfulness, and just trying to be as good as we can possibly be, with or without religion. How do some people, like this couple, get it right, while others don't?

Been with my SO for 19 years.  In probability I will outlive him by 10-15 years considering age and health.  And it would be my hope God would allow me to find him again in the next.  

If I have done anything right in this life, I have loved.  That is above all laws that man can mak

...they stayed together so long was because they married when they were virgins.  They never got any 'strange'.

Like the old song goes: "How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they seen a pair of E's?"

Though I'm not under any illusion that neither one, nor both didn't get any 'strange' before or after they were married. In my book, faithfulness is more like two people who run a long distance race together.  It's not a matter of whether one person or both stumble or fall, but rather whether both people cross the finish-line together. It use to be that unfaithfulness by a partner was something that could be worked through. Now days, it seems, more people than not, look at it as an automatic reason to dissolve the relationship.

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