Politics and Religion

perfect, me too. Welcome! EOM
amytai See my TER Reviews 1829 reads
1 / 9

Gentlemen Gentlemen . . .  Everyone's a "fake" on here, including me!  My name's a fake and so is some of the history on my website to protect my personal identity.  I have been Amy Tai so long now that the "fake" me has in actually become a major part of the real me. (Just so you know the gist of my story is true but I had to change something's to protect my identity.  We are all who we think we are and I am mostly Amy Tai now.  I had to turn my back on my culture because I could never integrate back in even if I wanted too.  I am just too different now.

Let's all try and practice a bit of mindfulness and respect for each other.  Lets end this talk of exposing what fakes we all are because that is a fact.

Sometime I just HATE what I see happening here in America.  It reminds me so much of my home.  Burma is truly Shangri La lost.  America is fast becoming Camelot lost!  

I see America much differently than you American's.  Actually I really shouldn't have an opinion and have decided to temper my remarks in the future as I am not a citizen though that is my goal.  I fought a long hard path down a very rough road to make it to America LEGALLY.  It is what many of you would consider a tragedy.  Keep your sympathy for yourself because you may need it more than me.  I am a survivor, I have prevailed, and I will succeed.

When I look at your history I see people just like me.  They didn't cry about how unfair things were . . .  They Survived . . . They Fought . . .  They Sometimes Died . . .  But Mostly They Succeeded!

It just astonishes me how the American public are so easily fooled by the media and party propaganda both Democratic and Republican, Black and White, Female and Male.

It sometimes feels like I landed in the twilight zone when faced with the sad realities of today.  America is becoming more and more like my homeland . . . and I just HATE it.  

Citizen or not America is my home.  I want contribute to making my home a better place for all.  I would hope all the hobbyists and providers on this board feel the same even as we continue our pursuit of money and pussy!

Despite our failings, this is our home and we must all work together somehow to make it a better place.

I will continue to post on this board hoping my perspective might somehow see yourselves from the outside which I think could be very constructive for all.  Let's at least try to be respectful to each other.

Sorry if that spoils the party.  

I am not checking the message me blocks above because the last time I posted here my smartphone notified me all night long.

-- Modified on 9/17/2013 5:17:02 PM

amytai See my TER Reviews 395 reads
3 / 9

I came to America legally and am a legal permanent resident.  The UNHCR once characterized me as being "Stateless" because of issues I am not free to discuss on this board.  I am thankful for the refuge I found in America and consider it my home.  I think it would be rather presumptive of me to call myself "American" considering that I am not a citizen.  As a resident who pays taxes and is affected by all the disharmony that is presently occurring in our common home I do have a right to say what is on my mind.  

In fact it is protected by the Constitution which my teachers assure applies to me as well.  As to voting . . . I don't believe I've missed out on much considering the players.

I am caught somewhat in both worlds which gives me a uncommon perspective.   I really don't know if it is possible for America to over-come the hatred that separates everyone.

Everyone better hope so . . .  I know what happens when it doesn't.  

-- Modified on 9/17/2013 6:01:44 PM

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 372 reads
5 / 9
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 449 reads
6 / 9

Some people with passport and born here are too freakin' lazy to vote...

One guy is such a freakin' loser he doesn't vote because he is afraid they might call him for jury duty. He works w/me. Total loser.

Its all how you feel in your heart that counts..

dncphil 16 Reviews 415 reads
7 / 9

I thought you had a very thought provoking piece.  I would just beg you to remember 1 thing about the U.S.  
It is a land of people. The ideal may be good, but no institution can be better than human nature.
Don't "hate" what is becoming, just try to strive to help keep it what it has been.
Usually, I am uncomfortable with immigrants being critical, since my first reaction is "why did you come and stay."

HOWEVER, this is one of the exceptions, and I really liked the fact that you want to make it better.  Don't give up. Just remember the nation is made up of people who are just that - People

Thanks, and welcome.

GaGambler 328 reads
8 / 9

One of course is to say, "it sucks here and It's much better back home" and the other is to say "I love it here, but we could make it better by doing ______" Or even better "I love my own country, but we fucked up by doing ______, and I see America doing the same thing, please don't fuck up America by doing_____"

The same can be said about our native born citizens. Lefties have a habit of putting down America and basically saying "i hate America" Righties have a habit of saying "America, love it or leave it" which means love it exactly the way it is now or STFU, which is equally as rigid. There is a middle ground which allows for criticism, but doesn't want to tear everything down and start all over.

dncphil 16 Reviews 402 reads
9 / 9

Yes. Both extremes are off base. Constructive critical attitudes, recognizing the problems and virtues is the best view, even if a hard path to follow.

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