Politics and Religion

Latest NY Times state polling is bad for Kamala.
RespectfulRobert 214 reads

Trump leads her in Az by 5, Ga by 4 and by 2 in NC. First batch of bad polling for her in awhile.

They thought if they gas lit us enough they could turn Harris into a winner. But it was as fake as the Covid scam. The truth is that Harris real poll numbers are not much different from Biden’s.

You knocked the polling when it was in her favor plus Trump has to win those states, she does not. All the betting markets have her leading but I am not going to pretend like this batch of polling is good for her. It is not.

A lot of people have trouble letting go of the idea that the media is telling them anything truthful. It’s easy to fall into the trap of “it’s true when it says something I like, and false when it says something I don’t like.” I don’t think that’s the right way to view the media.  

Let’s look at terms like “misinformation”. A few months ago Terrence Howard went onto the Joe Rogan podcast to explain his radical views on physics. This actor has a pretty unique take on things, but while he is a bright guy, his arguments are obviously wrong. And his errors are significant, as both Eric Weinstein and Neil DeGrasse Tyson explained. Despite these serious and major errors, there were no calls to malign Terrence Howard for spreading “misinformation”. There were zero calls to remove what he said or censor him in any way. None. Zip. Zilch. Why?

The answer is that “misinformation” was never saying things that are false. “Misinformation” is saying *true* things that exposes government or corporate corruption.  

So what do we have with the polls? The polls are a game of brinksmanship, to harm one candidate, benefit another, and give campaign donors a reason to believe that they’re not wasting their money. So while some may want to give accurate information, this is mixed in with those who are incentivized to give inaccurate information, and this in turn gives us nothing but noise when looking at the polls.  

This was why I started posting the polls, to show just how bad this game is, and I think come election day we will see just how bad it really is.

Correct as always sir! Only the most dimwitted Americans would ever vote for THAT woman lol!

State polls are hard to do. They are interesting but really you have to take them with a grain of salt if you go by how terrible they have been historically.

Harris was +5 last night and around that vicinity since the debate. But at this hour she is +2.

Retiring WV Senator Joe Manchin said he won't endorse Kamala because she vows to eliminate the filibuster.

for the coal industry.  Manchin still has to live in West Virgina and deal with his neighbors.  

"Trump campaigned on "beautiful clean coal" and how he was going to bring back coal jobs. Well ...
"Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%."
"Trump saved the coal miners" [NOT!]
"Trump promised (2016) to bring back coal and jobs for coal miners. Trump loves coal, big beautiful coal! There are ~10,000 fewer coal mining jobs today [this was posted in 2020; coal jobs decreased further by the time Trump left office] than in 2016.  TRUMP HAD NO PLAN to help the coal miners, just bluster. (And now he will be taking away their lifeline to health care for their families, the ACA.) ..."
"... http://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/us-coal-jobs-down-24-from-the-start-of-trump-administration-to-latest-quarter-61386963
US coal jobs down 24% from the start of Trump administration to latest quarter.
"Despite a campaign promise to put coal miners back to work and support "beautiful clean coal," President Donald *****Trump is on track to leave the White House with the nation posting the lowest coal production and jobs figures in recent history.***** ..." ..."

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Shie is also bad . . . .
for the coal industry.  Manchin still has to live in West Virgina and deal with his neighbors.  
That was easy ...

Someone said that is like hanging a lantern on your failures.

I guess yesterday wasn't the start of a groundswell for Harris.  oh well.  
Five day average is Trump +3.4

1728 LV, Sept 19-22.  D+2
This one has me worried.  Quinnipiac is such a terrible pollster I fear Trump might actually lose by a landslide. ;-)

Ah, polls. You can find one you like.  It's not hard.

Interesting how close Gallup party tracking matched to the election outcome in past elections.
🔵 2008: D+8 (Obama+7.2)
🔵 2012: D+4 (Obama+3.9)
🔵 2016: D+3 (Clinton+2.1)
🔵 2020: D+5 (Biden+4.5)
🔴 2024: R+3 (?)

…but it was only when they were WAY ahead that they won. And yet, Trump is now ahead with Gallop. This is why I say Trump’s win is going to be big. It’s not going to be a close election.

In post débate polling, she leads in WI by 2, Michigan by 3 and Pa by 3.5 per the RCP aggregate. That is all she would need to win as she could lose all the other toss up states.

average is that it ignores trending lines.  Some of the polls are three or four weeks ago and the landscape is changing faster than that.  

and the ones that are are simply correct by random chance. Because there are simply too many variables re how people will actually vote (or not vote) for the polls to consider.

A few of the Pennsylvania polls show a tie (there are some others showing a Harris lead but not included here.)

Rasmussen Tied -- 2354 LV 9/19-22  
RMG Tied -- 783 LV 9/18-20
Susquehanna Tied -- 700 LV 9/16-22
Muhlenberg Tied -- 450 LV 9/15-19
RedfieldWilton Tied -- 9794  9/16-19
CBS Tied -- Released 9/20

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