Politics and Religion

Gingrich gets "glitter bombed" by gay rights group
SouthernJezebel See my TER Reviews 2286 reads

This has also happened to other Republican Presidential Candidates. But what should we expect from a political philosophy that also sees shitting on police cars and the US flag as "Free speech?" What does this actually accomplish? It borders on assault and I hope they get arrested. (One person already has) If the shoe was on the other foot, the person would be charged with a hate crime.

You mean shitting on police cars and US flags isn't free speech? fuck, there goes my idea for an art exhibit. Wave the stars and turds high!

Um, it's a health hazard, indecent exposure, and not to mention just incredibly gross.

Posted By: willywonka4u
You mean shitting on police cars and US flags isn't free speech? fuck, there goes my idea for an art exhibit. Wave the stars and turds high!

followme1757 reads

This is the kind of person he and and others like him are. They are just not Patriotic.

When boy-willy and his pals talks about shitting on the US flag and the stars and turds they are of course exercising their right to free speech. What they neglect and selfishly refuse to recognize are the millions of brave, heroic, courageous men and women who, from the beginning of this great nation, gave their lives for that Flag and all it represents and their freedom to disrespect all those people. Clearly from their posts boy-willy and one or two of his pals no concept nor do they care what it took for them to have and enjoy what they now have. They wave and amendment or two around when it suites their purpose and comfort or will dishonestly twist, and distort and necessary to meet their needs and shred and flush the rest.

There is no argument for or any way to justify talking about shitting on the US flag and the stars and turds. He and his pals clearly and without doubt do not care one bit about, they have no respect for, those who fought for and preserve the freedom they now have.

followme1600 reads

-- Modified on 2/10/2012 4:00:13 PM

-- Modified on 2/10/2012 5:34:21 PM

nuguy461446 reads

read  a Colorado paper...

Posted By: SouthernJezebel
This has also happened to other Republican Presidential Candidates. But what should we expect from a political philosophy that also sees shitting on police cars and the US flag as "Free speech?" What does this actually accomplish? It borders on assault and I hope they get arrested. (One person already has) If the shoe was on the other foot, the person would be charged with a hate crime.

ElGuapo5051022 reads

A local elected official was glitterbombed recently. Why? Because he had NO OPINION on gay rights, straight rights or any other "rights". As such, he must be anti-gay. The politician was a local county commissioner for land zoning use. He didn't even HAVE a political party. He was a locally elected LAND WATER bureaucrat, for Christs sake!

A locally well-known Occutard was the culprit.

Glitterbombing is the new "flash mob". Which was uncool about 5 years ago.

Why not try streaking while you are at it? Or throwing a shoe?

Does anyone really wonder why nobody takes the Left seriously?

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