Politics and Religion

Are there two willy wonkas?
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 94 reads

On 6/8/2/24 willy posted:
"There’s no such thing as Christian Nationalism."

On 3/7/2012 willy posted:
"One of the key elements of Dominion theology is the principle of Christian nationalism. To turn the United States into a Christian theocratic state."

The Wikipedia of today agrees with the willy of 12 years ago.

Will the real willy please stand up...and stop trolling!

There's the original Willy who was a raging lefty.
There's the newer Willy who's raging righty racist.
There's the occasionally reasonable Willy who actually tries to have a rational discussion. This one is seen only rarely.
There's Willy The Troll, seen more often these days.
I'm sure there are more.....

It’s kinda wild to look back on my thoughts from 12 years ago. Back then the Republican Party had a real Evangelical wing. Dubya was the dumbest President in history but he was a masterful politician. He united libertarian minded Republicans with the big business Republicans and the Evangelicals. It made for one hell of a powerful coalition. As far as I can tell the Evangelical wing of the party completely collapsed.

The other telling thing about this is that it’s kinda embarrassing by how badly I was duped by left wing anti-Christian propaganda. Back then Islamic terrorism was still a concern and some Christians made the mistake of combining military style training for the youngins and mix that in with the hellfire teachings of the church. Then one of these geniuses thought it would be a dandy idea for some leftist to film all this for one of their documentaries. Thus leaving the viewer with the impression that this was a common practice at churches all across America. 12 year younger version of me actually believed this and I only have my youthful gullibility to blame.  

A 25 year younger version of me probably would have been waving Noam Chomsky books in your face and screaming irrational things like exposing the truth. I remember I used to buy the Project Censored yearbook every year. It was a collection of news stories that the team that put together the book thought were very important, but that the major news didn’t report. I remember one of the stories involved some college activists who were trying to get an additive added to automobile antifreeze to make it taste terrible. Apparently antifreeze at least back then had a pleasant sweet taste and was highly poisonous. These activists wanted to add this to avoid accidental poisonings and their efforts were met by Big Antifreeze sending in some mysterious guy to tell these activists that Big Antifreeze was going to hire a hitman tontake them out.  

I remember relating this whole story once to my dad who told me, “oh bullshit. You’re an idiot for believing that horseshit.”  

But I totally believed it. I was completely bamboozled by ridiculous things the left promoted. Things that were outright lies and fabrications like “George Floyd was choked to death” or “mostly peaceful protests” or “Joe Biden’s mind is as sharp as ever and he most certainly doesn’t believe he’s turned into a turtle.”  

Thanks for posting this, BigP. Christian Nationalism doesn’t exist, but gaining perspective does.

So what makes him so sure that right now he isn't being bamboozled by the right?
Especially since he's come up with the wacky idea that "the Evangelical wing of the party completely collapsed."
What rock has Willy been hiding under?

Most political messaging is dishonest and is used to spread propaganda and lies. RAINN an organization that fights against sex abuse. It’s in their interest to overstate the degree of the problem because they benefit financially for doing so. FAIR is an organization fighting against illegal immigration. The same thing applies to them.  

It’s not always easy to spot propaganda, especially if you agree with the position being espoused. You see this on X all the time. There’s plenty of spam bots that are used to promote all kinds of things. A clever person could obscure the propaganda. I’d like to think I’m better than the average person in spotting it, but that takes effort. And even if you’re aware of it, if you’re subjected to it it will bias your opinion. I think I’ve blocked more accounts on the right than left on X for this reason. I see the account using propaganda, I know I’m vulnerable to it because I agree with the position, and so I block it. But I’m not going to spot them all.

a Christian theocracy, you would have to get the Catholics and Baptists on the same page.  IMO, that's less likely than getting Republicans and Democrats to agree.  

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