Politics and Religion

One Has To Love Those Drones!!!teeth_smile
CubbieFan2 21 Reviews 2461 reads


Score another victory for technology!! Another cretin, Al- aqaeda leader goes down!! Longevity in that top position is becoming non-existent!! The drones have bumped off two leaders, since their fearless leader was made into Swiss cheese, in less than two months!!!

BTW, this Is CubbieFan2's brother, Lil' Cubbiefan2, so If there will be a fatwa against me I live in a hut, on a small Island, in the Pacific!! You can tell by the boat in the pic!!

...about the importance of these "number 2's" until after they're dead.

I was impressed by Obama getting bin Laden. When he gets Aymen al-Zawahiri I will be more impressed. But not until.

Posted By: willywonka4u
...about the importance of these "number 2's" until after they're dead.

I was impressed by Obama getting bin Laden. When he gets Aymen al-Zawahiri I will be more impressed. But not until.

SGTStrykerUSMC1717 reads

YES ! That fat piece of shit has to go. " I think I'll play Al-Qaida mouth piece to get attention from my daddy. "  That prick American in Somolia is on the short list too !

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