Politics and Religion

Michigan GOP: Let's privatize the most successful public schools.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2452 reads

Ever heard that saying, "don't fix it if it ain't broke"? It looks like the Michigan GOP thinks that any school where somebody isn't making a profit off of it is, by definition, broke.

The Ferguson Academy for Young Women is one hell of an interesting public school. It is a school that is centered around providing an education for teenage mothers. They provide on-site day care for the students' children so they can get a real education. In order to graduate, each student must be accepted to a college, along with the ability to pay for it. And the Ferguson Academy for Young Women has a 90% graduation rate.

A public school that performs this well isn't exactly what the fascist GOP in Michigan have in mind. Proof that government does indeed work, doesn't help their message, and it doesn't line the pockets of those who bribe them. So the Ferguson Academy for Young Women is on the chopping block.

Why is this school on the chopping block? It's not because voters demanded that it close. It's not because the local school board ordered it to be closed. But it's because the Governor's appointed "financial manager" has decided that it must be closed, stating that he was "drooling" in anticipation to close down the school.

I think my stock in the ACME Guillotine Company just went up again. Keep it up, Republicans. Please.

-- Modified on 4/23/2011 4:47:48 AM

Snowman391578 reads

But not for the reasons you think.

If you had paid attention, you would have noticed a few things...

1) The overall story shows how SCREWED UP Michigan has become. And why? Because it was constantly controlled by Democrats with large influence from labor Unions. Want America to be like Detroit, just keep pusuing liberal policies, you will get us there!!

2) The school was slated to close under the DEMCRATIC governor first!! If course, you total liberal bias never even metions that.

3) You're veiled threats about Guillotines are really juvenile. Especially when the conservatives own the guns ;-)

Once again, you have managed to nothing but hurt your credibility with this post.


Snowman391482 reads

Anyone know this provider??

I bet she would look really hot if the got a butch haircut and dyed it black,

Perhaps wore some grandpa black rim glasses...

And started talking nonsense....

This is a photoshopped picture of what Democrat?  A young Joe Biden is my guess.

A democrat ordered the school closed initially, the Detroit Emergency Manager, that signed the order, Robert Bobb, is a democrat, the Detroit School Board is 100% democrat....need I go on?

The Detroit School system is totally fucked. Run by liberals for the past 60 years, what do you expect? The board moved from one building to another, because they didn't want to pay the renovation costs on the initial building. They then paid $24 million rent to occupy 5 floors of the new building. That's more than the building owner paid for the building one year before. More liberal spending of other peoples money.

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