Politics and Religion

Obama is the best President, Big City Lawyers, Big
BreakerMorant 714 reads

Financial firms, Big Government, Big Media ever had. The President's actions has thus far supported this narrow constituency. It has been consistent.

Obama could care less about the small business owner, the guy working to put food on the table or the soldier fighting in the trenches.

-- Modified on 8/1/2011 11:51:27 PM

Regardless of how you feel about Obama's political beliefs, etc. can anybody say he is a good President? There is a major difference in stating what you believe in and accomplishing it. His only purpose the last two weeks of the debt debate was to appear as if he was involved.  From the desperate prime time speech to the ridiculous tweets on Twitter he was obviously put in the corner. Boehner and Reid didn't have time to Tweet. Sure he will get credit from the media for "brokering" the deal but Boehner, Reid, and McConnel worked around him.  This is so similar to the Healthcare debate when Pelosi and Reid took the wheel as Obama would make the same boring teleprompter speech over and over.  When he had overwhelming majorities in both Houses he could barely get things passed.  Not that he has lost one House he is completely impotent.

The irony is Regan was called an "amiable dunce" and Bush was called a "puppet" but for good or bad both of them were truly in charge.  The same can be said of Clinton even though he lost Congress two years in.  Obama had no record of leadership as a candidate but everybody expected him to wave a magic wand and make everything all better.  

I suppose most of us have had bosses that were clueless.  They specialized in Cc emails and conference calls where they agreed with and praised people that were coming up with ideas but they themselves never had anything to offer.  And they made triple the money you made.  Yes, the classic "empty suit".

I think Tom Furgeson's Investment Theory of Politics plays into this. Obama's biggest backer was Goldman Sachs, and while I don't follow it closely, I believe they've been doing quite well. There's just far too many of Obama's base who still cling to the childish notion that he's working in their best interests. I do admit though, that the administrations "dog ate my homework" excuses are truely prolific.  

I assume you mean Reagan, and not his Treasury Sec. Don Regan. Reagan wasn't so much a dunce as he was altzheimer'ed out of cognitive clearity. I'm of the opinion that Nancy and Bush Sr. was running the country for the majority of his 2nd term.

If 9/11, Katrina, and the financial collapse of the entire country was an indication, then I'd say that no one was in charge when Junior occupied the White House.

who still cling to the childish notion that he's working in their best interests"""

Are you suggesting that Obama promised his base one thing and is delivering another? Why, how cynical of you. You really think he played upon these people's hopes and aspirations to convince them to vote for him? That would imply he sees them as pawns.

Now, who is his base?


RE: Geithner/GS. You know Timmy  made GS whole to the tune of $15B for the CDS's, took 100's of billions under the arm of Fanny and Freddie but would'nt fund a fucking single red cent to pay for legal assistance to seniors to work their way thru the HAMP trap? Treasury and OCC are WELL aware servicers are not only ignoring Treasury HAMP directives but flat out breaking the law in regards to legal filings of foreclosure. Robosigning, robonotarizing, etc.

This real estate market would be much better off today is Gei/Obama were serious about protecting the rule of law, taxpayers instead of running interference for big banks. (See FED)

taken it in the ass who could have then pursued the execs for damages. There are thousands of regionals who NEVER sold a single liar loan. That's where everyone should take their money. I have banked with one for years and would never switch to a moneycenter bank. The service sucks.

analogy to where we are today in relation to post WW2 to justify deficit spending, as if he projects our forward GDP growth will be similar to post WW2. Truly idiotic.


I suspect that if we followed Baker's advice on economic policy, then I see no reason why we couldn't average 4 and a half percent GDP growth for the next decade. It's not like we don't have shit we need to build.

huge claim, please provide me with something susinct [sic-to preclude Pri's inane proclivity towards spellchecking] making your point.

you had to know when President Obama appointed Mssrs. Tim Geithner and Larry Summers as Sec. of Treasury and economic czar i.e. sec. of Economic Council respectively, that his adminstration would be the same old,same old.

Curiously, when did the epiphany occur that made you realize President Obama was letting down his base? Was it the Comcast/NBC merger; the Health Care debate when he failed to advocate for a single-payer system; his failure to nominate Elizabeth Warren or the Libyan military excursion?

If President Obama would not have nominated Tim Geithner for sec. of Treasury, fired Bernake, and he actually enforced the law by putting Wall Street swindlers in jail, I could be voting for him, could be. Could be because, his financial stimulus package has been an expensive economic fiasco that accomplished nothing. Yes, I am still disappointed in the Comcast/NBC merger. And though Elizabeth Warren is classified as a liberal, I respect her because Ms. Warren's credentials for fighting for the middle-class is unquestioned. No one is standing up for the middle-class.

Still hate the health care bill. I do not like President's Obama disrespect for the military. I also detest the amount of regulations coming out of his adminstration. So maybe I won't be voting for him.

"A political leader's duty is not to placate to a single political faction but to overcome political divisions for the greater good"per Adolf Hitler. President Obama is in charge, but face it buddy, he is not that into you and your liberal progressive views.

First of all, have you been reading Willy's posts for the past six months?  He's long been a critic of Obama for not standing strongly enough for his previously liberal positions.
Oops, sorry, there is one thing I agree with you on: it should have been clear when O appointed Geithner and Summers that there'd be no break with the past.
But what is your connection with Comcast that makes it your Big Bad Wolf?  It can't simply be what you've said, that you "know" a contrator who stopped doing business with them.  I don't expect you to explain , as it's probably too personal, but when you bring an obviously personal grudge to a debate and continue to flog it you lose credibility.
Elizabeth Warren, well, you know my views on her but when has Obama shown "disrespect" for the military?  I have only seen him be full of praise for their efforts and their sacrifice.  Maybe it was when he flew half-way across the country to congratulate one of the units that helped get Bin Laden.

So, why would anyone care to have a discussion with you, if you made up your mind already???  ;)

12footlong1252 reads

He does not even qualify for DINO status. There is a reason why the GOP is running all these puny also ran presidential candidates in 2012 and saving the big guns for 2016.

Financial firms, Big Government, Big Media ever had. The President's actions has thus far supported this narrow constituency. It has been consistent.

Obama could care less about the small business owner, the guy working to put food on the table or the soldier fighting in the trenches.

-- Modified on 8/1/2011 11:51:27 PM

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