Politics and Religion

Obama / Biden are done
swtraveler 11 Reviews 2525 reads

As with most things the American people eventually get them right. Sen Obama might one day be president BUT not this time around. He is focusing on the youth vote because he knows their inexperience will let him slip by. He IS like a lot of youthful voters, inexperienced. He has done NOTHING. But he is good at saying present when asked to make a decision or take a stand. ANYTHING that has proven to be inconvenient or polls badly during his campaign he has either kicked to the curb or changed his position on. Where does he stand? I will vote for the best candidate..not a color, gender, religion, whatever. Just so happens he is NOT the guy.

Let's see how your claims stand:

"He is focusing on the youth vote because he knows their inexperience will let him slip by."

Perhaps he realizes that older folks will die sooner and therefore long-term issues matter less to them.  Perhaps he also realizes that there may be more racism among those of the older generations.

"He has done NOTHING."

Hmmm, he participated in 50% more Senate votes than John McCain (http://www.projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/110/senate/vote-missers).  I suppose one could call that nothing, but gee, I wouldn't want to disparage John McCain that way.

"ANYTHING that has proven to be inconvenient or polls badly during his campaign he has either kicked to the curb or changed his position on."

I believe the purpose of the government in a democracy is to reflect the will of the people.  If Obama believed he was right and the people say he is wrong (whether through polls or otherwise), wouldn't we prefer him to follow the will of the people?

"Where does he stand?"

Did you watch the convention? He was VERY specific.

Hmmmmm, he participated...yep, now that is something. But I gotta say, your injection of race into the equation is typical of the left, or so called progressives. It is the lies about Rev Right not being his spritual advisor after he said he was....his association with.....aaaa..forget it. The list is just too long for here. Convince me that raising taxes on the so called rich will stimulate the economy and he would get my vote. Tell me how raising capital gains, coporate taxes, taxing so called windfall profits, is going to lead to more jobs, bring jobs back from offshore and a stronger economy and he gets my vote. Tell me how his taking what I worked my entire life to build and giving it to someone who made bad choices, or is too damn lazy to work for the american dream, will make MY life better......he gets my vote. Tell me how ANY intelligent American can believe that justices should legislate from the bench, with NO checks and balances or ability to be held responsible is a good thing...and I will vote for him.

It isn't the man, the color, the religion or anything other then his socialist and marxist views that keeps me from hopping on the Obama train ride to disaster.

Timbow1384 reads

-- Modified on 9/16/2008 10:08:03 PM

LOL, where in the hell did you get that! Thansk for the chuckle.

Timbow1861 reads

Lou has a sense of humor  and the pathetic left are saying it is racist .

-- Modified on 9/16/2008 10:25:35 PM

You believe this is a democracy where politicians should follow the will of the people? Is that how you think our system is structured?  

You are either a senior in a public high school, or an imbecile.

Because BO loses in every category.  He is a first time senator, don't you get it?  He's my senator and he sucks.  He has virtually spent his entire career in the senate campaigning for the next step up.

But, if the American people want him, then they shall elect him in November.

For the first time since the RNC, Obama now leads McCain in their daily tracking poll 47-45.  He also leads in 3 of the 4 national tracking polls and has been steadily gaining ground in all of them.

All this before the economy melted down this week and McCain suggested he solve the problem by asking other people what to do (form a commission), and in the SAME DAY said "The fundamentals of our economy are strong" AND "The fundamentals of our economy are in crisis."  

After which he tried to convince everyone that what he meant by the "fundamentals" of the economy are the American worker.  Right.  I'm sure that's what he meant.

Obama will be up bigger tomorrow.  Take that to the bank, if you can find one that's solvent.

Timbow1398 reads

Obama better do well in the debates and I wonder if he can think quick enough on the cuff to keep up with MAC.
The only reason he has not done a town hall is he is afraid of screwing up before the debates so he is not as confident as you think :)

You know Timbow, I think you're right.  I don't think Obama is such a great debater.  He comes across as professorial and dispassionate.

McCain is better in a town hall setting, so we're gonna have to see how it plays out.

Timbow1366 reads

I think it will be funny to see Obama shuck an  jive about the surge :)

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