Politics and Religion

Nothing personal gag but I am good and sick of war
charlie445 3 Reviews 1671 reads

and talk of war. War is a solution for nothing.

GaGambler1879 reads

Kudos to Trump.

I am beginning to think it is a lost cause however. Maybe we should just get it fucking over with and declare all out fucking war against Islam. Last man standing type of fucking war. It is looking less and less likely that Christians and Muslims can exist peacefully on a planet that is getting smaller and smaller by the day.

Five hundred years ago, or even a hundred, the world was much smaller. As we now have a "global economy", the internet, and easy international travel, we can't simply ignore the Muslims and think we can stay on our respective sides of the world. Throw the huge oil reserves of the ME into the equation, and we have a situation where we need to learn how to coexist, which seems unlikely, or lets just duke it out for world domination while we are still the biggest and the baddest and are likely to win without breaking much of a sweat.

What we are more likely to do is to wait another several decades until we are no longer the worlds only superpower, and then the fight will be a lot more equal, especially if China throws in with the Muslims. I know there is no love lost between the PRC and religious nuts of any denomination, but China will always do what's best for China, something we should start emulating.

FWIW I detest Christian nut jobs every bit as much as Islamic ones, but like it or not the US is a Christian country, and as an American with American interests, once again I am forced to hold my nose and side with the Christians.

Normally you're somewhat aware of the facets of an issue. But your idea that China will weigh in with Muslims under any circumstances shows that you don't understand the situation in China. China has a f***ing huge looming muslim problem that only economic growth is keeping contained. Chinese leaders fear having their nation stop growing because if no growth or contraction occurs, the world will witness a fierce confrontation between China as a whole and radical muslims among it's muslim population. The last thing China wants is to have America fall off the radar as the focal point of radical muslims. One has to look no further than Russia to see how economic growth, or lack thereof, influences deadly attack levels from the small radical muslim population that Russia has.

GaGambler2392 reads

As I stated the PRC has no love for Muslims, or Christians, or even Buddhists for that matter. China does however, look out for China. China already has aligned itself with Iran, having been selling them  weapons for decades. China's interest in keeping it's energy needs met trumps any other internal issue between the PRC and it's Muslim population.

Simply put, no oil equals no growth. That is simply unacceptable to China. China will do whatever it takes to fuel it's economy and if that means making a deal with the devil, of either the Christian or Muslim variety, they will do whatever it takes.

Charlie, you fail to grasp a very important concept though. It takes TWO to have peace, but it takes only ONE to have war.

If we could find a way to peacefully coexist iwth Mulsims, GREAT! I'm all for it! But we can't, and I am convinced we never will. It will never matter what we do, there will ALWAYS be Islamofacist nutjobs ready to strap a bomb on in the name of Allah. Forever and ever Amen.

I am in agreement with GaG here. There is simply NO getting along with Muslims. Now or ever. There is only appeasement and a slow but inevitable yielding to having their backwards, stone age religion foisted on us one small inch at a time.

Fox news is having a repeat broadcast of september 11th 9 years ago, we cant forget, how it brings back so many bad memories, we should think why is it so important not to have mosque there, and now the person who wants mosque built at ground zero also has condemn usa, so touching the americans who were brave enough to stop terrorist from attacking more american landmark ,watching this make me so sick , and this mosque is so so wrong

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