Politics and Religion

Not so quiet - they now deny it
DUANE 33 Reviews 24 reads

For the record, Trump's lawyer is denying this story is accurate.  "Jay Sekulow, one of Mr. Trump’s attorneys, dismissed Tuesday’s report by the German business newspaper Handelsblatt, which said Mr. Trump’s largest lender had received a subpoena several weeks ago from Mr. Mueller seeking Trump account data.
“No subpoena has been issued or received,” Mr. Sekulow said. “We have confirmed this with the bank and other sources.”
While Deutsche Bank had not commented on the matter late Tuesday, Bloomberg was reporting that the firm was cooperating with investigators without specifically naming the Trump case."

He has subpoena to Deutsche Bank asking for information about Clown's bank accounts.    Here comes  money laundering in real estate deals!

Mr.M.Johnson13 reads

Trump fears the most! What started out as a simple collusion case - and apparently collusion by itself is legal - will lead to Trump’s worst nightmare!
Here’s IFPOTUS (Illigitimate Fake POTUS):
Damn, I won the election! Who’da thunk it?! - not even me!
Didn’t even hafta show my tax returns!
I have my fam w/me in the WH!
My supporters love me!  Although, I have no fucking idea why! - I ain’t done shit and I haven’t delivered on a single campaign promise!
oops, I screwed up - I shouldna fired Comey which led to Mueller, which’ll lead me to jail
Maybe I’ll resign and Mueller will stop

since the news. Perhaps, the 'quiet before the storm.' Wouldn't be surprised if Trump starts making the moves to have Mueller fired. He and his allies have already prepared the ground, seeding it with attacks, even from the Murdock and the WSJ on Mueller. Let's see what Sarah Huckabee Sanders has to say today.

Mr.M.Johnson14 reads

If Trump somehow finds a way to get rid of Mueller - and his next 3 replacements - he would/should be impeached. But I doubt that he would be removed because of the fucking Repubs control the House and Senate.  But that’s where I’m puzzled.  Why would the fucking Repubs NOT remove Trump and his 33% approval rating?  No way in hell Trump wins again in 2020 w/33% approval rating - he’s lost virtually all of the independents. (Even KellyAnne C says “Trump’s gotta fix his approval rating”).
But, maybe I’m onto something!  Assuming that the fucking Repubs get their fucking tax cuts they may realize that they don’t need Trump anymore and they remove him as any other Repub gives ‘em a better chance at 2020 presidency.
I’m still betting Bigly....hhuuuuuugely....that Trump ain’t POTUS on 1/1/2019 due to being impeached/removed, 25th amendment, emoluments clause, or he simply resigns due to “need more private time for pussy-grabbing,” and/or his mental illness gets even worse (somehow).
Quad, if youi’re Listening, please help me understand how Trump is MAGAing and he has a 33% approval rating.  Apparently his supporters ain’t feelin the AGAing

they are counting on one of Trump's 2000 plus calorie Big Mac attacks will remove their problem for them. ;)

For the record, Trump's lawyer is denying this story is accurate.  "Jay Sekulow, one of Mr. Trump’s attorneys, dismissed Tuesday’s report by the German business newspaper Handelsblatt, which said Mr. Trump’s largest lender had received a subpoena several weeks ago from Mr. Mueller seeking Trump account data.
“No subpoena has been issued or received,” Mr. Sekulow said. “We have confirmed this with the bank and other sources.”
While Deutsche Bank had not commented on the matter late Tuesday, Bloomberg was reporting that the firm was cooperating with investigators without specifically naming the Trump case."

Getting the Deutsche Bank records along with trumps taxes, this might be more then trump could handle and he'll fire Mueller. At this stage, trump will now do ANYTHING to save his ass. He won't care what the public thinks...He'll call the investigation a "Distraction" for the American people.
Tying in Deutsche Bank records to trumps tax returns and viola, there you have it. Russia having financial leverage over our beloved president....The selling of  America...MAGA.....What a crock

Who watches Morning Joe anyway. I did once for 5 minutes and my God, it's no wonder their ratings are so low. Everyone who comes on that show is in some kind of trance, they have no emotion, never smile and are so negative about EVERYTHING.

Posted By: Timbow
Re: Mika says jail for the rest of their lives...... LOL
 Better than SNL.  

-- Modified on 12/5/2017 10:28:37 PM

"He doesn't give a fuck if he sets the world on fire." Actually, I believe he does give a fuck. One thing that a malignant narcissist does not want is peace. They want chaos, destruction and drama, lots of drama. So many trumpets believe Trump is a strongman who will bully his way in the world to the benefit of our country. Really, this is just his fascination and participation in the WWE. What would WWE be without fighting and bloodshed? You know, like calling out the NFL regarding rules for avoiding player's brain damage. Much like with Nero feeding the Christians to the lions, much of it is just for his own personal entertainment.

...Good call matt...Why in the world ?...would dumb ass Donny or any of his mindless followers support Israel in moving their capital & the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jarusalem, isn't that like throwing gasoline on a smoldering fire ? With this stupid decision people will die, it's obvious that Trump is exactly the wrong person to medal in the strife between Israel & palestine , the moron thinks he can win this with force but all he will succeed in doing is getting a bunch of people killed.

Donald and his fucking greedy family have laundered millions of dirty Russian money..

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