Politics and Religion

Netanyahu Delivers A Barn Burner To A Bipartisan Audience On Capitol Hill
cks175 44 Reviews 261 reads

Many standing ovations from all the Republicans and Democrats in attendance. Shameful that Kamala missed it for a sorority meeting.

Fuck this guy for comparing what happened in Israel to 9/11. He just sees the writing on the wall. He knows Trump is going to be President again soon, and Trump never forgets or forgives a back stabber. Israel is a national security threat.

Prepare yourself to be disappointed in Trump, Willy. Trump is going to try to showcase his close relationship with Israel and Netanyahu to draw a sharp distinction with Kamala, and hopefully peel some Jewish voters away from the Democrats.

And shame on comparing 9/11 to 10/7? The October 7th attack was orders of magnitude worse (proportionally) than 9/11 and the largest attack against the Jewish people since the Shoah.

The attack on Israel didn’t involve planes flying into buildings. And more importantly, it didn’t happen in the United States. Israel’s problems are Israel’s. I give less than a shit about Israel’s and Ukraine’s borders. It’s further hampered by the fact that Israel knew the attack was coming, let it happen, and did so on purpose.

"An exclusive look at how the Bush administration ignored warnings, including some that were far more detailed than previously revealed."
Bush was warned harshly, emphatically, and repeatedly that Al Qaeda had plans to launch significant attacks IN the US very soon.  Bush chose to do NOTHING. "The fact Bush knew the attack was coming, let it happen, and did so on purpose" is somehow lost on you?

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Proportionately? As in not actually worse?
The attack on Israel didn’t involve planes flying into buildings. And more importantly, it didn’t happen in the United States. Israel’s problems are Israel’s. I give less than a shit about Israel’s and Ukraine’s borders. It’s further hampered by the fact that Israel knew the attack was coming, let it happen, and did so on purpose.

Kamala with her pro-Iran, pro-Palestinian agenda has rocks in their head, unless, of course, they are one of the lucky ones that will get a blowjob from Kamala.  Time to get those kneepads out the way she did last weekend for the Dem delegates.  Lol

with the kinds of experience she has in getting ahead by giving head should be able to give a great blowjob into her 80's, even from a wheelchair.  Lol

Not all Jewish people agree with what is going on in Israel. Some are LGBTQ, and have other reasons to fear Trump. Some are non white Jewish people who also have other reasons to fear Trump. There is no one type of Jewish people.

Funny you mentioned gays not supporting Israel. Netanyahu specifically mentioned the absurdity of “Gays For Gaza” in his speech today. It earned him a nice round of applause. And it goes without saying that even under Netanyahu, Israel is the most pro-LGBT country in the Middle East.

Off topic from the Netanyahu speech, but I really have a hard time understanding those who claim that Trump is a threat to the LGBT community. Do you know who was the first president to appoint an openly gay person to a cabinet level position? It was Donald J Trump.  Now there are people who support biological men playing in women’s sports and the medical transition of minors, but IMHO those are radical left positions in the LGBT community.

Correct, there is no basis to assert Trump has any animosity toward LGBT. It's just the left's methodology of power thru division -- pitting one group against the other.

Disagree. He’s a Republican and supports right wing ideas. They openly don’t believe gay men should be allowed to marry and get the benefits that come with a marriage. There position with Trans is even harsher. I don’t see why anyone who identifies as LGBTQ would support Trump.

Trump is a cultural moderate. He pulled the strict anti-abortion language out of the Republican platform. He was the first president to appoint an openly gay person to a cabinet level position. He supported gay marriage before Obama did. Your take is based on uninformed stereotypes.

His position on setting a time limit is the same of most moderate Dems.  The SCOTUS ruling was about state's rights, not abortion, per se.  

Also, there's nothing in the ruling about states rights. According to Wiki:
"The majority held that abortion is neither a constitutional right mentioned in the Constitution nor a fundamental right implied by the concept of ordered liberty that comes from Palko v. Connecticut."
Stop making shit up.
Oh, right. That's what you do.

That's nonsensical delusion. Convict felon criminal traitor trump appointed LIARS to the SCOTUS who LIED during the confirmation hearings stating ROE was settled law and then turned around and overturned it the first second they could.  And then head filthy maga traitor convict felon criminal rapist trump bragged about it.  The net result is abortion bans in all filthy maga traitor states - even for rape, incest of girls age of 10.  Get a 'bigly' clue.  The delusional double speak from maga sycophants trying to justify the moronic filthy maga policies would be comical, if it weren't so disgusting and pathetic.

It’s not nonsensical delusion, it’s fact.

It's a fact that filth maga traitor scum trump appointed SCOTUS that would overturn ROE. We all knew it. And it happened.

Hormel, appointed by Trump, only served in a temporary acting role with restricted power. The Senate, specifically Republicans, refused to confirm his appointment. This action limited his time and power. Trump knew this and did nothing to advocate for him being more than a pupet. Big swing by the orange man.

The real honor goes to Biden who appointed Pete Buttigieg as secretary of transportation. He was confirmed, received full power, and was able to stay in the position for the full term. Biden was able to get the support of the Dems, something Trump didn't even care to try.

RespectfulRobert10 reads

Many of them aren't even there yet and may never be. But it is also true President Obama and Mrs Clinton were late to the party.  
Zeel, I despise Trump. I truly think he is evil but he took a step in the right direction with Hormel. Let's not castigate people when they do the right thing even though it may not be to the degree and speed we would like. Virtually everyone on our side gave Obama and Clinton a pass in this area and gave them time to come around. It was Joe that put Obama's feet to the fire publicly which caused Obama to ultimately support gay marriage.  
Let's applaud people for changing their stance on the issue, even if it may not be on our time frame. Just a decade ago the majority of people opposed equal rights for LGBTQ. Now the majority are in favor. That is a seismic shift in a very short period of time.

The issue with support is often not what they believe, but what they feel it will do to their votes. Obama and Clinton feared what such support might do to their support and getting votes they needed. They are both methodical and cautious, sometimes a bit too much.

If Trump is nothing else, it is brazen. Sometimes he does this to the point where it hurts himself, and it takes a lot from his advisors to try to reel him in. But while you can argue that I shouldn't take away from this what he did, and I get why you would, I do not believe for one minute he did this to show support for the LGBTQ. I moreso he believe he did it for himself. He's done way more to hurt the LGBTQ community. He's rolled back numerous protections, supports abolishment of gay marriage, and wants to pratically do away with recognizing that Transgender people exists, as he argues there are only two sexes.

More on Obama since you name dropped him. He worked with Congress to pass and sign into law the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act into law. He set up an anti bullying task force specifically focused on LGBTQ youth. Obama issued a directive on same-sex domestic partner benefits, opening the door to them getting benefits when partnered. This list can actually get really long, but hopefully I have made my point.

What's my point? One appointment is not a fair indicator of support. You need to dig deeper. When you do, the difference between Trump and Biden, or Obama, or Clinton, is crystal clear.

RespectfulRobert11 reads

In interview after interview, both Obama and Clinton said they were against LGBTQ+ rights due to their religious beliefs. I don't disagree that Obama is WAY ahead of the curve than Trump, so no need to give me the list of Obama's protections for the gay community, as I am well aware of them and quite proud of them. He changed, in part, due to the pressure that was put on him by Biden and many, many others.  
My issue is that when some people take a step in the right direction, even if it's a small step, praise them. THEN get them to take another step. No sense alienating people moving to the correct and moral side of the argument. Obama and Clinton's position "evolved" over time. Give that time to others who are making efforts to change their views on this topic, is all I am saying. Trump at least, took a small step in the right direction that past Republican presidents couldn't or wouldn't dare to take.

Dig deeper. Obama actually misled Americans by stating he opposed LGBTQ+ rights due to their religious beliefs during is political campaign. You are right that he did this in numerous interviews. He said this during the entire campaign. He said it starting with his campaign for the Senate seat and maintained it for his first presidential bid, and throughout his first term. It wasn't until his relection bid that he started to say he was evolving, and concluded his evolution. He said it for many years because he believed saying otherwise would cost him too many of the votes he needed, especially in the swing states where it was close. And, especially with the black votes he had a stronghold on, since many of them opposed gay rights. It was all a lie though. He had private conversations that have since surfaced that exposed how uncomfortable he was with telling these lies.

Clinton is a slightly different story, but one that is not much different. She too said she opposed it for religious reasons. At the same time, she made numerous statements in support of gay rights, contradicting her own self. Shortly after Obama finally openally pledged his support, about a year later, Clinton too came out and pledged her full support. She did it because it now seemed okay to do and wouldn't cost her. However, her flip flooping for about 15 years prior to this suggests she just wasn't being honest. So, also a liar.

In a nutshell, Obama and Clinton lied. They did what all politicians do. They said what they thought they needed to say to get votes. This is the sad truth about both sides. They tell many lies.

Back to Trump. My feeling is that if he was truly taking a step forward, that momentum would continue. But it wasn't a step forward. It was a political move. Not one that was much different then when he put a toxic black woman reality star mess in his cabinet. It's a see "black women" and "gay men" support and love me move. He took actions right after that made it very clear he was not stepping forward.  He has taken so much away from the LGBTQ community that it's a joke to even suggest this appointment was a step forward for him. Don't drink the Kool Aide.

RespectfulRobert9 reads

So I will give you a pass about the ridiculous "Kool Aide" comment. I call Trump evil on a daily basis here.  
Let's be honest. If he didnt hire a gay man he would have caught shit. He hires one and he catches shit. You cant have it both ways. No other R president would even consider it. I don't give Trump much credit for anything but I wont knock him on this point.

Cultural moderate? He has always been a bombastic bigot.
Did Donald Trump ever apologize to the ‘Central Park Five’?  
"- In 1989, as New York City was reeling from the “Central Park Five” case in which a woman in Central Park was raped and beaten, Donald Trump took out an ad calling for the reimposition of the state’s death penalty.
- Two decades later, the five men were exonerated based in part on DNA evidence. One, Yusef Salaam, won a primary earlier this year for a seat on New York’s city council.
- Despite the exoneration, Trump on at least five occasions has expressed that he continues to believe the original verdict that the men were guilty and that a settlement made by the city was a mistake."
Trump has NEVER apologized for falsely "convicting" the CP5 in the press and elsewhere. He STILL thinks that are guilty and should not have been exonerated.  
A cultural moderate ... if you're the right color and donate to his campaign.

Posted By: cks175
Re:  (Gays For Trump) Trump Supporter Gay Marriage Before Obama Did
Trump is a cultural moderate. He pulled the strict anti-abortion language out of the Republican platform. He was the first president to appoint an openly gay person to a cabinet level position. He supported gay marriage before Obama did. Your take is based on uninformed stereotypes.

Delusional. Standard filthy maga traitor idiocy. "Pro-Iranian"? so lame. not even worth debating such stupidity.

RespectfulRobert10 reads

She didn't miss it bc of a "sorority meeting." She was the key note speaker at an event she had pledged she would be at long before Bibi was confirmed. You would want her to break her word. She decided to stand by her promise. And she met with Bibi so she managed to fulfill all her obligations. This post of yours was VERY weak and hyper partisan.

Reportedly Bibi literally laughed in Kamala's face when she demanded a ceasefire in Gaza. No world leader respects Kamala. They can all see she is an empty suit.

I have seen NO reports of Bibi laughing in Kamala's face. He's not that stupid. Unlike you. As for the respect of world leaders, Trump doesn't have an ounce of it. Remember when Trump was openly laughed it by the entire UN?
Several EU leaders also joked about him at a summit.

What do you mean Trump doesn't have an ounce of respect? He clearly respects every leader who is a dictator. He kisses up to them and wishes he could turn America into a country like what these a-holes have done. Just about everyone else, you are right about them.

Report: Bibi was angered by Kamala's public representation of the meeting -- Bibi was shocked that Kamala misrepresented what she actually said to him behind closed doors. Nobody like a lying two-face. Bibi thinks relations have been damaged by Kamala.

First you said he laughed in her face. Now you've changed that to "Bibi was angered." So which is it. Oh, and who the fuck cares? Bibi is a thug and needs to be called out. Everything Harris said is true.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: More double-talk from Fester.
First you said he laughed in her face. Now you've changed that to "Bibi was angered." So which is it. Oh, and who the fuck cares? Bibi is a thug and needs to be called out. Everything Harris said is true.
Icky-crite begins the slippery slide into Hamas love!

Ya read it right here first  🙄

1) I hate Hamas even more than I hate Bibi.
2) I support the state of Israel but not its present Government.
3) I support a two-state solution that excludes Hamas.
4) I support a cease fire.
You are too big a simpleton to wrap your alleged mind around such complex concepts.

I’ve seen the reporting that the Israeli’s were surprised by Kamala’s retell of the meeting, and they are concerned that the distance she implied between US and Israeli positions could hinder a successful completion of the hostage negotiations. I doubt that Kamala was as forceful in person as she claimed to be in her post-meeting statement. It’s a ploy to win back some of the young voters that Biden had lost.

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