Politics and Religion

None of your moronic partisan OP's from you lately------you've already STFU
Priapus53 160 reads

Now go drive out & get your welfare check-------------before you do, check under your car---------------for oil leaks-----:)

Priapus532670 reads

My "political compass graph" is can be found from link below; NOT as depicted in your OP below. Either you were kidding or lying; if kidding, fine by me; IF lying, poor character trait that I've evidenced 1st hand from board "leper colony." I see you come from Tampa-------home to MANY liars this week-----LOL !

Maybe I should post a truthcompass graph about you, Sarah, if such a questionnaire exists----however, unlike you, it'll be the truth----:)

-- Modified on 8/27/2012 6:28:56 AM

So it's kind of interesting, even amusing, but I find myself saying so what?  And, as the issues morph, new ones emerge, old ones go away, assholes become candidates, etc... seems our votes should reflect the issues and not some theoretical pigeon hole placement based on some snapshot in time.

Sort like a mathematical model, business model, even a pill, all looking for a problem to solve that may not exist... but when that problem surfaces, by golly, there is a solution... LOL

Priapus53191 reads

No shortage of that on this board, from both political parties & society. Thanks to SoftlySarah, I'm now an "Authoritarian attempted welcher"------;)-------LOL !

-- Modified on 8/27/2012 6:37:53 AM

followme153 reads

pripussy you are wrong again. It is NOT softlysarah’s fault.

It is you pripussy who attempted to welsh on the bet she, nor I, nor anyone else had anything to do with it. all you pripussy.

As for the graph again that is you, no one else to blame but you pripussy.

But that is typical pripussy blaming someone else, lying, pointing the finger, whining, crying etc. when he is proven a total fuck-up, liar, failure, ect.

pripussy you have no one to blame but yourself.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Do you have any idea how much I’m laughing at your sorry, pathetic ass.

Priapus53181 reads

As for Sarah, she puposefully put the wrong graph up. If a joke, fine; if not, she's as big a liar as you are.

Lastly old man, pic below shows 3 rules you should live by-----:)

GaGambler206 reads

She simply took you at YOUR word and plotted you were you SAID your scored was, She can't help it if you are an idiot and used positive numbers instead of negative.

Now apologize, dumb ass

Now why in the fuck would she single you out to lie about out of all the people on this board anyhow? Or have you simply been hanging out with Sappy and ng for too long? Drink some more of you kamikazis and chill the fuck out, AFTER you are done apologizing for blaming someone else for your own fuck up.

These are the numbers you gave her

IOnce again, 6.0/4.15 for me.

Don't blame her for your bad info, you fucked up the numbers, not her

Now APOLOGIZE!!! dumb ass roflmfao

Priapus53173 reads

"Whoa, wait, that's a mistake
Posted by Priapus53  , 8/26/2012 9:07:29 PM  

retook test & have a 5.38/3.74"

& here's my 1st reading :

Once again, 6.0/4.15 for me.
Posted by Priapus53  , 8/26/2012 8:27:41 PM  

VERY close to what I just posted; bOTH would be graphed as "Libertarian left" she PURPOSEFULLY put up the wrong graph TWICE once on Authoritarian left & once on right.

Condemning me for drinking & now giving preferential treatment to a provider ? wow----you turning into tetotaling white knight ?-----LMAO !

No apologies forthcoming from me.

-- Modified on 8/27/2012 8:28:02 AM

GaGambler163 reads

To be where you claim to be, BOTH numbers need to be negative.

I know you're not stupid, (although others might argue the point) so you must be drunk.

GIGO, I hope you know what that stands for, YOU gave her the wrong fucking numbers.

Now man up, admit you are wrong, and apologize for having a brain fart. Or you could continue to deny the undeniable and make yourself look like a moron.

Priapus53154 reads

My heartfelt  apologies to Sotfly Sarah-------addled brain from drinking yesterday-------gotta cut down from 15 to 10 drinks--------LOL !

Ok that's outta the way--------NO apoologies to FM/BM-----:)

followme152 reads

Apology, you could not just admit you fucked-up but you had make an excuse. What a fucking sissy-ass apology. but not unexpected form a coward.
I did not ask for an apology nor would I ever want one from a useless attempted welsh who has no honor, integrity, dignity, etc.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Lastly; as you can see I'm NOT going to STFU...which means you and your threats are a failure.

Priapus53161 reads

Now go drive out & get your welfare check-------------before you do, check under your car---------------for oil leaks-----:)

GaGambler175 reads

and thank you for stop digging that hole you found yourself in any deeper, I guess you proved that even "sissy" drinks like you enjoy can still get you fucked up. Where is ST C when you need him? lol

Priapus53193 reads

You & I should have a drinking contest some time----------interesting to see who would "prevail"---------100 proof vodka only ( preferably Stoli )-------be sure to quickly eat the whipped cream & cherries off your drinks-----kidding---:)

-- Modified on 8/27/2012 9:23:08 AM

GaGambler180 reads

but that's never stopped me in the past, and FWIW I think at least it will be fun for both of us, unlike the "contest' I have in mind for jeffypoo, which will undoubtably only be enjoyable for me, and of course the members of the viewing audience.

Vodka, is not my drink of choice, but WTF yeah I can do shot for shot of vodka with you. of course to make it fair we could switch to whisky after the first dozen or so, which is my drink of choice. Unless you really want to go for it and do tequila. If you have the guts that is.lol

Priapus53192 reads

at the Smithsonian.

I USED to do tequila shots------that was fun----biting into a slice of lime & licking salt- after the drink--or was it before ? Brings back the old days.

As for Jeffy-poo, no contest-----good bet that cowardly fat fuck will NEVER want to meet you again.

GaGambler179 reads

So much so that I couldn't even stand the smell of it from my early twenties, till about the time I turned 35, Now I can drink the good stuff, and have been known to drink 30 shots or so during the course of a day when down in Costa Rica, but I usually drink them chilled with a touch of cranberry, which makes them easier to get down after the first ten or fifteen. Some of the little chica bartenders can outdrink the both of us, I see them drink 30+ shots a day, every fucking day for days on end. but they end up being old and washed up by the age of thirty.

I guess we'll have to have a "friendly" drinking contest next time I am in Vegas, I just don't want to wake up in the morning to find I pissed off a hundred grand the night before gambling because I was too shit faced to know better. It's happened before, and it makes a bad hangover a hundred times worse.

And the stories of gambly's personal life he wants you to hear but not the pathetic ones he doesn't just go on and on in  gambly's  "I this"  "I that" focus on well, Gambly.

The car I bought lol is a lot better than the piece of shit gambly drives, but I don't know what that has to do with this board except that gambly is a psychotic borderline personality who focuses on himself with these  "I" "I" posts--I have this you don't  stupidity which only happens on a fuck board. Gambly's shit would get him thrown off any other political board fast.  That's why Gambly

1) Doesn't post anywhere else but an 8 person average at one time fuck board
2) Hasn't even gone to the Romney website where my claim on Romney's defense budget is clearly there in black and white
3) Hasn't given a cent of his fake fortune to  Romney.
4) Stoops to bashing people when they aren't even living on this board like Gambly who doesn't have a job and doesn't work.

GaGambler146 reads

Any moron, even you can click on the GD board, or the Atlanta board and see everyone of my posts there.

BTW I not only post on the national board, with a lot more than 8 posters, I also used to moderate it, and have several friends there and in Atlanta, unlike you who has no friends here, on the Atlanta board, or even in real life. Poor wittle Jeffypoo, it must suck when NOBODY likes you, not even on an anonymous fuck board.

followme181 reads

You are not man enough to make a proper apology, without excuses

You are not man enough to face the fact that you are a failure and loser.

you, pripussy may be of the male gender but you are not a man

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

-- Modified on 8/27/2012 12:34:05 PM

followme186 reads

Pripussy you are just to fucking stupid to know you are fucking stupid.

With all the graphs and shit you post and you cannot read or interpret a very simple graph/chart.

Yes as GaG said you Sarah put you exactly where the numbers you gave her indicate you should be now if you are to fucking stupid to not know the difference between  + and – then you need to go back to the third grade because that mail order degree of your is not doing any good. You must have cheated on that too.

Now if you have the balls, the courage and are man enough you must apologize to Sarah.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Priapus53158 reads

Until a particular event occurs, spare the board & kindly STFU-------:)

-- Modified on 8/27/2012 9:58:21 AM

Priapus53205 reads

See my link at top of OP.

Once again, my apologies.

-- Modified on 8/27/2012 10:19:09 AM

Rutabaga_Baggins168 reads

Even in this post, calling out Sarah for lying about you, you documented graph numbers proving she was right and you were wrong. Nice of you to finally apologize, but why edit away the mistake?

You better be careful or Sarah might enlist a new poll regarding the tiny size of your penis. And we all know that some here have heard that for sure, it is indeed tiny.

Priapus53202 reads

Due to my position as board "spelling maven"; ONLY misspellings corrected, nothing else "edited". As for small dicks, your continued obsession on this canard of a topic leads me to beleive you're upset with POTUS race so far, you're quite possibly a latent & self-loathing gay & a possible hermaprhodite.

Seek help ASAP.---:)

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