Politics and Religion

No, there is a huge difference between wanting a "Smaller" Federal Government
ed2000 31 Reviews 2105 reads
1 / 12

This is one of the better tributes I've seen in awhile.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 426 reads
2 / 12

...Mr. Jingoistic Boy.  1100 hours was at 11:00 AM!!  As Maxwell Smart said: "Missed it by THAT MUCH!!"

Maybe you wrapped that flag too tight around yourself and it cut off the circulation to your brain.

ed2000 31 Reviews 434 reads
3 / 12

Your characteristically vile attitude towards anything that is not you is weeping at your seams.

I would take the time to explain how you are wrong but you're not worth the effort.

followme 376 reads
6 / 12

That bigpinkosan puts on his olive drab hat with a red star on it when posting.

Great OP ed.

Thank you  
For God and Country

-- Modified on 11/11/2013 10:01:16 PM

Cataclysm 377 reads
7 / 12
no_email 3 Reviews 316 reads
9 / 12

Are they not a rebellious people's movement? (in theory

Cataclysm 338 reads
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came to be as masses gathered to protest ObamaCare.  Now we're seeing their anger was justified and many of what they were saying back then has come true .  

And no they're not the same. Che Guevara got so radical in his ways, including wanting to nuke the US,  that even his once buddy Castro as well as the Soviets wanted him dead.

no_email 3 Reviews 482 reads
11 / 12

Obamacare, what you've described was the corporate hi jacking of the Tea Party.

I knew the ACA was going to be a disaster, the Tea Party does not own the intellectual property rights to that notion.

Guevara, and the Tea Party oppose U.S. government, amazing how you skipped over such an obvious comparison. My comparison ended at that point

GaGambler 429 reads
12 / 12

and wanting to overthrow the government altogether.

Just out of curiosity, how do you equate opposition to Obamacare with a so called "corporate hijacking of the Tea Party"???

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