Politics and Religion

No Primaries, Few Interviews, And More Lawfare
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Interesting insight from Mark Penn:

Our elections continually descend into an unworthy mess as the public learned Biden was unfit only from a debate after a non primary primary and now a whole new team has been installed and the lawfare campaign resumed.  

Like many I believe Trump should have acted faster when the riot broke out but the attempt to turn the election challenges into a criminal conspiracy at this point is Jack Smith and the Justice Department interfering in the election.  

No primaries. Few interviews. No policy papers. And now more lawfare. The world’s most important job affecting the lives of hundreds of millions of people should not be conducted this way.
Tough words on Harris and the Dems from Bill and Hillary Clinton's pollster and strategist.
Given the source, this is a stunning observation.

Yep, Trump did more vetting of the Democrat nominee in ONE HOUR of debate than the entire primary process did.  

That's how broken the Democrat Party is right now.

Partisan Hack quotes Partisan Hack.

They just move the goal posts to fit their needs. It’s amazing that cks wants to quote Laura Ingraham and Penn but have no interest in what General Kelly and Mike Pence have to say. I wonder why?

Partisan Hack quotes Partisan Hack.
Narrator: The “hack” worked for Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Picture yourself 5 years into the future. Looking back on this campaign who do you think was going to win from the very start? The campaign that endured lawfare and an assassination attempt but still thrived, or the campaign that sacrificed the advantage of incumbency because their record was so terrible to put in a pinch hitter at the last second? Why didn’t Gov. Whitmer and Gov. Newsom fight harder for the nomination?

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