Politics and Religion

Is anybody else watching/listening to John Kerry speak about the crisis in the Ukraine?
GaGambler 1934 reads

I can't remember when I have seen/heard a worse speech in my life. If he has any delusions about running again in 2016 he should reconsider. Forget the content for a moment, his delivery of a speech that could have revitalized his hopes, speaking out against a very unpopular Russia, is just so stiff, so poorly orated, that I can barely even listen to his actual thoughts.

The Hildabeast has got to be licking her chops while watching this speech, as others have opined before, she will be a shoe in for the nomination if she decides to run, despite falling on her sword for Obama. I don't know if I have ever listened to a more incompetent public speaker than John Kerry in my life.

GaGambler258 reads

and although it's well known I am certainly no fan of Obama, the difference was night and day (no racial remarks please) While Kerry looked stiff, uncomfortable and yes, looking like he needed to take a dump, Obama in comparison looked calm, rational, and made a very good case against Russia. In short Obama, (for a change) looked Presidential, and Kerry just looked constipated.

It's been many years since he ran against GWB, but watching him today reminded me why he never had a chance in '04

none much better than a wagged rigger with a mountain size ego sticking his foot in he mouth .

He reminds me too much of Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh! Way too depressing to watch and listen to for more than 30 seconds.

can't  do shit in Russia's backyard. This ain't Afghanistan, Iraq, or Libya and Putin ain't no pussy. Economic sanctions, give me a break, EU will be affected and there is not even any consensus. Germany powers it's industry with Russian gas, economic sanctions will pummel their economy.  

International Laws, we have broken every single one of them.  

Russia is also security council member with veto so, nothing happening in the UN.  

This is not our damn problem anyway so speak all you want, can't do shit though.

-- Modified on 3/4/2014 6:22:05 AM

...behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped-up pretext."

Too bad he didn't say the same thing in 2002 when he voted for the U.S. to invade Iraq based on a trumped-up pretext.

Remember back when Dubya was in office, and the Dixie Chicks criticized Bush, and conservatives literally lost their shit, shit in their hands, and threw that shit at each other, while screaming at each other's shit?  

I guess the lesson we all learned was that when it's time to pick a side, don't go shitting on your home team. Unless, of course, if the guy running your home team is a "darkie" who likes to eat watermellon

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