Politics and Religion

no kidding... he should be shot down... why even as a small child...sad_smile
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1489 reads

i knew that anything that crosses our borders and deposits methane gas (from his propusion system), interferes with parental authority and wears RED cannot be good for the country....

But the kicker was (Even before 9/11) our govenment was a watching....  and they still have to shot down this interloper....but then again he is moving pretty fast.... If Santa travels against the Earth's rotation he has 48 hours to deliver all the presents traveling at a little over 3,604 miles per second to make the trip on time.  This gives him 34 microseconds at each stop assuming that there are 120 people per square mile on Earth, and 66 feet between each home (no wonder ya cannot see him and man those reindeer must be tired!)!!!

However Santa's sleigh, weighed down with presents and travelling at supersonic speed, would encounter such massive air resistance that the entire thing will burst into flames and be vaporised within 4.26 thousandths of a second.

Maybe I'll vote for Hillary after all....

AManLike AnyOther1876 reads

Firat off, Jesus Chirst was born on Chirstmas Day. That means it is a Holy Day so we shuld celebrate his birht . The Bible says it was one December 25 so that is the day we shuld celebrate. Second off, Santa Claus is coming to the neighborhood, on Dec 25 as ordered by the BIBLE. See Mark 4:34 on this . That mean we need to get the stuff our lovedones want to give to them on Cjristmas Day. Third off, we need to be doing God's will on this time of the seeson. That means we got to be putting coins in those Santa clausess ringing thier bells ath the kmarts and wllmarts. Forth off, we need to  be puuuuuuuuuuuuuutin or fait h in ar e presi
dent gorge bush bec

harryj2047 reads

One snort too many? Bang your head when you hit the floor?

2sense1520 reads

Probably harryj also believes that Jonathan Swift was actually recommending that the Irish eat their own children in "A Modest Proposal".

2sense1493 reads

Been working hard on new drugs not only for AIDS but also for amyloid-diseases including Alzheimer's.

Perusing the recent threads on this board indicates that both therapies are desperately needed... :)

-- Modified on 12/14/2007 9:01:32 PM

Centrically Cynical1500 reads

as dictated in Christian story books the manufacturing, retail, as well as military industrial complex would take a devastating loss in profits causing large scale lay-offs and  recession.

Better too embrace the season as the pagan, drunken orgy of credit fed consumerism it has been orchestrated to be.

GaGambler1987 reads

I like pagan drunken orgies of credit fed(or cash fed) consumerism. Of course I like any kind of drunk pagan orgies. ROFL

harryj1519 reads

Who needs profits when all we really need to do is reach farther into the pockets of the neighbor. If we don't have the arm in their past the elbow it is unlibbie. Pull out what you need or want or think you can get away with.

Joe Goebbels2016 reads

flying around the holy ground of the USA, breaking and entering homes without any kind of documents or FAA clearances.  

What if just one of his elves is a Islamofascist plant?  It's as easy as that, leaving anthrax in all your stockings, you gullible schmucks!

Oh, I said schmuck.

i knew that anything that crosses our borders and deposits methane gas (from his propusion system), interferes with parental authority and wears RED cannot be good for the country....

But the kicker was (Even before 9/11) our govenment was a watching....  and they still have to shot down this interloper....but then again he is moving pretty fast.... If Santa travels against the Earth's rotation he has 48 hours to deliver all the presents traveling at a little over 3,604 miles per second to make the trip on time.  This gives him 34 microseconds at each stop assuming that there are 120 people per square mile on Earth, and 66 feet between each home (no wonder ya cannot see him and man those reindeer must be tired!)!!!

However Santa's sleigh, weighed down with presents and travelling at supersonic speed, would encounter such massive air resistance that the entire thing will burst into flames and be vaporised within 4.26 thousandths of a second.

Maybe I'll vote for Hillary after all....

Shows you how much *I* know.

And it always comes out on the same day. How ordinary.

Jewish Holidays are never on the same Gregorian date two years in a row. Now THAT'S Chaos. Not pronounced like Channuka, but pronounced like Christmas.

Oh Kryst, he's been into the KoolAid again.

Note to Aman - My very best wishes to you and your family this holiday season. I know how tough it must be. Hang tough. Be strong. Zai Gezunt.

AManLike AnyOther1023 reads

even ov our friends to. I notice them bastard Austrialians are pulling out of the fight on terrierism even on our most scared Holdiay. Where the is goddam Christmas spirit in that?

Meenwhile, the bosses at the welding plant i work at have desdied that there is goning to be drug and alcohlo testing this Chrsitmas seeson. Jesuss Christ! I can't catch a brake!

And while we're on the subject, isn't Bill O'Reilly really the most unlikely guy to save Christmas? The guy even resembles the Grinch.

Not so much the Grinch himself, but his sphincter.

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