Politics and Religion

No! I just asked you what specifically, in the first few...teeth_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 417 reads

paragraphs of the article you thought was crap. It's called having a discussion. Saying something is crap, without pointing out specifically what statement you find is so, is not a discussion!  ;)

P.S. If you had read further you would have read this: "Of course, the Tea Party is not just composed of members of the Christian right. Many are genuine libertarians."   ;)

The headline says it all, TEA Party politics(apocalyptic in this case) are destroying the Republican party.

I would look at the Republicans number one opposition, The Democrats as the perpetrators, behind the
TEA party politics.  

Not to mention TP people are not the only ones, who believe in apocalyptic prophecies. ;)

GaGambler546 reads

or at least the first few paragraphs were, that's as much of that garbage as I was able to muddle through before simply writing it off as the trash that it is.

Matt seems to be full of links like this lately, maybe he feels like he has to fill the void left by his idiot BFF who is no longer here?

you haven't even read.

"Want to know why the Tea Party so eager to grievously wound the Republican Party? The answer is as simple as it is counterintuitive: its leaders view themselves as modern prophets of the apocalypse.

Here are the first several paragraphs, which a couple of you said you read. How are the full of shit?

In the aftermath of the great government shutdown of 2013, the Tea Party continues to cause heartburn for establishment Republicans. Consider the results of last week’s elections, which offer clues to the internecine GOP battles that lie ahead. Although it’s much too early to draw hard conclusions, Chris Christie proved that a moderate, common-sense Republican could win in deep blue New Jersey, while in purple Virginia the wild-eyed social reactionary Ken Cuccinelli failed to gain traction outside his uber-conservative Christian-right base.

Yet the Tea Party is willing to defy overwhelming negative public opinion, wreck the government, risk plunging the world economy into chaos and invite political defeat. The driving force behind this destructive strategy is that Tea Party zealots answer to a “higher calling.”

They believe America teeters on the brink of destruction, and hold as an article of faith that liberals, gays, Democrats, atheists and the United Nations are to blame. This “end-times” world-view is a foundational precept of the evangelical movement, from which many of the so-called Tea Party favorites spring. Scholars call it apocalypticism."

You and Vern come back to me when you've found the attention-span to read the whole thing. You might find you've learned something.   ;)

GaGambler468 reads

reading any more of your piece of shit article isn't going to teach me anything I don't already know. Just because something makes it into print doesn't make it worth reading. I've never read either the Koran or the Bible in their entirety, but I know enough about both to know that I am not going to learn a thing by reading either of them beginning to end.

I've already gone on record with my disapproval of the "religious nut job sect of the Tea Party" That doesn't nullify the fact that much of what the Tea Party supports, all Americans should support, things like a smaller, less bloated Federal Government, a little more accountability in where our taxes dollars are simply squandered, and most importantly, doing anything in our power to stop this  huge power grab by the Federal Government  more commonly known as ObamaCare.

of an article if you haven't even read it! So, why bother commenting on it?

P.S. I've got no problem with the Tea Party when they support smaller government, nor do I begrudge them being against ACA. I do object to their attempts to have their minority view, through their demands being met through threats of us defaulting on our debt, or shutting down the government, based on their congressional members viewing themselves as modern prophets of the end of times.  By the way, that was the subject of the article, and you still haven't clarified what put of those paragraphs you read constitute as being shit!  ;)

GaGambler561 reads

Crap is easy to recognize, In my real life I sometimes get over a hundred oil, deals, mining deals, stock offerings etc, many of them over a hundred pages in length. I can usually shit can ninety of them in under a minute a piece after having read literally thousands of offering memorandums, prospectuses, and the like, crap is easy to recognize, and your linked article was crap, zero doubt about it.

and only morons believed that we were going to default on our debt, The market barely blinked at the prospect.  The only people that said they thought we might actually default were people like you who were trying to demonize the Tea Party. No one with even half a brain didn't know that they were going to do what they always do, "kick the can down the road"  Just like most of us know that Lucy is going to pull the football out from Charlie Brown,

What part of those first couple of paragraphs that you read are crap? And, you still haven't address the point of the article.

P.S. You forget that someone more important than myself believed the prophets of doom. Our credit rating was downgraded because of the debt-ceiling stand off in 2011. So you point is bunk!   ;)

GaGambler441 reads

Every fucking word, and it's the tone almost as much as the text itself. I can't believe we are still having this conversation.

and the point of the article is to discredit the Tea Party as a bunch of crazed religious loons as Priapussy used to call them. not to start a dialogue about the "end of times"

You Dems are getting so comfortable is framing the arguments to suit yourselves, that I guess you think everyone is as dumb as the GOP leadership apparently is. You link a hatchet job about the Tea Party and demand that I tell you which parts are crap with the entire article is a giant load of crap,

paragraphs of the article you thought was crap. It's called having a discussion. Saying something is crap, without pointing out specifically what statement you find is so, is not a discussion!  ;)

P.S. If you had read further you would have read this: "Of course, the Tea Party is not just composed of members of the Christian right. Many are genuine libertarians."   ;)

The S&P downgrade was NOT due to any Tea Party members or even Republicans overly pushing their “radical” agenda that threatened a debt default.

The downgrade (as pointed out in your own link) was due to the lack of enough action taken to curb the deficits. If it hadn’t been for those “radicals”, the modest action that was taken (sequester) would never have happened and the S&P downgrade most likely would have been worse.

No reasonable person believes Cruze’s most recent filibuster was an effort to bring us closer to end times. Actually one of the Republican’s compromise proposals was to delay Obamacare implementation and where do we find ourselves today? Many Senate Democrats thinking seriously about pushing for the very same thing the Republicans asked for. Gosh!

"To avoid a downgrade, S&P said the United States needed to not only raise the debt ceiling, but also develop a "credible" plan to tackle the nation's long-term debt."

And, "S&P also cited dysfunctional policymaking in Washington as a factor in the downgrade. "The political brinksmanship of recent months highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed."

And, it's still true that the likes of Bachmann, Cruz and others were willing to push us to the brink again. And, there was not indication that they were prepared to back down, even after the "political brinksmanship" in 2011 lead to a down grade in credit rating, and there were threats it would happen again.

GaGambler533 reads

as is the so called "article" Matt was under the delusion that somehow I wanted to "discuss" the so called article when in fact all I wanted to do was point out to Vern that he was missing nothing by not reading it/

I was simply setting the record straight after your dishonest portrayal. Pushing things "to the brink" seems to be the only way to get Reid's and Obama's attention.

And AGAIN I state, Cruze WAS ready to back down but Reid would not allow a vote on any number of alternatives passed by the House.

But of course there's NO way you would characterize Reid as stubborn.

It's quite obvious you cherry picked from the article!   ;)

...the so-called apocalyptical Tea Party prophets...he's Jewish.

Doesn’t need to read anything because he knows the past, present and the future. Don’t believe me? Ask him, he will tell how smart he is.

Great article by the way.

I was saying that when Bush was president and if you've been unfortunate enough to get into a serious discussion with an evangelical, you know this is true.

Posted By: mattradd
And, it's "Modern prophets of the apocalypse."

even after Collin Powell said:  "If you really go through with this, you're going to be the proud owner of 26 million Iraqi people standing around looking at us. You break it, you own it. And I can tell you something. You need to understand this -- It's just going to suck the oxygen right out of everything you do. It will become your first term. Your father weighed all of this when we weighed the merits of the first Gulf War. "

And, now he's probably still waiting around for it, painting pets, to bide the time, while other ex-presidents are trying to do something useful for the world.

if GW went away, as not to cause any more problems for the world?

Now you him to do something useful? :-D

I will ask. What would ME operations be like if Saddam and Iraq had not been brought down?

Posted By: bigvern
I will ask. What would ME operations be like if Saddam and Iraq had not been brought down?
More stable. Saddam was never a serious threat. A young, Arabic-speaking FBI agent gained Saddam's confidence and got him talking about the WMD. They had been destroyed well before Bush/Cheney invaded Iraq on a pretext.

WITHOUT "enhanced interrogation"



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