Politics and Religion

Bang-Bang America Tour Alive and Well--4 People Shot Empire State Building (State to State Tour)
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 1584 reads

Not in the NYT yet. They're slow.

10 people shot  8 injured 6 to Belleview 2 to Cornell 2 victims dead. (These numbers change every few minutes so this may not be accurate later). The other 8 are expected to survive. This is about .5 miles away from Empire State Building right in the heart of tourist territory. One of the heaviest police presences and heaviest camera presence in the world.
2 women and 7 men shot; some of the bullets may have come from police that shot them.

The figures have changed every few minutes.

33rd very near 5th Avenue at about 9AM.

Shooter Jeffrey Johnson resident of NYC Age 53 fired from Hasan Imports 2.5 years ago; came back and killed manager who fired him.

45 caliber handgun from shooter; 5 shots from shooter; NYPD use a variety of guns.

The shooter is dead which is often the scenario with these  ectopic pandemic mass bang bangs.
He was a disgruntled employee of an apparel/fashion company, Hasan Imports.

Everytime I've tried to take the great bus ride all the way down 5th  Avenue from the upper east side no matter what year, we get jammed in midtown because of street work.  So shutting down 5th Avenue on a Friday morning  will jam it up for sure.

-- Modified on 8/24/2012 11:53:19 AM

-- Modified on 8/24/2012 12:02:03 PM

GaGambler136 reads

Or is there something that you would like to tell us? You know, maybe something you need to get off your chest? lmao

Sorry ND, I just couldn't resist.

GaGambler126 reads

-- Modified on 8/25/2012 8:31:07 AM

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