Politics and Religion

GOP rep. says House probably has the votes to impeach Obama...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2478 reads

...Anyone have any ideas what high crimes and misdemeanors Obama has committed to justify an impeachment vote?

it's still nonsense, oh and you proved my point TYVM :-D

Posted By: CallNumber9
They're trying their level best to piss off all these voter groups...And I believe it's starting to work.  

Nixon would have been impeached, but he had to resigned instead. Reagan came close to getting impeached, but his handlers asked him to beg for mercy, which worked.

But the GOP never forgave the Dems for trying to impeach Reagan for trading arms for hostages. So they impeached Clinton for getting his dick sucked, and said, "how do ya like that!" Of course, it just made the GOP look like a bunch of crybabies, mad only because they got caught twice with their hands in the High Crimes & Misdemeanors cookie jar.

Dubya should have been impeached, but Dems looking at how they reacted with Clinton, decided to punt. The man should have been imprisoned for war crimes, but they fucking punted.

Now, if the GOP tries to impeach Obama for some trumped up bullshit when they live in a never-ending fairy-tale conspiracy world, then I gotta think that would mean the gloves would come off for the Dems.

Assuming they didn't chicken out.

the back and forth BS is destroying us. I would, however, go for sticking ever last one of them from both sides of the eisle on a boat to nowhere and starting over.

to do so.  

Most rational people in this country are fed up for sure.

I don't want to go back to Europe.

First; The GOP does NOT have the votes to impeach the President.

Second;  He has not committed any "High Crimes" or "Misdemeanors".  Just disagreeing with policy is NOT grounds for impeachment!  

Third;  The Democratic Senate would NEVER remove President Obama from office.  

Fourth;  This partisan stunt would backfire so bad on the GOP, that they would only be able to squeak out wins in the most conservative states.  

So go ahead and try, and speed up the demise of a party with NO real plans to improve the USA!

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