Politics and Religion

New study on gun control, Good for America?

Ah want mah damn freedum; ahh want mah consteetoushun (is that a big word for tushy back); ah want amerookuh to be grate again and ah have a plan which ah is afrade to tell ya 'bout how's ah kin cost the YOU ESS 5 trillion in tax breaks for da reech and 2.8 trillion to double the defence buhjet but ah don't have time to discuss it lahk mah idol Paul D. Daddy's money Ryan.

An what if we voted on only ideas with no party affiliations and Congress did as well irrespective of who sponsored the bill?  Betch Betcha that would be a laxative for the constipated gridlock in the splenic flexure of congress wouldnnnnnn't it jlo fans?

-- Modified on 10/26/2012 4:26:40 PM

Rape babies make for good soldiers.

Your post had zilch to do with the OP.

ever mention the taboo subject of controlling guns because guns are your penis symbol and facade.  Take away your gun and you're afraid your  dick will be perpetually flacid on so many Fruedian levels.  And since when here has the OP ruled since so many of them are brain dead.

What could I possibly say about the merits of making it much more difficult to own a gun in this country?  Any whackjob can pull up to a gun show on any given weekend in Marietta Georgia and without any verification at all buy any kind of weapons they want.  That ain't changin'.

And you sure as fuck will never hear any candidate for President talk about gun control. You've seen what happens when the question is raised.  Obama would like to control the fuck out of them but his BS answer is that he respects the 2nd amendment. He ain't touchin' it until possibly after the election  but Congress won't touch any bill he sends them.

-- Modified on 10/26/2012 4:32:26 PM

The point of the post was to show the influence of money, in steering policy into law.

I know I'm telling anyone anything they don't allready know.

The firearm debate, is the equivalent of the abortion debate.

It's amazing to me how incredibly SAFE guns are. Ever think of that? Think of how many incompetent fuck tards there are in this country. Well, there's 300 million guns in this country. Just as many guns as there are people!

And yet, we only have 8,000 firearm homicides each year.

8,000 out of 300 million.

To put this in perspective,
9,000 die of food poisoning every year.
16,000 die from aspirin.
24,000 die from lightning (around the world)
40,000 die from automobile accidents.
150,000 die from alcohol use.
300,000 die from tabacco use.
797,000 die from heart disease, diabetes, or stroke.

Yes, McDonald's is more likely to kill you than a Glock. You're more likely to die from a Toyota than from a Beretta. Captain Morgan will kill you faster than the Motor City Madman. Nobody likes guns before butter, but it seems guns are fuck of a lot safer.

And guns aren't just a penis symbol. Some of them are down right cute!

or dose Hopkins have motives?


-- Modified on 10/26/2012 5:22:23 PM

-- Modified on 10/26/2012 5:23:10 PM

From the article:

"When you deny high-risk people access to guns, the evidence shows that saves lives," Daniel W. Webster

Maryland, it turns out, is among a small number of states that already restrict or prohibit gun ownership among the high-risk groups targeted in the report."

That's funny. Looks like prohibiting "high-risk groups" from gun ownership is working wonders in Maryland. Maybe that explains why Maryland ranks #2 in the nation in firearm homicides.

"While studies to date have failed to find these laws put a dent in juvenile murders or suicides, he argued that such limits are warranted because homicide rates are highest among 18- to 20-year-olds."

Good point. We prohibit 18 year olds from buying alcohol too. That's why you will never run into a drunk teenager on a Saturday night.

"The report argues for extending prohibitions already in effect against those convicted of crimes."

Or, in other words, in a nation that jails more people than any other country on earth, it should be pretty easy to deny millions of their 2nd amendment rights entirely.

"It also recommends regulating gun designs to make them safer and less likely to be used in a crime or shooting spree — by, for instance, limiting ammunition capacity to 10 rounds."

Gun design is already incredibly safe. You could throw a loaded Glock off the top of a building and it won't go off when it hits the ground. California already limits capacity. The result? California ranks 18th in firearm homicides, right behind Texas, which has no limits on capacity at all.

"What we're trying to do with this report is show that there are several important reforms that need to be made, that evidence suggests would save lives and that wouldn't take any guns away from any law-abiding adult," Webster said.

The best way to save lives is to look at areas that have high firearm homicide rates, and see what those areas have in common. For some reason a Glock 19 with a 17 round magazine is far more likely to kill you in Camden, New Jersey than in Charlotte, North Carolina. Could it be that it's not the Glock? Maybe it's because Camden is a shit hole.

Yet out of 34 million, there were only 173 firearm homicides in Canada. This despite that there are about the same percentage of homes in Canada that have firearms as there is in the USA.

Could it be it's really not a gun issue at all?

Isn't it strange that the #1 state in firearm homicides is Louisiana, a pro-gun state, and the #2 state in firearm homicides is Maryland, a pro-gun control state?

Could it be it's really not a gun issue at all?

Isn't it strange that both Texas and California are large states with large populations. Texas is a pro-gun state, and California has some of the most strict gun laws on the books. As a result they both have about the same amount of firearm homicides?

Could it be it's really not a gun issue at all?

Isn't it strange that Canada has pretty lax gun laws, and Europe has very strict gun laws, and yet neither Canada or Europe has hardly any firearm homicides at all?

Could it be it's really not a gun issue at all?

You know what Maryland and Louisiana have in common? They both have a lot of places in those states that are SHIT HOLES. Texas and California has about the same number of shit holes places. Europe and Canada is pretty shit hole free.

Could it be it's really not a gun issue at all?

Doctors get to sell drugs legaly, they don't need guns.

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