Politics and Religion

NASA failure, astronaut must return on SpaceX, head of National Space Council Kamala Harris
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 96 reads

As usual, everything Kamala touches turns to shit.  She is head of the National Space Council.  They paid twice as much for the Boeing capsule than the SpaceX capsule.  It's stuck in space.  They have to wait for the SpaceX capsule to come rescue them next spring.  
But but but, Kamala isn't responsible the soibois say.  Of course not.  Everyone knows she is just a figurehead, an empty suit, a DEI hire.  No dispute there.

It’s so weird that the “things Lester just makes up and lies about” are news stories I keep seeing on X.

Oh, you mean the non-journalistic propaganda channel run by one of Trump's biggest donors?
Of course, Wanker believes all of that!

X is freaking awesome. We’re living in the golden age of MSM humiliation as they become ever more irrelevant.

Kamala chairs the National Space Council.
NASA paid more for Boeing capsule than SpaceX capsule.
NASA won't try to bring down the astronauts on the Boeing capsule due to thruster failures.
NASA will wait for SpaceX mission to return astronauts.
Kamala is a figurehead in that role.
Fact after fact.

And you’re implying this makes Kamala responsible for anything that went wrong with NASA. Now that’s just plain stupid. You continue to make anything you say meaningless because you’re not a believable person.

I agree with Zeel. I do not see anything in lester's post that implicates Harris in any specific decisions about contracts or personnel or anything like that. Contrast that with -- are you ready for it? -- but Trump! who dismantled Obama's Pandemic Response Team and withdrew US researchers embedded at Wuhan. Trump's DIRECT AND SPECIFIC ACTIONS (based on an egotistical compulsion to remove anything "Obama") ruined any chance of US Covid awareness occurring months earlier than it did. Of course, Trump also tore up and threw away the Obama Pandemic Response Team's Action Plan and relied on astrology or Tarot cards or scapulimancy with KFC chicken bones to predict 'Covid will be over by Easter.'
And contrast that with -- are you ready for it? -- but Congress! or but The DoD!  The gov HAS been full of scandals regarding interference in the award of contracts. E.g., some huge defense contract went to Microsoft and some other giant company (Google? Amazon?) lobbied Congress to order DoD to re-review the contract award. There was an investigation that validated that there was nothing underhanded in the contract award (or the lobbying efforts canceled out and Team Microsoft Lobby didn't cheat any more than Team Google Lobby cheated).  President Reagan pressured NASA to launch Space Shuttle Challenger in the cold weather because he wanted to brag about it in his Jan 28 1986 State of the Union address. The ENGINEERS said "DO NOT LAUNCH! THE SEALS WILL NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY IN THE COLD WEATHER!!" NASA honchos succumbed to Reagan and OKed the launch. Oops!  
I see no evidence that Harris interfered with the Boeing vs SpaceX contract award or with anything else regarding these missions.
I might was well offer another -- are you ready for it? -- but Hannibal Lecter!! Trump is a big supporter of MANNED space exploration, even to Mars. Most engineers acknowledge the problems with manned space travel: a spec of dandruff can cripple a manned flight and leave it stranded far beyond the reach of any rescue mission. In a real sense, humans CAN give a shit about that but robots CAN'T and don't give a shit about that.

Posted By: Zeel
Re: Dumb and dumberer
And you’re implying this makes Kamala responsible for anything that went wrong with NASA. Now that’s just plain stupid. You continue to make anything you say meaningless because you’re not a believable person.
SpaceX launches were still blowing up as late as November 2023 (less than one year ago).  
(I was going to post about Trump's DECISIONS to impose tariffs bankrupted more farms than ever before, but it's not about space so you can just read about it here: https://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion-boards/politics-and-religion-39/re-did-you-see-trumps-1-hour-and-50-minute-ramble-in-south-dakota-432745 )
SpaceX explosion from Nov 2023:

The point was that Kamala was useless.  Border czar, National Space Council chair, useless useless useless.

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