Politics and Religion

my two cents
salonpas 1674 reads
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This is the only way we can ever hope to move the country forward. The assclowns on Capitol put a nasty sequester in place to make sure a fiscal deal on taxes and spending cuts would be worked out by January 1 and now those same assclowns are trying to weasel out of the deal.  Let's go over the damn cliff!

sassyfla See my TER Reviews 216 reads
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are going to vote themselves out of job?   HMMMM,  probably not.  Congressmen are now looking more towards their next job opportunity and less at what they're doing right now. Unfortunately,  their best offers are coming from the companies that the lobbyists represent.

But,  maybe what we can do is have a law passed that would make it a federal offense for a lobbyist to do any kind of business involving the government or to even show up on the hill, with an absolute certain jail term involved. Then, have another law passed that would put a limit on any contributions made by Unions, large corporations, rich people or banks to representatives that were running for office and that would include the president and anyone that is running for that office. I think that might help curb a lot of this malarkey that goes on in Washington.

We already have term limits though,   they're called elections, "we the people" are at fault as we reelect 90 percent of the incumbents.  While we sit around and wait on the lack of action of passing a term limits amendment by the people we elected in the first place, let's at least vote everyone of these people out of office and start with a clean house. What do we really have to lose?

One more thing that would save us taxpayers oodles of money,  would be to not have to pay for their medical insurance,  let them have the same that we have.  Personally I have an Awesome PPO but,  they would have  probably given me the boot out of the hospitable the second day,  but GWB has been in there well over a month,  not saying that he shouldn't be but lets face it, the hospital would most certainly not extend us the same courtesy,  the taxpayers don't pay for us.

Talk is cheap – except when Congress does it. – Cullen Hightower

-- Modified on 12/28/2012 12:59:56 PM

Makwa 18 Reviews 267 reads
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It's the newly elected TEA Party members that are not allowing a compromise!

Snowman39 365 reads
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I use to think opposite years ago, but it is way overdue!!

pwilley 59 Reviews 218 reads
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The root of the problem is not the term length.... we already have term limits which can be exercised by the voters every election.  Unfortunately, the population of voters has essentially become lazy, uninformed, uneducated, and the gimme generation.  People believe the one liners perpetrated by a biased media on both sides and without any research are doomed to the deceit of the media.

Personally, I don't think there will be solution, only more treachery.  As Kruschev once said, America will bury itself from within, and it certainly appears that we are.

inicky46 61 Reviews 197 reads
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The Founding Fathers did not foresee we'd end up with a bunch of professional politicians as our  -- now dysfunctional  -- ruling class.  After a few terms they should be forced to go back into the real world and earn a living.  I also believe this should apply to the professional bureaucrats of the Administration and to the staffs of Congressional committees.  They all have proven, Dem and Rep alike, that they are incapable of governing, and of putting the country ahead of party and political self-preservation.

goodtimesaddict 230 reads
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I've become more open to this as of late.  I agree that the founding fathers probably never envisioned career politicians being in office for 30-40 years.  But another thing I've thought of is this - no elected official can work for a "lobby/consultant" firm (someone smarter than me will have to define that legally to close the loop holes) for at least 5 years after their last day in office.  This way, we can eliminate the whole "I'm gonna get elected, take some money, then vote for their stuff for a few years then become a well paid lobbyist" thing.  There's too much of that going on as well.  While 5 years isn't perfect, it will provide enough time for things to have changed.  I was also thinking of a thing where you're automatically not eligible for re-election if your congress doesn't pass a balanced budget or just fails to pass an on time budget period (I am from CA). Just my thoughts...I'm frustrated like the rest of you and would love to see change, but we all know they won't vote to limit their income potential..

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