Politics and Religion

my life is about me and my experienceregular_smile
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 429 reads

and you are as annoying as that disgusting look on Michelle Obama's face, fucking up my music, good vibe and buzz.

Who knew Rush Limbaugh's call screener, Snerdly" was black? I thought Rush was a racist?!?!?!

What kind of racist keeps a black man 26 years in such an important position????


Listen to this black man smash the shit out of liberal bullshit pedaled by black race hustlers and their WHITE co-conspirators. Of course you white patzers know better than someone how lives it everyday...NOT!!

Get your Oreos out to dip into a big glass of denial!!



is a 101% Conservative, anti black, anti Hispanic, anti Democrat and anti President Obama propaganda machine.    You need to love your religion, love your guns and hate everything that is not white to believe what they write and talk

Walter E. Williams, a George Mason economist and author of “Race and Economics: How Much Can Be Blamed on Discrimination?” is not a fan of the welfare state that exists in the country. In an appearance on Thursday night’s “Stossel” on the Fox Business Network, Williams argued that welfare has done more damage to black society than slavery or Jim Crow.  

“[T]he welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery could not have done, the harshest Jim Crow laws and racism could not have done, namely break up the black family,” Williams said. “That is, today, just slightly over 30 percent of black kids live in two parent families. Historically, from 1870s on up to about 1940s, and depending on the city, 75 to 90 percent of black kids lived in two parent families. Illegitimacy rate is 70 percent among blacks where that is unprecedented in our history.”  

But this isn’t just relegated to the American welfare state, but is seen in European welfare states as well.  

“Now, it’s not just a matter of a racial thing. Sweden is the mother of the welfare state and illegitimacy in Sweden is 54 percent,” he said.  

Williams explained to host John Stossel that this is a natural effect of welfare policies.  

“Well, because, look, if you subsidize anything, you’re going to get surpluses of it, and if you tax something you’re going to get less of it,” he said. “If you did not get welfare, then people would decide, I’m going to go out and get a job, I’m going to live more responsibly.”  

Posted By: csekhar73
is a 101% Conservative, anti black, anti Hispanic, anti Democrat and anti President Obama propaganda machine.    You need to love your religion, love your guns and hate everything that is not white to believe what they write and talk.  

One can write any bullshir without on shred of data backing it and myopic Americans will buy it and believe it.

there are problems. When able bodied people have never held gainful employment there are issues. From pour white southern counties to urban neighborhoods it makes no difference. These programs are set up for families to barely scrape by and almost impossible to advance off from them. They need to adapt, work programs, education requirements, volunteer requirements... there are many things that could help. Maybe allowing them to earn money for a period of time (up to 6 months) without penalty to help them get a headstart at leaving these programs.  
      There are some areas of the country where disability is above 25%. Is there anyway that's actually possible?  

Posted By: anonymousfun
One can write any bullshir without on shred of data backing it and myopic Americans will buy it and believe it.

This guy notes that illegitimacy rates have gone up in the black community and in Sweden and then blames the increase on welfare. But illegitimacy rates have gone both with respect to women who received welfare and those who did NOT receive welfare.

        Divorce rates have also gone up among women who do not receive welfare, resulting in single parent households. So this tells me there is no cause and effect relationship between welfare and illegitimacy or single parent homes.

     Yes, the Octomom is on welfare and I suspect there are some girls, black and white,  who figure that the more kids they have, the bigger the check. But to conclude that the welfare state has caused more harm to the black family than slavery is ridiculous, and to postulate a cause and effect relationship without explaining why we have a big increase in single parent homes among non-welfare parents flaws his opinion

Harvard BA and a masters from MIT. There are flaws, just as there are flaws in the current system. All I was stating is there are people who believe the current welfare system is hurting the black community. Trapping them in low income housing projects, full of crime, gangs and drugs and expecting them to raise a family. Do I believe its as bad as slavery? No, but there isn't much incentive to better ones self either.  
     "Murray's law is a set of conclusions derived by Charles Murray in his book Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950–1980. Essentially, it states that all social welfare programs are doomed to effect a net harm on society, and actually hurt the very people those programs are trying to help. In the end, he concludes that all social welfare programs cannot be successful and should ultimately be eliminated altogether.

Murray's Law:

1. The Law of Imperfect Selection: Any objective rule that defines eligibility for a social transfer program will irrationally exclude some persons.

2. The Law of Unintended Rewards: Any social transfer increases the net value of being in the condition that prompted the transfer.

3. The Law of Net Harm: The less likely it is that the unwanted behavior will change voluntarily, the more likely it is that a program to induce change will cause net harm."

Posted By: marikod
        This guy notes that illegitimacy rates have gone up in the black community and in Sweden and then blames the increase on welfare. But illegitimacy rates have gone both with respect to women who received welfare and those who did NOT receive welfare.  
         Divorce rates have also gone up among women who do not receive welfare, resulting in single parent households. So this tells me there is no cause and effect relationship between welfare and illegitimacy or single parent homes.  
      Yes, the Octomom is on welfare and I suspect there are some girls, black and white,  who figure that the more kids they have, the bigger the check. But to conclude that the welfare state has caused more harm to the black family than slavery is ridiculous, and to postulate a cause and effect relationship without explaining why we have a big increase in single parent homes among non-welfare parents flaws his opinion.  

that Murray believes should be eliminated bc they are net harmful?

         What about St. Croix? He lives in a California mansion but his property tax is artificially capped by Prop 13. He gets the mortgage tax deduction  a separate deduction for what little property tax he pays?

       Is he being harmed? Or just making out like a bandit?  

      What about Obamacare subsidies? That is pure welfare.  Are they net bad for society?

      So I can’t agree with Murray that all social programs are net harmful.  All economic classes are on welfare.   We just all it by a different name for the middle and upper classes

Like I said the therory isn't perfect. Mortgage tax refunds should be capped by income and property value probably, but since when is a tax deduction the same as welfare? If you paid it in I m not totally against deductions for it.  
      obomacare is very much welfare, it's not a great program. But it probably was necessary considering how fast health care costs were rising.  
       Are there good reasons to have a welfare system? Of course, you d have to be blind not to see it. But you have to admit that the continued growth of these programs and more and more people needing them to survive is an issue? Can you truly tell me there isn't issues?  

Posted By: marikod
that Murray believes should be eliminated bc they are net harmful?  
          What about St. Croix? He lives in a California mansion but his property tax is artificially capped by Prop 13. He gets the mortgage tax deduction  a separate deduction for what little property tax he pays?  
        Is he being harmed? Or just making out like a bandit?  
       What about Obamacare subsidies? That is pure welfare.  Are they net bad for society?  
       So I can’t agree with Murray that all social programs are net harmful.  All economic classes are on welfare.   We just all it by a different name for the middle and upper classes.  

Posted By: marikod
that Murray believes should be eliminated bc they are net harmful?  
          What about St. Croix? He lives in a California mansion but his property tax is artificially capped by Prop 13. He gets the mortgage tax deduction  a separate deduction for what little property tax he pays?  
        Is he being harmed? Or just making out like a bandit?  
       What about Obamacare subsidies? That is pure welfare.  Are they net bad for society?  
       So I can’t agree with Murray that all social programs are net harmful.  All economic classes are on welfare.   We just all it by a different name for the middle and upper classes.  

GaGambler613 reads

except for second amendment issues of course, Mari has been sounding more and more like Willy with each passing month.

Great interview of that anti-black, black guy - James Golden, by that anti-black interviewer Virginia Thomas, who BTW is married to Clarence Thomas.

I'm sure you don't realize (because among other reasons, you never watched the interview) that you just proved several of James Golden's points for him.  

And another BTW, where's that list?


-- Modified on 9/21/2014 4:50:10 PM

DamienScott663 reads

He's always blowing smoke. Loved his idiotic post on the GDB last week. What a tool.  

Posted By: ed2000
Great interview of that anti-black, black guy - James Golden, by that anti-black interviewer Virginia Thomas, who BTW is married to Clarence Thomas.  
 I'm sure you don't realize (because among other reasons, you never watched the interview) that you just proved several of James Golden's points for him.  
 And another BTW, where's that list?  

-- Modified on 9/21/2014 1:10:28 PM

Libs LOVE blacks as long as they think the way they are told, right?

You proved Snerdly's point.

It's devastating, isn't it?

BTW, how's that Hollywood "racial profiling" victim coming along??? What a joke she and you turned out to be!!

I watch a lot of music videos, especially blues.  The President and first Lady are in the audience in a lot  of these videos.  

Michelle Obama looks nothing like a first Lady when white people play for her, her facial expressions (that she cannot hide) speaks loudly "I hate white people".  

Her expression is not the same of mine as enjoyment, as when I hear Buddy Guy

Michele may be a blatant racist. Which fine by me because that would be her prerogative, and not mine.  

However, her facial expressions could be the result of a more complex issue. Where TFL can not relate to any person playing the blues.

probably has something to do with all that hate she absorbed from Jerimiah Wright.  Because I have lived metro Atlanta, and been to several churches where I was the minority.  I have never seen that look of disgust from sweet Southern Belle's in the South.  

Say what you will about Ga or me, but a black lady took care of me as a child, and a black lady took care of my grandmother until the end.  Sorry, but I know a look of disgust from Michelle Obama because I did't grow up with that racial hate!  I blame Jerimiah Wright, their mentors.  "God Damn America!"

and had nothing to do with what I said. Very comical, good job!

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
probably has something to do with all that hate she absorbed from Jerimiah Wright.  Because I have lived metro Atlanta, and been to several churches where I was the minority.  I have never seen that look of disgust from sweet Southern Belle's in the South.    
 Say what you will about Ga or me, but a black lady took care of me as a child, and a black lady took care of my grandmother until the end.  Sorry, but I know a look of disgust from Michelle Obama because I did't grow up with that racial hate!  I blame Jerimiah Wright, their mentors.  "God Damn America!"

and you are as annoying as that disgusting look on Michelle Obama's face, fucking up my music, good vibe and buzz.

That does not mean we can't borrow, share, and enjoy the experience's of others.  

Reality can be a buzz kill, but whose to say what is real and what is not?

Maybe her facial expression says that? But really, does her facial expression really scream "I hate white people"??? I almost want to grab you by the shoulders and shout in your mug, "How the fuck do you know"?
What's your facial expression when you hear Curtis Mayfield or Issac Hayes? or :: cringe::...Johnny Mathis. But really how the fuck would you know, maybe it's you that's reading more into her "facial expression" then what's there. Maybe she's farting or maybe???.....And just curious, did you book many black guys?

my encounters with black men, very passionate.  My first time was in a swinging scenario with a black couple and I remember the excitement of crossing the line :)  No regrets baby

Obama says "I", and determining, by that number, he's a narcissist!   ;)

It's really just what they want to see or hear vs. what's really going on.

you know full well that all politicians are narcissistic and believe they are a different class than us.  That our lives don't matter, and we don't even deserve the truth.  It's for our own good, right?  They look after their own kind is why President Obama is saving GWB from embarrassment.  Must be his white side doing that, JK> :)

like Charles Krauthammer, Obama is the only one worth pointing out, regarding being a narcissist, which makes it appear that they don't share your view, particularly regarding Republicans. Plus, what you said could be said of many successful people, in politics or otherwise. How about not just narcissists, but psychopaths? Here's an interesting link. Notice lawyers are near the top of the list, and most politicians have a law degree. And, journalist are high up on the list. That would include Krauthammer,

you don't have to convince me that I get along better with the right side that serve others.  Can't stand the arrogance self-serving assholes, even someone low on the list like a coke-snorting mayor I saw at a birthday party Saturday night.  They always avoid me at birthdays or BBQ's.  Must be a vibe thing where I am not their kind :)

And where did Krauthammer say:

Well, according to many of those on the right..like Charles Krauthammer, Obama is the only one worth pointing out, regarding being a narcissist,
Posted by mattradd, 9/22/2014 8:46:22 AM  

Where did he say that???? You just pulled that out of your butt. Quite dishonest of you!!!! You're the psychology expert here..what does it say about you that you will lie to make your point??

BTW, was the Media Matters writer whose article you posted in your OP a journalist? I think so....so what's it say about his failed attempt to use the race card in defending O'bimbo? psychopath???? YEP!!:)

Posted By: mattradd
like Charles Krauthammer, Obama is the only one worth pointing out, regarding being a narcissist, which makes it appear that they don't share your view, particularly regarding Republicans. Plus, what you said could be said of many successful people, in politics or otherwise. How about not just narcissists, but psychopaths? Here's an interesting link. Notice lawyers are near the top of the list, and most politicians have a law degree. And, journalist are high up on the list. That would include Krauthammer,

I talking about he seems to only counts Obama's occurrences of using "I."

Are you just playing stupid, or being dishonest again?   ;)



Posted By: mattradd
I talking about he seems to only counts Obama's occurrences of using "I."  
 Are you just playing stupid, or being dishonest again?   ;)

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