Politics and Religion

This fellow goes over Camel toes lies
LostSon 43 Reviews 154 reads

You lefties won’t watch it I’m sure.

I didn't watch it.  
Everything you post is righty drivel.

If you post the SOURCES of the X content, I will read THAT. I am not going to compromise the security warnings on my VPN browser to read X.  
I.e., if defiantyantly got his info from us.gov websites, or MSM stories, or even legit partisan websites (nra.org, etc.) just copy and paste some of those below the X link.  
Does defiantyantly provide SOURCES or does he just assume that "Everybody knows ..." or "I know someone -- a really rich guy; he has a bigly yacht and he used to vacation in Paris every year but now he doesn't go there anymore; wealthy guy -- who told me ..." or "It is a well known fact to the MAGAs on TER P&R that ..."?

Posted By: LostSon

You lefties won’t watch it I’m sure.
Post the SOURCE links and I will take a look.

Why would you want to hear both sides of an issue before writing your next essay.  On the flipside, if you did know both sides, your posts might be twice as long.  Lol      

X is not a SOURCE. X is a distortion filled echo chamber. I look for many sides of the issues using traceable* (verifiable or falsifiable) SOURCES.  
* traceable: Was it from an in-person interview? Was it from an in-person speech, rally, or other event? ... Was it from some guy standing in line at the liquor store? Was it "I just know it in my gut" (as willy has said)?

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Of course you don't, . . . .
Why would you want to hear both sides of an issue before writing your next essay.  On the flipside, if you did know both sides, your posts might be twice as long.  Lol
Image of some 3 dimensional many-sided objects.  

Posted By: impposter
X is not a SOURCE. X is a distortion filled echo chamber
Of course a cultist would say exactly something like this.  
X IS a source. It's only NOT a source when it's convenient to dismiss it.  
If you don't think for one second Imp doesn't have the thought process and the characteristics of a full blown cultist,  you need to think again. I don't know if he still sees providers or not and I don't even want to look. If so, they should all be afraid to see this guy. These extremely long posts of his are not those of a sane person. Cult leader yes, normal person,  hell no!

Why? Because it doesn't do an actual independent journalism. It simply aggregates all kinds of stuff people want to throw up. It doesn't even fact check it. That's what readers of the site must do. X is just an echo chamber that certain fools want to cite when they agree with something they found there. Said fools are totally unable to differentiate between propaganda and facts.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: You are correct. X itself is NOT a source.
Why? Because it doesn't do an actual independent journalism. It simply aggregates all kinds of stuff people want to throw up. It doesn't even fact check it. That's what readers of the site must do. X is just an echo chamber that certain fools want to cite when they agree with something they found there. Said fools are totally unable to differentiate between propaganda and facts.
The left loved Twitter when it was spreading leftist ideals and suppressing speech. Musk buys it and you lefties shit yourselves and attacked him and the cleaned up product known as X then went after the reporters ( who were lefties) for exposing the corruption…🙄🙄🙄

Blue 🥶 goo has ruined your life icky.  

Trumps victory in 2016 cost you your manhood, (I guess that’s why your so pissed)  don’t let it cost you the rest.

He didn't even TRY to respond to what I actually said, which is that what's on X isn't fact-checked and much of it isn't actual journalism.
It really helps to be stupid when you sell yourself to Trump.
Semper Lie.

You have to be smart enough to differentiate between non factual "people posts" and post with actual links to other news media, events and world happenings. You know , kind of the same way we do here??
Same way we have to differentiate between TATAL lies, and actual facts. Something that TATL hates because he's a pathological liar.  
It must REALLY  suck to be behind times that much. Our official shit for brains embarrasses himself again.

But thanks for validating what I wrote even if you're too dumb to realize that you did it.
You really should ask for a refund of whatever you paid for your GED. Or at least the part of it that was supposed to give you reading comprehension.

Not even in the same ball park. Which makes me wonder, Are you drunk??
Although I did say he was a shit for brains and he agreed I guess. So..... ok then I guess that's settled!

I may be drunk but you are STUPID. And tomorrow I'll be sober.
Get it, dimwit?

When you say sober tomorrow,  do you mean midnight 01 to 7:59am?

Also, the nice men would like to know your whereabouts a few hours ago.....

And you are still stupid. As ever.
And just fyi, earlier today I was in New York City.
Earlier today, you were also stupid.
Can fix you.

Earlier today I was fucking.....
Earlier today you were lying .....
Earlier today I was still fucking...
Earlier today your dried up weiner was still broke.....

"Can't" fix dried up limp dicks......

His feeble retort makes it clear he's highly upset and his comeback skills have ebbed to nothing.
Can't fix feeble.
I live in his tiny head rent free.

Every day! I own him....
His feeble rebuttal is that of weak minded loser who has nothing better than what an old man with less than 2 brain cells can muster up. He simply has no game. Which must explain why I always beat him.....
Ain't that right my little puppet. 🤣🤣🤣

Keep copying mine SPOAT, proving to all that in a battle of wits you are unarmed.
Dance, my piñata. Dance!

Continuing to copy my words and make them your own does you no good. It does me good, but you...... you look like the copy cat fool that you are.  
It's getting a bit boring now having a puppet on a string. But you are so easy to own, why not.

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