Politics and Religion

MSNBC and the NY Times are mentally retarded.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 433 reads

Justice Alito raised The Pine Tree flag and these nitwits think it’s a “Christian fundamentalist” flag. Just dumber than toast.  

The Pine Tree flag was one of the flags used during the American Revolution. Those who opposed American independence argued that we had no right of self governance, because of the Divine Right of Kings. The Pine Tree flag was made “An Appeal To Heaven” to reject this doctrine and say Americans have a fundamental right of self government.  

And MSNBC and the NY Times just said that was a Trump “Christian fundamentalist” flag. Just dumber than dog droppings.

Yes, "The Pine Tree flag was one of the flags used during the American Revolution."  But why is Alito flying that flag in 2024?  If you would have used the scientific method, you would have QUESTIONED why.  You seem to think Alito flies the flag to say Americans have a fundamental right of self government.  LOL!  That dispute was settled 250 years ago.

No, willy, in recent years the flag has become associated with Christian nationalism and support for Trump.  And you're also showing the Pine Tree flag in a vacuum as well.  Here it is in proper context - being carried by "tourists" wandering around the Capitol on Jan 6:

And so he argumentatively posted a description of its meaning that made it seem like Alito was innocently unaware of its current meaning.
Please stop lying, Willy.

Of course he did. Willy is well known to be a trolling, gaslighting provocateur. That who he is. That's what he does.

…to demonize one of the symbols of the American Revolution? The flag that means “Democracy” and is quoting John Locke has been twisted in your ridiculous feeble minds as “Christian nationalism”. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

The only reason why left hates this is because they hate patriotism. You can’t wreck the country on purpose if people love their country. That’s why the left hates this iconic symbol of the Revolution.  

Why would a flag that means “Democracy” be used at a protest of a stolen election? Because “Christian nationalism”! Dur-de-dur!!!! I swear leftists are dumber than dog droppings.

Hey, maybe this flag means something other than national unity now. Maybe it means something entirely different because some commie bimbos on MSNBC says it does! Or maybe one of you numbskulls want to give it a new meaning? Who wants to disparage Ben Franklin?

Your grasp of contemporary history, like your grasp of reality, is tenuous. You should read Papi's post again. I couldn't say it better.

A Supreme Court judge flying a flag that means “Democracy”? The horror. What’s next? Is The Star Spangled Banner now a KKK dog whistle?

C’mon, Willy. The woke already kneel for the Anthem. So if you’re standing for you’re probably definitely a racist.

Remember after 9/11 there were leftist politicians trying to ban local fire departments banning fire trucks from flying the American flag. Leftists hate America.

Because it doesn't mean "democracy ". Republicans are against democracy anyway. That's irrefutable. And what it meant 250 years ago is irrelevant. It is now a symbol of Christian nationalism. Why can't you just admit it?

If Jazzy thinks that the Catholic Alito is a “Christian Nationalist”, he’s telling us he doesn’t know what a Christian nationalist is.

How stupid can you possibly be? It’s quoting John Locke in his Second Treatise on Government. You know, the one where Locke said the Divine Right of Kings were shit, and that a people deprived of their rights therefore shall make an appeal to heaven?!? The flag represents Democracy and self-government. The “Christian nationalist” angle was just MADE UP by commie bimbos on MSPMS.

And he's known it from the beginning. He just likes to provoke and deceive. I'll be ChicKenShit knows, too.
Please stop lying, boys.

The entire “Christian nationalism” concept is made up bullshit. It’s a nonsense story commies tell each other to promote their own propaganda. The Pine Tree flag’s meaning doesn’t change because a couple commies dreamt up another meaning and put it in a magazine that no one reads.  

The flag represents the right of all people to be free and to have the right of self-government. Why would a bunch of commies disparage that? Gee, could it be such a sentiment makes their desired communist overthrow of the US government that much harder to achieve?  

The Pine Tree flag has always had one meaning. A meaning that is centuries old. And while communists love to lie about everything, you’re not going to rewrite centuries of history to promote your made up “Christian nationalist” lie. If you hate your own country, then maybe you’d be happier in Cuba or North Korea. If you hate Christianity, then maybe you’re just a bigot. And a communist. But it’s clear why communists are pushing this. You want to demonize patriotism, because it makes communist overthrows easier to achieve.  

There should be a term for gas lighting commies who demonize Christianity and patriotism at the same time in order to try to achieve a communist overthrow of the US government. I think I’m going with Turd Gargler.  

Willy is simply a stark, raving lunatic. He's so deluded he can't even separate bullshit from the truth.
He needs to be on some serious meds.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: I take it back. Willy didn't lie.
Willy is simply a stark, raving lunatic. He's so deluded he can't even separate bullshit from the truth.  
 He needs to be on some serious meds.
Icky displays that he’s fully indoctrinated in the blue stained brain club. Are your lips turning blue to? Or… have you simply started main lining the blue koolaid?  

Thank you for proving Willy’s point in spades.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Why is Jazz dumber than dog droppings?
A Supreme Court judge flying a flag that means “Democracy”? The horror. What’s next? Is The Star Spangled Banner now a KKK dog whistle?
The progrsive left seems to think saying the pledge of allegiance in grade school is a dog whistle.  


Where would a 6th grader dream up that the pledge violated the 1st amendment?  

JAZZY THE PINKO, MAGA does not hate America your side does. Your “inclusion” that you love encompasses such rhetoric all the time. What is it Kendi loves to spout? The cure for racism is more racism?  

Here’s the bottom line the left will twist anything they can to support their changing narrative. The term TDS for instance meaning Trump derangment syndrome  explains lefties loosing their minds over trump.  

The left now attempts to co-opt it saying Trump supporters are crazy for supporting Trump. Which really is just a secondary symptom of their own TDS. Just like calling a traditional flag from history a Christian nationalist flag. 🙄

…is going to get demonized by the Turd Gargling left. Whether it be the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem or even the 4th of July. Because they regularly gargle turds, all they can see is their own hatred for their own country. Thus why communists are such miserable lunatics who gargle turds.

Was that also the case when you were a lefty too, Willy? I know you have difficulty with recent flag history, but how can you have forgotten about when you gargled turds, hated America, and were a miserable, lunatic communist?

Was that also the case when you were a lefty too, Willy? I know you have difficulty with recent flag history, but how can you have forgotten about when you gargled turds, hated America, and were a miserable, lunatic communist?

Shouldn't you be out on a ledge somewhere?

From his shitty link:  

“According to Americanflags.com the pine tree on the flag symbolized strength and resilience in the New England colonies while the words “Appeal to Heaven” stemmed from the belief that God would deliver the colonists from tyranny.”

Wrong. Nicky’s shitty turd gargling link doesn’t once mention John Locke. Which the flag is quoting. It isn’t even a sentiment of Christianity. Turd Garglers just hate Christianity so much they can’t help gargling turds over it.  

This gets better. From the article:

“There are a few different reasons people fly “Appeal to Heaven” flags today, said Jared Holt, a senior analyst at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a London-based think tank that tracks online hate, disinformation and extremism.”

C’mon they interviewed a censorship commie to make their point. Jared Holt? This guy probably downs a pint of liquid diarrhea every night while singing the praises of Stalin.  

The group he works for has a list of press releases. It’s the typical left wing commie bull shit. Let’s fight the disinformation on January 6. Let’s fight the disinformation on climate change. Let’s fight the online hate directed towards the rainbow crowd. Just commie gibberish.  


He thinks the AP is a bunch of pinkos. Willy is also now subject to violent mood swings, veering between temperate but nonsensical posts and angry, demented spewings like this.
Willy needs desperately to be on meds.
What next for poor Willy? A rubber room?

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: Lost has "lost it" again.
Shouldn't you be out on a ledge somewhere?
Are you insinuating that I should… commit suicide?  

Please clarify your remarks?

No. It means that I think you're crazy. It's a line from Seinfeld. Google it when your straitjacket is removed.

And everyone knows that the symbol had been had been used by countless other cultures. The US flag uses 5 pointed stars and the Satanic church does as well. There’s obviously no connection between the two. There’s only so many different shapes you can put on a flag.

I think it’s time for Turd Garglers to finally declare independence from the USA. And what better country than to claim to state of Vermont. But a new country needs a new name. And with a new name, this country needs to instill in Turd Garglers their own self-esteem and confidence in a concept as ridiculous as woke communism really is. To give Turd Garglers that self-esteem that their country is a real one and not just some figment of their own mental illness, this new country needs to be named You’re A Nation.  

The great citizens of You’re A Nation need to adopt a new flag. I propose the Green Mountain Boys flag. Mind you, The Green Mountain Boys were a militia who fought in the Revolutionary War. In May of 1775 the Green Mountain Boys took the British held Fort Ticonderoga. The weapons and cannons they captured were then hauled by hand and on foot over mountains all the way to Boston some 200 miles away. It was with those weapons that General George Washington used to liberate Boston from British occupation. It marked one of the most important victories of the Revolutionary War.  

As the national flag of You’re A Nation, the flag has a whole new meaning. It represents the COURAGE and BRAVERY of those who drive electric vehicles and want to increase capital gains taxes by 10%.

Willy, Were you a "turd gargler" when you were a liberal? It wasn't that long ago, so you must remember.

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: Turd Garglers Finally Get Their Own Country.
Willy, Were you a "turd gargler" when you were a liberal? It wasn't that long ago, so you must remember.
First off, Willy came to the conclusion that being a lefty Liberal was a mistake and changed his ways. Second turd gargling referees to a more extreme form of BLUE Koolaid swilling which, Hummmm you and the rest of the lefties around here do ALOT OF...

…but to be more precise, a Turd Gargler is a leftist who takes a peace of our sacred history of the founding of the greatest nation in the world and turns it into an enemy of woketardedness. It would be like saying “slaves wrote the Constitution while the Founders whipped them”. Or “Ben Franklin was quite the ladies man because he was secretly gay”. Or “A flag quoting John Locke expressing a Natural Right of self-governance is really a message of white supremacy”. Woketards hate this country and they want to disparage everything about it. When they do, they have reached a new low even for them. They have gone from woketards to Turd Garglers.

A typical inane, illogical word-salad from Willy. I submit it is MAGA who hates both democracy and  what America is in 2024 and pines for a return to the 50s - the 1850s.

When I use the word “democracy” I use it as the word’s original meaning. Meaning “rule by the people”. Communists and Turd Garglers alike abuse words like “democracy”. For them “democracy” means “communism”. Or “communism, but we’re not telling you it’s communism, because you’d laugh at us for being so ridiculous and stupid.” It’s like how Turd Garglers call a man in a dress a “woman”, or how Fauci called any criticism of him “an attack on science” when science depends upon peer review. Commie Turd Garglers love to abuse language because it allows them to hide their own deceitful nature.

Either that or Willy has no clue what Communism actually IS. Not to mention that not a single Dem is a Communist or believes in that creed.
Please stop lying, Willy.
Back in the last days of the Soviet Union, factory workers used to say, "They pretend to pay us, so we pretend to work."
Willy has a gubmint job and has admitted he totally dials it in. Ergo, Willy is a Commie.

I guess your symbol of “Christian Nationalism” is a problem when Turd Garglers only decided that’s what it stood for since last Wednesday.

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