Politics and Religion

Mother Should I Trust The Government?
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The lyrics to Mother had both a literal and figurative meaning for Roger Waters. He was literally describing his overprotective single mother (his father was killed in World War II) building walls to protect him from the outside world. The figurative meaning is Big Mother sending its boys off to war and using fear to control and manipulate the masses. At the time he wrote this song in 1979, the Soviet Union was thought to be at its peak of power and the Berlin Wall represented a boundary between good and evil. Nuclear war was still a looming fear. Waters has always had a dim view of totalitarian states and institutions (English schools). Having seen his Wall Tour performance this past summer at Citizens Bank Park with a diverse crowd of 40,000, ranging in age from senior citizens to teenagers, it seems this song has gained new meaning. He sang a duet with himself from 1980 projected on the Wall and when he sang the lyric, “Mother, should I trust the government?” the entire stadium responded in unison – NO!!! This revealed a truth that is not permitted to be discussed by the corporate mainstream media acting as a mouthpiece for the ruling class. A growing legion of citizens in this country does not trust the government. This is very perceptive on their part.

even less good music than Pink Floyd.

But I think country music is pro government. I'm not sure. I don't listen much of it.

back in the early 1970's. he said the records that were flying off the shelves WERE NOT the ones being touted as "top 10" by the radio DJs. And most of those "true" big sellers had an anti-war/anti-government message.

 Our forefathers framed our country so as to be "FREE" of the despotic, enslaving hold that the Banks had over all of Europe.

 The S&Ls got bailed out by U.S. citizens, and we got "Trickle Down" for our largess.

 Goldman Sachs and the Banks again got "Bailed Out" of the Housing Bubble, and the U.S. taxpayer lost his job, home, savings and future for our largess.

 I'm not a religious man; but didn't that Jesus character chase the "money changers" out of the temple?

the trouble is the mainstream news has caused confusion with disinformation.  And people want to know the truth and don't know what to believe.  To me, Ron Paul told the truth that the Federal Reserve needed to be abolished.  And you are correct, that Jesus turned to money tables the exchangers had set up, to make a profit off the silver coins they had to get in exchange to pay their taxes.  It was the only time I am aware of that he used his anger.

Linked a funny picture.  Hope everyone is doing great!

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