Politics and Religion

More people in hospitals get cut into pieces - two differences
dncphil 16 Reviews 274 reads

Often Bain was taking over troubled companies.  Many trouble companies totally collapse and disappear.  One option is to go bankrupt, re-organize, and try to survive and emerge.  

Indeed, that is the purpose of the laws allowing people to go bankrupt.  

Thus, a lot of times Bain was "investing" in companies that were already on the verge of collapse.

More people die in hospitals that in movie theaters because more really sick people are in hospitals.

One other HUGE difference.  Bain was investing private money. You think the doll thing is stupid, so you don't 'invest. Pet Rocks made millions.  He was not investing my money taken from me under threat of jail, or he was not investing Chinese money that my kids will have to pay back.


Posted By: willywonka4u
I caught this on the Daily Show the other day. It appears that when Romney said that half the green companies Obama gave money to went bankrupt. As it turns out, the bankrupcy rate is actually 8%, and that in an economic depression.

An analysis of the 77 companies Bain purchased while Romney was running the company shows that 22% of those companies declared bankruptcy, and this in a period of good economic times.

Who says government can't do anything better than the private sector? :)

Funny bit. It seems that one of the companies Romney's Bain invested in was a company that would make dolls to look like approximate representations of your own children. One wonders why Romney thought this was worth the 2 million dollar investment he made. This, of course, didn't pan out. Romney ended up selling the company for a loss for a measely 12 grand.

Is this the guy you really think can manage our economy better?

I caught this on the Daily Show the other day. It appears that when Romney said that half the green companies Obama gave money to went bankrupt. As it turns out, the bankrupcy rate is actually 8%, and that in an economic depression.

An analysis of the 77 companies Bain purchased while Romney was running the company shows that 22% of those companies declared bankruptcy, and this in a period of good economic times.

Who says government can't do anything better than the private sector? :)

Funny bit. It seems that one of the companies Romney's Bain invested in was a company that would make dolls to look like approximate representations of your own children. One wonders why Romney thought this was worth the 2 million dollar investment he made. This, of course, didn't pan out. Romney ended up selling the company for a loss for a measely 12 grand.

Is this the guy you really think can manage our economy better?

Do you know if ,life like dolls was the same company as Life-Life Life Foam llc? I think this co. was acquired by American capital, was that a Bain company or was that seperate?

Life like and Life-Like Life Foam may have never been the same company, IDK?

I could just be mixing up names

Often Bain was taking over troubled companies.  Many trouble companies totally collapse and disappear.  One option is to go bankrupt, re-organize, and try to survive and emerge.  

Indeed, that is the purpose of the laws allowing people to go bankrupt.  

Thus, a lot of times Bain was "investing" in companies that were already on the verge of collapse.

More people die in hospitals that in movie theaters because more really sick people are in hospitals.

One other HUGE difference.  Bain was investing private money. You think the doll thing is stupid, so you don't 'invest. Pet Rocks made millions.  He was not investing my money taken from me under threat of jail, or he was not investing Chinese money that my kids will have to pay back.


Posted By: willywonka4u
I caught this on the Daily Show the other day. It appears that when Romney said that half the green companies Obama gave money to went bankrupt. As it turns out, the bankrupcy rate is actually 8%, and that in an economic depression.

An analysis of the 77 companies Bain purchased while Romney was running the company shows that 22% of those companies declared bankruptcy, and this in a period of good economic times.

Who says government can't do anything better than the private sector? :)

Funny bit. It seems that one of the companies Romney's Bain invested in was a company that would make dolls to look like approximate representations of your own children. One wonders why Romney thought this was worth the 2 million dollar investment he made. This, of course, didn't pan out. Romney ended up selling the company for a loss for a measely 12 grand.

Is this the guy you really think can manage our economy better?

Green energy has the potential to replace fossil fuels. So when we import oil from Saudi Arabia, what do you think happens to our trade deficit?

We never would have landed on the moon if we gave up on Apollo 1. Investing in a troubled company is a hell of a lot less risky than creating an entirely new and revolutionary market. It also has the potential to improve the lives of billions.

The OP was about the percent of failures with Obama v. Bain, and my first point was that Bain took over companies that were in trouble, so of course there would be a higher failure.  Like more deaths in hospitals than in concerts.  But you ignored that.

As to the second, I was just pointing out the difference between using private money vs. public.  
Of course, making us independent would cut Saudis out.  But that can be done privately to a very large extent.  Prius preceded present Potus.  (sorry. Couldn't resist)  We had thousands of ideas already being invested in before the Stimulus.

There is a corruption that is unavoidable when the government invests in companies of mega-donors to the office holder.  That is why it should be limited to as few cases as necessary.

You might want to double check if stimulus money went to Obama donors.

The percent of failures is significant, because when you're building a company that is trying to create it's own market, it is FAR more likely to fail than trying to save a troubled company that is working in a market that already exists. Remember, Romney headed up Bain at a time of relative economic health. These green energy companies are trying to create an entirely new market and doing it in THIS economy.

Yes, I understand your point in regards to private money vs. public money, but public money built the roads so that private companies can build cars. Public money build created the internet so private companies like Amazon and Ebay can exist. And public money is protecting and securing oil, so private companies like Exxon have something to sell.

I think the only crime here is that we're not putting FAR MORE money into green energy.

More truth in Stewart and Colbert than any news in the US.

Timbow281 reads

Quote :
During his exchange with Stewart, Obama maintained that his administration has kept the American people informed based on the information it has.

"Every piece of information that we get, as we got it we laid it out to the American people," he said. "The picture eventually gets fully filled in."


-- Modified on 10/28/2012 5:58:34 AM

salonpas226 reads

..........timbow you and nuguy have got to stop pulling facts out of your ass hole.

Timbow321 reads

Posted By: salonpas

..........timbow you and nuguy have got to stop pulling facts out of your ass hole.
-- Modified on 10/28/2012 8:35:42 AM

salonpas482 reads

It amazes me how you all on the right grab onto anything you can, to try and make the President look bad, all the while forgetting all the deaths under the watch of previous Presidents. Do you remember the attack of the marines base in Lebanon during Reagan. The embassy attack by Al Queda on our Embassy in Kenya under Bush.  You rightwads act as if this President is the only one who had an embassy attack while he was in the White House. Did you know that there were 7 attacks on Embassies and Consulates under Bush?

Timbow328 reads

Posted By: salonpas

It amazes me how you all on the right grab onto anything you can, to try and make the President look bad, all the while forgetting all the deaths under the watch of previous Presidents. Do you remember the attack of the marines base in Lebanon during Reagan. The embassy attack by Al Queda on our Embassy in Kenya under Bush.  You rightwads act as if this President is the only one who had an embassy attack while he was in the White House. Did you know that there were 7 attacks on Embassies and Consulates under Bush?

-- Modified on 10/28/2012 12:13:26 PM

salonpas261 reads

He ought to be listed in the Guinness Book of World Records

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