Politics and Religion

More deaths - libya or syria?
nuguy46 3438 reads

...aah who cares, as the WH states, leave us alone, 'BHO' is on his initial 2012 "It's All About Me" campaign contribution tour.

Priapus531432 reads

What do you want, Nu ?! For the U.S. to get involved in a FOURTH Middle-eastern war ?

Like I said, hands down, the dumbest poster on this board.

-- Modified on 4/23/2011 1:40:20 PM

nuguy462018 reads

nooooooo...what's the reationale for libya us action , but nothing re: syria???
didn't the big o and his mrs c state it was to protect the citizenry from the slaughter??? so waht's happening in syria?

my point is your prez doesn't have a clue !
or maybe you'd like to blame it on bush?

Priapus531189 reads

As for Libya, it's all about oil. Why NATO is taking a hand.

Same goes for U.S. 2003 invasion of Iraq ; all about the black crude stuff. All this DESPITE what GWB & BHO said about the "humanitarian missions". Don't tell me you're dumb enough to believe everything U.S. Presidents have to say, do you ?! Ever hear of Viet-Nam & Watergate ?!

I'm against BOTH GWB's & BHO's "middle-eastern interventions"

"MY President"?!-----LMAO ! What an imbecile.

Let's see if you can follow the logic.  Obama said we're involved with Libya strictly for humanitarian reasons (then he sorta, kinda said something about regime change, but then sorta, kinda contradicted himself).  But for some strange reason Iran, Syria (and just about every African Republic) don't qualify even though the body count is much higher in these other countries.  No, we don't want a FOURTH war.  We didn't want a THIRD war!  The reasoning is bull shit which is why Obama and that fucking pig Hillary have neither been able to sell it nor explain it.

PS-  Dear Priapus: I proclaim you the biggest douche bag on this board and in the Western Hemisphere.  Everyone who doesn't adhere to your ultra-liberal (err.. independent) ideology is "stupid".  You must have been a champion debater- YOU'RE STUPID AND LOOK AT THIS CARTOON!

And thank you for sharing on your earlier post.  So you used to beat-off to Marilyn Monroe when you were 12?  WOW!!!  Nobody over 40 has ever done that before.  Please tell us if you ever jacked-off to Jayne Mansfield on your next post.  Douche bag.

Priapus531416 reads

I got a "spontaneous erection" without "any touching".  Now, Cartman, many of us can do that ; sorry if you can't. Perhaps someone should mail you a 6 pack of "little blue pills".

Btw, rumor is that you jerked off to photos of decapitated Jane Mansfield after her car accident. Any truth to that ?-----;)

Also, cretin, thoroughly condemned BHO on "middle eastern interventions". What gets the gall of you & your "ilk" is that GWB did the same thing ! It just PAINS you to admit that GWB is widely regarded as one of our worst POTUS's !
Hell-----I'm non partisan enough to admit that same ignominous fate could await BHO in 2012 ! Shit---maybe, I'll vote for his GOP opponent next time--or maybe not at all. But, would a partisan hack such as you do the same ?! NAAAH !

Btw, when you call me a "douchebag", you're obviously engaging in "Freudian projection"-----;)

-- Modified on 4/23/2011 3:56:19 PM

When I was 12 I could have been in a full body cast but still have gotten three full J/O sessions off to Marilyn while watching one of her movies.

I could easily jack-off to a headless Jayne Mansfield.  Anything above her neck wasn't much of a focus anyway.

GodsTruth1400 reads

Take it from me, Cartman, you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on your fat ass.

nuguy461126 reads

It was revealing "Pri" you DID invoke the GWB doctrine the lefties have developed over the past 3 years. Yes, yes, yes, IT is GWB who started all evil in the world.  At least we knew where he stood, why he did what he did....much. mucj more than the best "US campaigner in chief" has done during his tenure.

if you think that Pria is an ultra lefty, then might I suggest you get out more. Or read a book once in a while.

Janes Mansfield was always so much hotter than Marilyn though. And they both were long dead before I was born. But in this poster's humble opinion, neither of them can hold a candle to many of the lovely providers around here.

Priapus531112 reads

The board "unwashed right" calls me an "ultra lefty". One implies that the New York Times is not "a credible news source" They all behave like the 8 disastrous years of GWB didn't exist.

Read a book ?! Hell---they couldn't even COLOR a book !-------:)

Please remind me of one thing Obama has improved over the last 2 1/2 years.  The last 2 1/2 years that "independents" such as yourself continue to ignore.

Take your time.

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