Politics and Religion

"Meanwhile bridges keep on collapsing."
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 3495 reads
1 / 60

...200,000+ job gains.  That hasn't happened since 1995 when, not so coincidentally, a Democrat was President.

And they weren't just burger-flipping jobs.  Many were higher-paying jobs in manufacturing and healthcare.

GaGambler 679 reads
3 / 60

I hold you personally responsible for FB's return.

I think maybe I will go hang out on GD for a while. Between Hadji, FatGirl, and now Fatboy. I don't see an intelligent thought making it's way onto this board for weeks. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Willy and Nuguy show up mere hours apart as well. Maybe it was too soon to crown fatgirl SPOTY of this board? There are still over three weeks to go before the year is over.

followme 614 reads
4 / 60


You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

followme 720 reads
5 / 60

sh added 4 trillion to the National debt in 8 years.

obama added 9 trillion to the National Debt in 6 years.


So that must make obama really, really Unpatriotic.

Also under obama’s watch china has overtaken the United States as the worlds largest economy  
Now that is irresponsible…….. That is UNPATRIOTIC.

You’re Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and hous

followme 849 reads
6 / 60

It is back to bascis for me, hope I play my "Cards" Right...lol

Thank You  
2014 = 59 = 13 in a row

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 665 reads
7 / 60

The  problem with  affirmative action passing grades, you aren't required  to understand.
    No doubt , math and facts are your weakest  links .
          Like 1995, 2015 will have a Republican majority House and Senate.  
    Once the 30 hour rule is removed from  the ACA, part time jobs will become full time again.
       Let the good times roll. :-D

  One question for you bimbo, if the Republican House has stifled  economic progress the last few years ,  what's the  catalyst that's making it better ?  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...200,000+ job gains.  That hasn't happened since 1995 when, not so coincidentally, a Democrat was President.

And they weren't just burger-flipping jobs.  Many were higher-paying jobs in manufacturing and healthcare.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 728 reads
9 / 60

Similar to the job boom of the late 90s after republicans passed welfare to work!

Posted By: BigPapasan
...200,000+ job gains.  That hasn't happened since 1995 when, not so coincidentally, a Democrat was President.

And they weren't just burger-flipping jobs.  Many were higher-paying jobs in manufacturing and healthcare.

JackDunphy 757 reads
10 / 60

"The jobs that were created skewed heavily toward lower quality. Full-time jobs declined by 150,000, while part-time positions increased by 77,000."

Maybe you think that full time jobs declining while lower quality jobs increasing is a great thing? I guess so.

Face it BP. The 1% LOVE the Obama economy. The middle class and working poor?  Um.....no.

-- Modified on 12/6/2014 12:38:15 PM

JohnyComeAlready 771 reads
11 / 60

Wich is a new form of quantitative easing... AKA federal economic manipulation.

Liberals will believe anything they are told.

Per your own post, Why raise the minimum wage, when there have been so many higher wage jobs introduced to the market?

User1994 23 Reviews 670 reads
14 / 60

We've been hearing stories like this for 6 years and the economy has gotten worse and worse. I know the New York Times is completely unbiased and would never make this up to make Obama look better.

mattradd 40 Reviews 562 reads
15 / 60

My wife has a job. All my adult kids have jobs! There's no adult, in my family, that does not have a job! So, there must be jobs!  ;)

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 674 reads
16 / 60

Lets look to the future and see the project debt that will be Obama's messes we'll have to clean up

mattradd 40 Reviews 610 reads
17 / 60
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 757 reads
18 / 60
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 655 reads
19 / 60

Put an end to that and viola!!

So simple...
Posted By: User1994
We've been hearing stories like this for 6 years and the economy has gotten worse and worse. I know the New York Times is completely unbiased and would never make this up to make Obama look better.

JohnyComeAlready 651 reads
20 / 60

That dose not guarantee there is any work to do at any of those six jobs.  

Posted By: mattradd
My wife has a job. All my adult kids have jobs! There's no adult, in my family, that does not have a job! So, there must be jobs!  ;)
I'm also in sales.  Could I sell you a clue today?

bigguy30 730 reads
21 / 60

So yes things are not perfect but compared to 2008.

You have to be hitting the bottle pretty hard not to see things are improving.

Plus no other President has had a consecutive monthly jobs report like this in a long time.

Also he had to deal with a lot of bullshit from the GOP!

-- Modified on 12/6/2014 9:20:15 PM

bigguy30 888 reads
22 / 60

So this is nothing new for them.

The last six years was clear they don't want this President to succeed in anything.

Just imagine if two face Mitt had these types of Jobs reports?

We would be hearing the GOP garbage every day! Lo

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 763 reads
23 / 60

The economy isn't in the state it's in because of any-fucking-thing going on in Washington. Congress ain't passing shit. Obama is limited to what few things he can do. Hell, the Supreme Court is the most busy branch of government these days. That should tell ya something. Basically, when it comes to the federal government, everyone is asleep at the wheel. This is the least productive Congress in all of US history. Congress got more done when they had to ride horses across the country to vote in Washington. Dick-all is getting passed.

So, no. No one should get any fucking credit at all for the economy. Not Obama. Not Congress. No one. The shit is just flying on it's own. Given that everyone still seems to be broke, I'd say it's another bubble beginning to develop.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 661 reads
25 / 60

keep the supreme court even busier.

Reason: No one in congress has read the Constitution and if they have they didn’t comprehend. Same goes for Repubscum Governors and sate attorney general.

New Constitutional debate: Can a black POTUS issue Executive Order and if so, does the Caucasians have to abide by it?

Case: 27 Repubscum attorney generals filed case against Obama’s immigration executive order led by the smartest governor in the country from Texas.

GaGambler 837 reads
26 / 60

When you say "No One" I take it you mean no "politician" should take credit. I maintain that any credit should be given to the private sector that you used to hate so much. This "recovery" has happened in spite of government, certainly not because of it.

Since you seem to finally be coming around to my way of thinking, why not vote for who is the "least" likely to "get things done" Not getting anything done in Washington seems to be the preferential outcome.

As for any bubbles, the only bubble I see is in the stock market. Low interest rates have made it virtually impossible to simply "sit on the sidelines" so all that money looking for a place to go had to go somewhere, so the stock market was the only viable choice for most, and while I tend to agree that the market is overvalued and overheated, I don't see the bubble bursting until there is someplace else for the money to go, but when it does burst things could get bloody. If I were "fully invested" in the market, I would keep my finger on the sell button and be ready to get out at the first sign of weakness, even if that first sign might still be another year or two out, or even longer.

613spades 5 Reviews 655 reads
27 / 60

It's not good right now...

Posted By: willywonka4u
The economy isn't in the state it's in because of any-fucking-thing going on in Washington. Congress ain't passing shit. Obama is limited to what few things he can do. Hell, the Supreme Court is the most busy branch of government these days. That should tell ya something. Basically, when it comes to the federal government, everyone is asleep at the wheel. This is the least productive Congress in all of US history. Congress got more done when they had to ride horses across the country to vote in Washington. Dick-all is getting passed.  

So, no. No one should get any fucking credit at all for the economy. Not Obama. Not Congress. No one. The shit is just flying on it's own. Given that everyone still seems to be broke, I'd say it's another bubble beginning to develop.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 633 reads
28 / 60

Let's mint 5,000,000 new work permits for non tax paying illegals!!!

Brilliant solution!

GaGambler 631 reads
29 / 60

I wonder if by Mari's logic people who have hung onto their portfolios since NASDAQ 5,000 oh so many years ago are now about to celebrate how smart they were not to sell when the market imploded?

Yes, Mari is fun to pick on. Sometimes I think he goes out of his way to get on the wrong side of EVERY issue, but I will give credit for one thing. The Blue Devils are looking pretty good so far. They actually covered a 30+ point spread and went "over" for me a couple of weeks back.

JohnyComeAlready 685 reads
30 / 60

Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it ?

I doubt if Matt, could find the logic in this plan.

St. Croix 812 reads
31 / 60

Am I being mean spirited by picking on mari? We had the BAC comedy material for so long. It was fun reading his justifications. He finally sold it, and of course claimed victory, albeit probably more of a moral than financial victory, but he won't admit to that. So back in early July, he went in "in a big way" (his words) and bought Freeport McMoRan. FCX was at a 52 week high back then. He is betting on copper, but what he failed to realize is that FCX acquired a couple of oil and gas companies in order to diversify. China's not importing more copper, and I don't have to tell you where the price of oil is today. FCX is now trading at $26.  

So when mari goes off on guns, Obamacare, California property taxes, and god knows what else, we'll just have to remind him of his financial acumen (lol).  

So willy said Obama or the govt should not take credit for the economy. What an epiphany, at least for willy.

GaGambler 812 reads
32 / 60

and was either of us talking to you, or even talking about Obama?

You really are TSTTT, no wonder you have to butt into every thread like a little kid begging for the adults to notice him.

bigguy30 788 reads
33 / 60
wrps07 717 reads
34 / 60

People are taking kids off family health insurance plans. That means children have to work when they get 18. No more free ride. People are cutting back on cable, eating out. Everyone I talk to is paying $900 or more for family plan health insurance, talking about the stuff they are cutting back.

HONDA 153 Reviews 721 reads
35 / 60

Here is a chart showing the S&P 500 companies that have been buying back their own stocks (often by borrowing cheap money to do so) and companies that haven't bought back hundreds of billions of dollars in their own stock.

The un-manipulated sector rose a bit, while the stock buyback crowd has soared

bigguy30 774 reads
37 / 60
bigguy30 683 reads
38 / 60

So not everybody is crying about the ACA law.

Also you having problem with it does not mean everybody is having the same problem!

Just know that every law has it good points and bad points.

The overall success in the long term is what's important and not short term issues!

bigguy30 840 reads
39 / 60

Posted By: User1994
We've been hearing stories like this for 6 years and the economy has gotten worse and worse. I know the New York Times is completely unbiased and would never make this up to make Obama look better.

wrps07 690 reads
40 / 60

You can't deny that insurance premiums going from $300 a month to $900 a month is not going to take a major hit on the economy. It makes me mad as a fuck every time I think about it. Mr Gruber even acknowledged that it was a back end tax increase. The insurance companies were charged extra taxes to pay for the folks who get the insurance for free or can't pay. Insurance companies went on and passed that as huge insurance premium rate increases. That is why insurance under writers are showing before and after impacts of ACA when they sign up corporations for corporate health insurance.

bigguy30 817 reads
41 / 60
followme 712 reads
42 / 60


Yes I know and you know I know  ....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  

you outed yourself

JohnyComeAlready 791 reads
43 / 60

How can you be so blind to something as transparent as the ACA?

What will happen long term is going to be FAR worse than what is happing now in the short term.
Posted By: bigguy30
So not everybody is crying about the ACA law.  
 Also you having problem with it does not mean everybody is having the same problem!  
 Just know that every law has it good points and bad points.  
 The overall success in the long term is what's important and not short term issues!

bigguy30 746 reads
44 / 60

So a law that is helping some Americans get healthcare is hurting people?

You and the others clowns are blinded by your own stupidity and hatred!

If you don't like it then tell the GOP in congress to give up their personal healthcare.

I sure the taxpayers can start saving money from these ass clowns double talking themselves on healthcare!


Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
How can you be so blind to something as transparent as the ACA?  
 What will happen long term is going to be FAR worse than what is happing now in the short term.  
Posted By: bigguy30
So not everybody is crying about the ACA law.  
  Also you having problem with it does not mean everybody is having the same problem!  
  Just know that every law has it good points and bad points.  
  The overall success in the long term is what's important and not short term issues!

bigguy30 831 reads
45 / 60

I see your stupid ass again has nothing when posting a comment.

So when you stop drinking and realize how stupid you sound.

Then maybe you can stop lying ladyboy. LoL
Posted By: followme
 Yes I know and you know I know  ....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  
 you outed yourself

-- Modified on 12/7/2014 8:59:25 PM

followme 709 reads
47 / 60

ou fucked up and outed yourself,  you know it I know it, and you little girlieboy are not man enough to have the courage to admit it.  

Man up little sissy boy, grow a pair and admit it.  

You’re Welcom

bigguy30 740 reads
48 / 60

You have proved on here already lying is your way.

Since you love to twist people comments.

Just like your TER reviews are in question.

So we never met but you assume I am old? Lol

I guess you can't control yourself clown!

Thanks for the laughs asshole and put down the bottle now.
Posted By: followme
 You fucked up and outed yourself,  you know it I know it, and you little girlieboy are not man enough to have the courage to admit it.  
 Man up little sissy boy, grow a pair and admit it.  
 You’re Welcome  

-- Modified on 12/7/2014 11:46:54 PM

-- Modified on 12/7/2014 11:51:28 PM

bigguy30 852 reads
49 / 60

You conservative clowns love making up bullshit and lying.

So don't cry like a bitch next time you are exposed again! Lol


-- Modified on 12/7/2014 9:58:34 PM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 749 reads
50 / 60

Yes, the economy has recovered, largely in spite of government. I certainly don't think this is a good thing. Washington being so broken that nothing gets done isn't good.

Basically, the Democrats, in their heart of hearts, would like to pass good things that would help the country, but they're so beholden to their special interests (read: making various minority groups happy with some dumb handout) that they can't do anything that really benefits the entire country. The Democratic party, at this point, is more likely to push a bill that says, "Lesbians are neat-o" than a bill that does anything to actually help your average working stiff.

The Republicans, on the other hand, would prefer to pass a bill that makes it legal for Congressmen to kick homeless people in the nuts if they happen to see them on the street. There are no more Republican statesmen. Today you just have a bunch of Freeper trolls and Born-Again nut bags who think the best thing that could happen to this country would be for the rapture to happen.

Between the two, nothing gets done, and systemic problems continue to build up. This country is living on borrowed time. Eventually all this shit is going to collapse. I often wonder if I shouldn't just quit my job, sell my house, and go buy a farm in the middle of nowhere and wait for it all to come to an end.

followme 776 reads
51 / 60

I never assumed you are old I was MOCKING YOU and the FACT that YOU ASSumed that GaG is old.

As for my reviews , I take it you are ASSuming they are fake as you stated in a previous post (you know the post you outed yourself.)

 You posted This


under your real TER name then changed it to your alias.

Well littlegirlieboy30 prove my reviews are fake, c’mon be a man and prove what you say is true and if you cannot prove it that is proof you are a fucking liar.

So are you man enough to meet the challenge or are you going to prove to us all you are a lying sissy ass girlieboy.  

You're Welcome 96 times

Posted By: bigguy30
You have proved on here already lying is your way.  
 Just like the fact reviews you have on here.  
 Also you must not be about to read very well.  
 So we never met but you assume I am old? Lol  
 I guess you can't control yourself clown!  
 Thanks for the laughs asshole and put down the bottle now.  
Posted By: followme
  You fucked up and outed yourself,  you know it I know it, and you little girlieboy are not man enough to have the courage to admit it.    
  Man up little sissy boy, grow a pair and admit it.    
  You’re Welcome  
-- Modified on 12/7/2014 10:01:35 PM

bigguy30 906 reads
52 / 60

You can't even get your own comments straight with your lies.

GaGambler mention on here himself he is old.

Also you are the one trying to change and repeat comments on here.

So your reviews are in question ladyboy.

If you keep lying why should anybody believe you.

The fact you think I am crying over your lying comments is further proof your drunk. Lol

Thanks for the laughs scumbag you have no credibility! LoL

Posted By: followme
I never assumed you are old I was MOCKING YOU and the FACT that YOU ASSumed that GaG is old.  
 As for my reviews , I take it you are ASSuming they are fake as you stated in a previous post (you know the post you outed yourself.)  
  You posted This  
 under your real TER name then changed it to your alias.  
 Well littlegirlieboy30 prove my reviews are fake, c’mon be a man and prove what you say is true and if you cannot prove it that is proof you are a fucking liar.  
 So are you man enough to meet the challenge or are you going to prove to us all you are a lying sissy ass girlieboy.  
 You're Welcome 96 times  
Posted By: bigguy30
You have proved on here already lying is your way.  
  Just like the fact reviews you have on here.  
  Also you must not be about to read very well.  
  So we never met but you assume I am old? Lol  
  I guess you can't control yourself clown!  
  Thanks for the laughs asshole and put down the bottle now.  
Posted By: followme
   You fucked up and outed yourself,  you know it I know it, and you little girlieboy are not man enough to have the courage to admit it.    
   Man up little sissy boy, grow a pair and admit it.    
   You’re Welcome    
 -- Modified on 12/7/2014 10:01:35 PM
-- Modified on 12/8/2014 1:03:33 AM

GaGambler 796 reads
53 / 60

By "passing good things" what you really mean are bills that steal my money to give to those who planned poorly, didn't put out any effort, or didn't plan at all. There is no such thing as "free" to give to one person you must by necessity take from someone else.

I personally can live with nothing getting done in Washington, when things do get done they are likely to be things like the Patriot Act or Obamacare,  I think gridlock is hugely preferable to either.

You remind me of Mari, who's idea to save California is to raise St C's property tax, but at least he doesn't propose taking his entire house, I know in your heart of hearts you would be overjoyed if the Federal Government stole every penny I have. Of course the problem is, just like a junkie who steal every penny his parents have until they are broke and out on the street, even if you stole every penny us "rich people" have, until the country gets spending under control it will only  put off the inevitable but their won't be any rich people left to steal from.

followme 829 reads
54 / 60

Having a temper tantrum and doing pee-pee in his panties.

Since you are not man enough to meet the challenge, (as I knew you would not) you prove to us all you are a little sissy boy.

I do not have the time today to put up with your nonsense, so go ahead and put your dishonest, distorted and malicious spin on it and have the last word, and I know you will because you are predictable. Then go back in the corner and pout, cry, whine like the angry little girlie-boy you are.

You’re welcome 96 times

BTW you need a diaper change too.  


Posted By: bigguy30
You can't even get your own comments straight with your lies.  
 GaGambler mention on here himself he is old.  
 Also you are the one trying to change and repeat comments on here.  
 So your reviews are in question ladyboy.  
 If you keep lying why should anybody believe you.  
 The fact you think I am crying over your lying comments is further proof your drunk. Lol  
 Thanks for the laughs scumbag you have no credibility! LoL  
Posted By: followme
I never assumed you are old I was MOCKING YOU and the FACT that YOU ASSumed that GaG is old.  
  As for my reviews , I take it you are ASSuming they are fake as you stated in a previous post (you know the post you outed yourself.)  
   You posted This  
  under your real TER name then changed it to your alias.  
  Well littlegirlieboy30 prove my reviews are fake, c’mon be a man and prove what you say is true and if you cannot prove it that is proof you are a fucking liar.  
  So are you man enough to meet the challenge or are you going to prove to us all you are a lying sissy ass girlieboy.    
  You're Welcome 96 times  
Posted By: bigguy30
You have proved on here already lying is your way.    
   Just like the fact reviews you have on here.    
   Also you must not be about to read very well.    
   So we never met but you assume I am old? Lol    
   I guess you can't control yourself clown!    
   Thanks for the laughs asshole and put down the bottle now.    
Posted By: followme
    You fucked up and outed yourself,  you know it I know it, and you little girlieboy are not man enough to have the courage to admit it.      
    Man up little sissy boy, grow a pair and admit it.      
    You’re Welcome    
  -- Modified on 12/7/2014 10:01:35 PM
-- Modified on 12/8/2014 1:03:33 AM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 674 reads
55 / 60

...then that would be a good thing. But that's not what I'm talking about here. This country has massive problems. I just saw a episode of 20/20 the other day about the state of our infrastructure. This doesn't look like the strongest country in the world. It looks like a nation ready to collapse. Just look at how insane defense spending is. The nature of the enemy has changed, yet we'll never stop building tanks. We're wasting money by the billions in order to keep building shit we don't need, because it amounts to a jobs program. Meanwhile bridges keep on collapsing. We have a railway system that is based off of 19th century technology. We have bridges in Pittsburgh that was built before the Great Depression. Instead of building new bridges, we've built concrete platforms to catch falling chucks of concrete falling off those bridges.

A nation that never has trouble finding money for war, but never can find money to repair it's inner rot is a nation that can't survive for long.

And it's not just infrastructure. It's our entire political system. The very structures of our economy is not sustainable. None of this can last.

JackDunphy 714 reads
56 / 60

if some person Croix didn't know was selling drugs on one little bit of his 3 acre spread. lol. So GaG, please don't oversell Mari's reasonableness.  

And how funny is it that libs are arguing if Obama just had the ability to put thru MORE spending all would be better?

Try telling the average American that the federal govt is being too frugal with taxpayers money. Let me know how that works out for them. lol

And who was it that told us about all those "shovel ready jobs" just waiting for that stimulus money? Oh yeah! The same guy that later said they don't exist! lol

-- Modified on 12/8/2014 1:31:15 PM

JackDunphy 524 reads
57 / 60

What bridges are "collapsing" due to neglect?

bigguy30 762 reads
58 / 60

You don't have anymore time because your lies have been exposed.

So is it that hard to talk without lying in your comments?

If you think I am upset with your comments then you really are crazy.

Also I guess you missed the remarks laugh at loud or thanks for the laughs in my last comment?  

I will say it again thanks for the laughs asshole! LOL



Posted By: followme
 Having a temper tantrum and doing pee-pee in his panties.  
 Since you are not man enough to meet the challenge, (as I knew you would not) you prove to us all you are a little sissy boy.  
 I do not have the time today to put up with your nonsense, so go ahead and put your dishonest, distorted and malicious spin on it and have the last word, and I know you will because you are predictable. Then go back in the corner and pout, cry, whine like the angry little girlie-boy you are.  
 You’re welcome 96 times  
 BTW you need a diaper change too.  
Posted By: bigguy30
You can't even get your own comments straight with your lies.  
  GaGambler mention on here himself he is old.  
  Also you are the one trying to change and repeat comments on here.  
  So your reviews are in question ladyboy.  
  If you keep lying why should anybody believe you.  
  The fact you think I am crying over your lying comments is further proof your drunk. Lol  
  Thanks for the laughs scumbag you have no credibility! LoL  
Posted By: followme
I never assumed you are old I was MOCKING YOU and the FACT that YOU ASSumed that GaG is old.    
   As for my reviews , I take it you are ASSuming they are fake as you stated in a previous post (you know the post you outed yourself.)    
    You posted This    
   under your real TER name then changed it to your alias.    
   Well littlegirlieboy30 prove my reviews are fake, c’mon be a man and prove what you say is true and if you cannot prove it that is proof you are a fucking liar.    
   So are you man enough to meet the challenge or are you going to prove to us all you are a lying sissy ass girlieboy.    
   You're Welcome 96 times    
Posted By: bigguy30
You have proved on here already lying is your way.    
    Just like the fact reviews you have on here.    
    Also you must not be about to read very well.    
    So we never met but you assume I am old? Lol    
    I guess you can't control yourself clown!    
    Thanks for the laughs asshole and put down the bottle now.    
Posted By: followme
     You fucked up and outed yourself,  you know it I know it, and you little girlieboy are not man enough to have the courage to admit it.      
     Man up little sissy boy, grow a pair and admit it.      
     You’re Welcome      

-- Modified on 12/8/2014 11:38:01 AM

86H13LTP 612 reads
59 / 60


nuguy46 486 reads
60 / 60
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