Politics and Religion

How come the government has not banned birth control pills ?
VeryConcerned0 2802 reads

Just about every lady that I talk too who has breast cancer has used some type of birth control pills/or birth control patches. Back in 1960 only 1 out of 20 women came down with breast cancer. Today it is 1 out of 8. How come no one is talking about this ? Is because the topic is politically incorrect ?

mrnogood1313 reads

Because not only was it a known cancer causer, but also increased the risk of stroke and heart attack in women, but then allowed pharmacies to recreate it under the "bio- Identical" production..

The FDA is totally corrupted by big-pharma just like our doctors.. Big pharma, not only builds medical schools, but sends most doctors to school on their scholarship programs

and a quick look online would show you the the government is a revolving door between big pharma and the FDA

...these days?  The article you cite refers to only a very rare form of breast cancer yet you bootstrap it to infer that birth control pills cause all breast cancer.

mrnogood1883 reads

I think because of ALL the poisonous additives they put in our food like this

"American McNuggets (190 calories, 12 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat for 4 pieces) contain the chemical preservative tBHQ, tertiary butylhydroquinone, a petroleum-based product. They also contain dimethylpolysiloxane, “an anti-foaming agent” also used in Silly Putty."

Our government is so corrupt MOST of our food is a GMO or has DANGEROUS additives like above or wood http://www.google.com/search?q=food+has+wood+in+it&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

Lets not even mention how the shots DO have mercury in them and our newborns are shot up 15 shots with low dose mercury http://www.google.com/search?q=vaccination+have+mercury&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

Human's are getting sicker because everywhere we turn we're being bombarded with TOXIC chemicals..

and this answer also makes sense..

Obviously between all the crap the FDA has allowed in our foods, and all the crap china sends us ONTOP of 10 or 15  mercury laden shots at birth we're getting sick...

Just an IMHO..

harmones are NOT harmless.. and my wife is a nurse/midwife who just got over menopause, I feel like an expert on harmones..lol, and it's understood these BC pills are unhealthy in the medical field, that's why so many of them have been pulled


-- Modified on 2/5/2012 3:41:32 PM

They block a woman's ability to sense MHC -- Major Histocompatibility Complex.

The ability to sense MHC encourages women to mate with men whose immunities are different but complementary to produce the most immunologically fit offspring.

When a woman dates and marries a man while on the pill, and subsequently goes off the pill to important things happen:

1) She often makes babies with a man who is not a proper immunological match so her babies will be more prone to asthma and other problems
2) She will find her husband less attractive. Some scientists believe a major cause of sexless marriages, cuckoldry and divorce is women who married men while they were on the pill.

The fact of the matter is that convincing your body that you are pregnant 365 days a year, year after year, is bound to have certain adverse repercussions because you are screwing with nature big time.

However, as we are promoting the self-genocide of our society, this is no big deal. Populations of all western nations are declining so much they have to import replacement populations just to keep things running; and encouraging birth control is a part of that.

So the pill will continue to be promoted because of the role it plays in messing up our families and because it helps with self-genocide -- both of which are obviously important goals of its promoters because if *I* know these things you can bet that *they* know them too and continue to promote in spite of them.

Now, I don't think the pill or any other drug should ever be banned. But I DO think that women should be given COMPLETE information as to the risks in terms of their mate choices.

mrnogood1108 reads

have killed people..

It's the real newer ones they're giving women that are the real bad ones, the tried and true older ones are a lot safer than the new stuff..

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