Politics and Religion

Maybe this is why Hillary was in China during the DNC
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1496 reads

Only news on google was she wasn't well received.  Is examiner a legit news, or is it like a national enquirer?  Thank You.

Cabinet members cannot be part of political campaigns same goes for all federal employees.

Nice try though

Posted By: anonymousfun
Cabinet members cannot be part of political campaigns same goes for all federal employees.

Nice try though

China uses Yuan as currency its various trading partners, Brazil being one of the biggest Chinese trading partner to do last year. Just in case you are not aware, China imports lots of minerals from Brazil for its manufacturing base. Along with Brazil, many African countries has agreed to do so where China has invested heavily in mining, and petroleum exploration and are developing oil well to secure their energy future. Along with it, China is investing very heavily in building infrastructure in those countries, roads, bridges, pipelines, posts and even planned cities.

Also realize the fact that large portion of China’s oil imports is from Iran which due to UN Sanctions is prohibited from trading in US dollar and Iran cannot use International banking system which uses US $, so both countries use Yuan which they started doing ~ 5 years ago.

Finally, China does not export oil because it has none to export and is the largest consumer of energy due to simple fact that, China is the largest manufacturer in the world today, so the article is full of shit. Every country shown on the country have been trading in Yuan for at least five years.

So the article just  brought it up for partisan purpose and decided not to reveal “facts they didn’t like”.

May be you have heard the term BRICS (if not Google). China have been pushing to make Yuan trading currency among them for years and Russia supports them for obvious reasons. The only country strongly opposing that move is India, again for obvious reasons.

There is lot going on this world and any one interested in that sort of thing reads variety of publications from all over the world. There are many papers and magazines published in every part of the world and if you start reading them, you will find out what information and manipulated information they are giving you. Anyone and everyone who, only reads this crap and coming here or anywhere that matter pretending to be “in the know”, being aware, intelligent, well rounded, and well rounded is not even close.

You want unbiased well analyzed Economic Information, read the Economist.

You want articles on world events unbiased read BBC, Guardian, Times, Asia Today, Business Week, etc. Yes, you can simply dismiss them all saying they are liberal and biased main stream media and stick to partisan propaganda and become dumber and dumber by the day.

There are lot of things going on this world and the US cannot control these events even though we believe we are next in line to the almighty god so we can do anything we want, not so in reality.

Again, the article is misleading, misinformed and full inaccuracies, none of what it claims happened recently all of it were in the works since 2008.

The crisis US Bankers created was also a catalyst and there are discussions in international organizations such the IMF and World Bank to replace US $ as the international currency with multiple currencies from high growth currencies, Euro and the $.

If US doesn’t regulate Wall Street bankers, it will happen when the economy picks up because none of the nations that were affected by the Wall Street shenanigans want the same things to happen.

Complex issues cannot be wiped way by simply blaming Obama or calling him names or by pure BS. Like it or not, we are all dependent on each other our fortunes and misfortunes are tied together.

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