Politics and Religion

Marikod, you're back after SC mercilessly ragged you ?
Priapus53 137 reads

I DO hope your BAC stock is ok------be sure to relax with a Wine Spritzer as you read my posts--:) In the midst of an economic boom, during Governor Mitt's 1 term, Mass only ranks 47th in job creation ? What's the sum total of his "job creation"? Care to give me  a stat ?

Not a good % to base a campaign on, no matter how much you "manipulate" the stats.

Priapus531996 reads

Funny thing-----we've had 2 GOP POTUS's with business backgrounds : Herbert Hoover & George W Bush, both who destroyed the U.S. economy.

Now, many of the board's "business types", who voted for George W Bush TWICE, are hawking the candidacy of Mitt Romney, ANOTHER candidate with  a business background, who is promoting similar Hoover/Bush programs that threaten to send the U.S. into a worse chamber pot than it has been in the last 4 years. They seem to have the same Messianic faith in Mitt as the BHO voters do for their guy, despite Mitt's questionable credentials as a "job creator" at Bain & 1 term Mass governor ( his state was 47th in job creation during an economic boom )

The Mindset of Romney voters here is : we screwed up in voting for Bush twice, but that doesn't mean anything. Even though we screwed up by sending U.S economy in the ditch, only WE "business types" know how to fix the economy.

QUITE the oxymoron.

This doesn't mean Obama gets off the hook; "Obamacare" was disastrously timed during worst economic crisis since the depression & MAY have resulted in the sluggish "recovery".

What is needed is a good GOP candidate ( hell, even I'd vote for someone like that ) NOT "Mitty Rich".

-- Modified on 8/28/2012 5:23:44 AM

Actually, the most curious aspect of the board is how the libs are so willing to ignore the reality, the facts if you will, of what Obama has done while in office.  Now I'm not talking about idle speculation but instead the cold hard facts of nearly 3.5 years of gloom; the lies, the tried and failed policies, the law breaking, the torching of the Constitution, the bribery, the hand outs to contributors, unemployment, debt, decline of US stature in the international community.  Instead, the libs want to speculate about what it might be like under Romney.  They "guess" at what his policies might do.

Geesh man, I don't need to touch an electric outlet to know I'm probably gonna get hurt.  I don't need to even know the name of the person running against Obama.  I know how fucked up he has made things and on that basis alone, it's time for somebody new.

Priapus53179 reads

Plus, he failed to avert 9/11 after ignoring Bin-Laden intelligence memo & letting OBL avoid capture at Tora Bora.

Dude, you don't need an electrical socket-----you've ALREADY hurt yourself by voting for GWB twice ; are we supposed to trust the faulty judgment of yourself & like minded individuals when you want to vote for a GWB clone like Mitt ?

I'm not much into buying into the lib strategy of never answering a question about their guy and his results.  I'm more about the strategy of "seeing is believing", or "you made your bed now fuck in it", or why won't a lib talk about, defend, promote, the results of their 3.5 years?

You can run, but you cannot hide from a record more dismal than perhaps any President in history.  So come on big guy, tell me what Obama has done that makes him deserving of another four years.  Convince me that he's done anything good enough that it offsets all the BS he has pulled.

Priapus53147 reads

an example of pw's "judgment" :

"Welcome back... I will bite... LOL
Posted by pwilley  , 8/27/2012 6:27:16 PM   [pwilley has 57 reviews]

Don't you think the general status of the country, the people, and an individuals ability to be happy was better in the days of the wild west.  I mean there was no such thing as government welfare... if somebody was hungry, they went around town offering to wash dishes, sweep floors, in exchange for a meal.  If they were any good at, they got a standing offer.... work to eat.  There was no such thing as lazy asswipes sitting around expecting somebody else to take care of them.  Families took care of their own and those who wore out their welcome either found a way to take care of themselves or they just withered away .... their choice"

"WildWestWillie" wants to turn the clock back 150 years to the days of slavery, blacks & women not being able to vote, before people could vote for Senators, no child labor laws, etc.

Good luck with that, "WildWestWillie"--

-- Modified on 8/28/2012 6:40:13 AM

As usual, even when confronted with a direct, specific, unambiguous question about their guy or his record, a lib is incapable of debating.  All they can do is try to point the finger somewhere else, change the subject, and hope they can sucker someone into debating something else.

Sorry charlie, no tuna for you and once again a liberal is shut down because they are unable to defend their record no matter how many times you ask them to.  Here's a tip, Obama's dismal record has awakened a sleeping giant... the American voting public ... and you will discover that they are not sleeping anymore.

Priapus53104 reads

Not all, certainly, but a good portion---where do you fit in ? I'll leave that up to the board. From what I see of you, you're certainly not an informed conservative voter & they're certainly out there.

Polls show BHO having narrow lead--not saying that's gonna hold , but, IF it does during the election, are you gonna leave the country ? Or do you favor secession, which your part of the country tried disastrously before ?

-- Modified on 8/28/2012 6:52:29 AM

Even when I call you out for the scam that you libs perpetuate, you continue to ignore the truth... you libs are incapable of discussing your record and the results of your 3.5 years.  You don't have the guts to try and debate what your guy has done and the dismal record that he has acquired.  In the South, we sometimes refer to that as being cowardly.

There is still time for you to prove otherwise... LOL ... come on now show us all that your not hiding under some bed.  Tell us all about why your guy deserves to be re-elected. Let's hear about all the wonderful things he's done to deserve such an honor.  Tell us something about Obama, if you dare.


Feast on this.

The only liars hiding under some bed are Mitt-Bot, and now Ryan Akin-Bot.

I  love seeing Ryan  do the Sharon Angle run from reporters down the aisle of a plane into that idiot hack Dan Senor.

I don't see any issues pw is talking about in specifics.  Medicare ad is a total lie as is welfare work ad, and it's an overt dog whistle to white racists since GOP doesn't have any other voting block that's going to touch it.

I just saw Connie Mack and his wife Mary Bono Mack to GOP congress critters lie and when Todd called them on it almost back off the platform.

pw is apparently okay with nearly doubling the defense budget and increasing the deficit 2.1-2.3 billion, and ending educational funds and medical research funds, ending teaching hospitals by not accepting Medicaid expansion funds, taking insurance from 9 million poor by slashing Medicaid by 1/3, repealing health insurance for another 33 million people, and favors
vouchers for 15 grand that are supposed to cover major surgical and medical care.

Neither Ryan's budget nor Romney's balances or can be paid for and on top of the defense increases we don't need, Romney wants tax cuts for the rich and increases for the middle class that would cost 4.5 trillion dollars aka raise the deficit 4.5 trillion more.

That's fiscal catastrophe and that's pw's plan apparently.

No one's backing away from your questions pw--I haven't seen any specific on politics whatsoever.

-- Modified on 8/28/2012 9:53:43 AM

statistic is essentially meaningless. St. Croix is rarely right on his basketball picks (I hope) but he is pretty good on economic issues.

      As a starting point, use the unemployment and under employment figures at the start and conclusion of Mr. Romeny's term for a more accurate gauge of his job-creating effectiveness and then fine tune this with actual jobs created even after his departure as governor (and subtract jobs created during his tenure attributable to the last governor).

     For example, if a governor induces Honda to build a plant in his state but the plant is not built until after he has left office, he still gets credit for the jobs.

    What? You say all that is too complex for you? Well, then, you should not be criticizing Mr. Romney for his alleged lack of job creation during his term as governor because you really have no idea.

REAL cuts to Medicare and Medicaid?  How about the stats that would result from the Medicare voucher system (lipstick pigged and rechristened "premium support" and how far that 15 grand voucher would go to pay for major surgery that costs 150 grand or that a senior with pre-existing conditions that can't be denied per ACA would pay under Romney-Ryan voucher care?

How about the Romney defense budget that's board certified whackjob that Romney has no way to pay for and increases the deficit $2.3 trillion over ten years, (and I've documented it in a thread down below)?  It wouldn't improve defense of this country a scintilla.

Romney-Ryan tax cuts for the wealthy up to 250 grand putting the burden on the poor and middle class with tax increases would ad $4.5 trillion to the deficit or be an expense that this country can't afford--and it's even more egregious in the light of the steep cuts to essential programs that Romney-Ryan would definitely cut beginning with January 2013.

Check out Ezra Klein's Wonkblog at WAPO for details on these cuts and how the budget doesn't balance, and his figures are for the most part from

Bipartisan Policy Center
http://bipartisan policy.org/blog/2012

http://bipartisan policy.org

Tax Policy Center

Kaiser Family Foundation


Ezra Klein WAPO Wonk Blog

-- Modified on 8/28/2012 11:12:00 AM

methodology, not because Mr. Romney does, or does not. have an impressive record on job creation.

      As to the effect of Mr. Romney's budget plan on nationwide job creation, that forward-looking number cannot be calculated with any degree of reliability and it is a waste of time to attempt to do so. Further, "creating jobs" is not what the president is supposed to be doing anyway. Far better to fire half the work force at many overstaffed or obsolete companies than keep them on life support just to show a drop in the unemployment figures, or to not make loan guarantees to "green" tech companies that may well fold bc the market rejects their technology.

     That is where Mr. Obama should be criticized, not because of the monthly job reports.

Priapus53148 reads

"Further, "creating jobs" is not what the president is supposed to be doing anyway. Far better to fire half the work force at many overstaffed or obsolete companies than keep them on life support just to show a drop in the unemployment figures"--------

If creating jobs is not the biz of the POTUS, why is Mitt claiming that he's gonna do that with a questionable "job creating history?"

As for the 2nd part of your paragraph, it sounds like a screed of a brainwashed Social Darwinist Ayn Rand cultist----thing is, GOP has given the heave-ho to that right-wing hack, because she was a Jewish born, pro-choice Atheist----

Priapus53138 reads

I DO hope your BAC stock is ok------be sure to relax with a Wine Spritzer as you read my posts--:) In the midst of an economic boom, during Governor Mitt's 1 term, Mass only ranks 47th in job creation ? What's the sum total of his "job creation"? Care to give me  a stat ?

Not a good % to base a campaign on, no matter how much you "manipulate" the stats.

Businessmen live in a micro-economic world. Presidents have to live in a macro-economic reality.

What is good for business and businessmen individually is often not what is good for the country as a whole. Typically, the opposite is the case.

Case in point, it would be bad for someone running a McDonald's if the minimum wage was increased. Particularly in the short term. But for the country as a whole, it's a very good thing.

Raising taxes on corporate profits may be bad for a individual business. But it's good for the country as a whole.

Progressives take the patriotic position that what is better for the country as a whole is a better than what few individuals coming out on the losing end.

Conservatives take the self-centered approach that what is better for them personally should supercede the needs of the country as a whole.

Conservatives, particularly these days, seem to be lacking any since of responsibility and duty to their country and their fellow countrymen.

I say if they don't want to contribute to the country as a whole, then the nation, and it's People should stop contributing so much to them.

Willy, come back to reality, we miss you.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Businessmen live in a micro-economic world. Presidents have to live in a macro-economic reality.

What is good for business and businessmen individually is often not what is good for the country as a whole. Typically, the opposite is the case.

*** Actually, I can't think of one stinking place or time where Business was doing good, and it wasn't good for the country.  And, I can't think of one time when Business was doing poorly and it wasn't bad for the country.

Case in point, it would be bad for someone running a McDonald's if the minimum wage was increased. Particularly in the short term. But for the country as a whole, it's a very good thing.

*** Actually, raising minimum wage reduces tax revenue to the IRS since MD won't be paying it anymore and the minimum wage person won't either.  But, it will also adversly impact non MD businesses since folks will now pay more for their MD cravings thus reducing what they spend elsewhere.

Raising taxes on corporate profits may be bad for a individual business. But it's good for the country as a whole.

*** How much higher do you think taxes can be on business before business says to hell with the US, time to go make our investments elsewhere?  We already have nearly the highest tax rates in the world.  Did you forget about the Boston Tea Party and the reasons our country was born?

Progressives take the patriotic position that what is better for the country as a whole is a better than what few individuals coming out on the losing end.

*** Guess you are in Obama's camp for sure.  He likes to shred the Constitution too when it doesn't suit his needs.  Step on the minority profit makers in favor of the majority down trodden who won't work.  Sounds like a lot of promise for that approach... lemme see how Greece is doing.

I say if they don't want to contribute to the country as a whole, then the nation, and it's People should stop contributing so much to them.
*** Careful you might get something close to what you ask for, but not quite.  For example, in my little area of the world, doctors are already beginning to hang it up.  Trying to get to see a specialist is becoming a three month wait in some disciplines because specialists are not taking on new patients.  My doctor tells me that in the next year or so if ACA doesn't get repealed, the time will be here when doctors will refuse to accept medicare, will refuse to accept the discounted payments currently forced on them by insurance companies, and will likely raise rates.  He actually predicts a time soon when doctors will enter into a yet to be born Union nationwide to give them the clout to reject those who would step on them.

nuguy46139 reads

and decreasing payments to providers willresult in fewer doctors, meaning less choice for us and hospitals closing which means the ACA board of determiners will 'allow' you to die because of the lack of facilities and/or doctors.  does that scare you?

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