Politics and Religion

Loved Stein's game show.
inicky46 61 Reviews 1217 reads

He and Kimmel were great.  Too bad they don't re-run it any more.

In case your blind, the man is black. Quibble with him, if you have the fuckin stones that is....


It's not really a surprise though that a "libertarian" would speak ill of the minimum wage and the Davis Bacon act.

Whenever you measure a laborer's worth, you have to measure their productivity. If you fail to do so, and just casually say someone's getting paid more than they're worth, then you're just too lazy to make a simple economic calculation.

Why would someone make a distinction between the productivity of a black carpeter and a white carpeter? We'll talking about two individuals here. Perhaps the black carpeter is stronger and can get the job done more quickly. We don't know.

The suggestion here is that the black carpeter is worth less because he's lazy.

Priapus532500 reads

Some cut & paste about this African-American economist that he so reveres :

"[ Williams ]He also believes in the right of U.S. states to secede from the union as several states attempted to do during the Civil War.[12] Williams has supported or been sympathetic toward various secessionist ideas in his writings".

"and he [ Williams ] has described Ayn Rand's Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal as "one of the best defenses and explanations of capitalism one is likely to read."[15] Williams frequently fills in as host on the Rush Limbaugh radio program when Limbaugh is traveling."

" Williams opposes anti-discrimination laws in the private sector on the libertarian grounds of freedom of association."

Mrnt , in order to justify his racist views, has found a convenient stooge flunky of right-wing media & the "corporotocracy", who many members of the African -American community have rightly condemned.

Speaking as a Jew, the closest equivalency of a "Jewish Uncle Tom" is the word "Kapo", the definition of which follows :

"a Nazi concentration camp [Jewish ] prisoner who was given privileges in return for supervising prisoner work gangs: often a common criminal and frequently brutal to fellow inmates."

Willimas is an African-American Kapo.

Next we'll be hearing from mrnotrouble that some of his best friends are black------:(

-- Modified on 8/23/2011 6:24:46 AM

St. Croix1624 reads

I sure the hell hope you don't view Friedman as a Jewish Uncle Tom. When you look at Williams or Friedman's views, they are basically the same.

God forbid somebody of color should have a conservative or libertarian view. I trust you heard Maxine Waters latest idiotic rant saying in front a black audience at Inglewood High School, "the Tea Party can go to hell." I guess her views are more mainstream.

St. Croix2027 reads

He was a fairly standard conservative thinking economist for as long as I can remember, but he has moved to the center in his thinking over the past few years.

I used to be a big fan of 'Win Ben Stein's Money'. Remember that cable game show? Look what it did for Jimmy Kimmel.

He and Kimmel were great.  Too bad they don't re-run it any more.

Priapus532690 reads

Do you & mrnotrouble agree with me on that ?

GaG, you wanna book if Croix & mrnt will agree with me ?!---------LMAO !

Croix, dude, best fo you to chill & have a hickory burger-------

-- Modified on 8/23/2011 8:26:55 AM

but why would you consider Walter Williams a racist? Unless a black man holding conservative or libertarian views are automatically considered racist by you?

If racism were ever to magically disappear, both Sharpton and Jackson would reinvent it, lest they both become politically irrelevent. Walter Williams is the exact opposite, he actually seems to stand for true equality, I guess that seems racist to some.

Priapus531604 reads

makes him sound like a racist to me & I'm sure to others. Of course, others may see it differently------there are also those who don't see Sharpton or Jackson as racists, which is not a view I ascribe to.

Granted there are genuine racists out there, there are even some on this very board, but you cheapen the value of the word when you use it to describe people like mrnt. who hasn't come even close to being a racist IMO.

ng is a different story of course.

I am of asian descent and I vehemently oppose any type of special laws or affirmative action for asians or anyone else for that matter, does that make me a racist, or the asian version of an "Uncle Tom" too?

I don't want or expect any special protection under the law, I do expect a level playing field and I already have that, I will fail or succeed on my own merits, and so should everyone else.

Priapus53973 reads

& Zorff has labelled me a racist. That make it so ?

Actually, I answered my own q & should get a "board citiation" as being  P & R's "most objective poster"-----;)-------LMAO !

and yes he has labeled me a racist as well. It kept me up all night worrying about it. lol

What you have already gotten is a schooling.

And a citation for being "P&R's preeminent racebaiting tool", right up there with Sharpton and Jackson.

Congratulations, Ed Schutlzipus53.

You're the only one laughing.

And all the "LOLs" and "LMAOs" and stupid cartoons won't ever wash it away.

Priapus531264 reads

& don't presume to talk for the board, mrnogood-------that's the 1st sign of schizophrenia.

St. Croix1497 reads

is a racist? How about Thomas Sowell? Shhh, don't tell anyone, but it's OK for minorities to be against affirmative action, or minimum wage laws and not be branded as a racist by the guilty lily white chardonnay drinking pussies of Manhattan or Beverly Hills.

That picture does NOT do justice to an Apple Pan hickory burger.

He should have been put on trial for crimes against humanity. Yeh, I'm talking about Chile.

carpenter is lazy.

Where does that come from? Some deep seated prejudice?

YOU make that leap, not me or Professor Williams.

Clearly you don't know shit about the trades.

Not surprising the resident union lackey that advocates violence to achieve his ends would default to the racism arguement.

Snowman391523 reads

You said...

"Whenever you measure a laborer's worth, you have to measure their productivity"

How the hell can you talk about how much you love Unions ans write this !?!?! Since when in hell did Unions ever care about productivity!!! See Willy, this is why you have no credibility....

Whenever snow makes more sense than you...you have a big problem.

Economically speaking, what is a worker? It is a measure of two things. Inputs & Outputs. Productivity and a Wage.

The value of a laborer's work is his productivity. His wage is how he's rewarded for that work.

If you are going to make a determination of the value of a worker's labor, then you determine the value of his productivity, not how much he's paid.

To a large degree, a worker chooses how productive he is by how hard he works. What a worker recieves as a renumeration for that labor is a different matter entirely. It's based primarily on that worker's bargaining power. Bargaining collectively with a group increases that bargaining power, and thus results in a higher wage.

Collective bargaining has nothing to do with productivity. They're two different things.

Snowman391301 reads

You said....

"What a worker recieves as a renumeration for that labor is a different matter entirely. It's based primarily on that worker's bargaining power."

Well, if you are uneducated and deliver a rudimentary service that pretty much anyone can do, you may find yourself in this situation.

And if you do find yourself in this situation, you should ask yourself two very serious questions....


If the only thing that drives your value is being part of a group, you should hang your head in shame. There is nothing wrong with being part of a group/team, but if you have no individual value, you are pretty pathetic.

BTW, all that Potomac two step crap you were trying to shovel about wages vs. productivity. CRAP!! You were nailed on your hypocrisy, just man up and admit it....

Snow, if you have few skills, and little education, then you have little bargaining power. Thus, you receive a lousy wage. You can expand those skills and have a greater degree of bargaining power, but that's not the only way you can do it. Collectively bargaining will accomplish the same thing.

I don't know why you think bargaining collectively is pathetic. I don't know why you're attaching any judgment on it at all. A employer's interest is to get as much labor as possible out of a worker for the lowest possible cost. A worker's interest is to get the highest wage possible for the least amount of work.

If you're going to judge a worker for being smart in how to accomplish that, then you ought to equally judgmental of the patheticness of employers.

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