Politics and Religion

Looooser exposes his weakness again.
inicky46 61 Reviews 1 reads

He fails to comprehend that his pathetic little game of altering posts just makes him look feeble. Perhaps he is trying to win a "weak-off" contest with The SPOAT, whose gameless effort below displays his complete lack of chops.
Does The SPOAT really think constantly recycling his old lies works with anyone here but Loooooser?
Submariner my ass. The SPOAT thinks by reciting the name of a Rolex he googled makes anyone believe he has one? LOL.
BTW, if you wanted to impress us that you had a better Rolex than my vintage Daytona you utterly failed.
Go for a President next time. Trouble is, no one will believe you.
Here's mine. Recently appraised for $125K.

So now trump is selling $100K watches to add to his trading cards, coins and lets not forget the sneakers..I know there's more shit but really...who's got the time.
C'mon..are there really morons buying this shit?? If any of you here did buy one thing, please.....WHY??
I mean with all this talk about inflation,"I can't buy eggs", "My bacon is too expensive","Hookers are too expensive".... and all the whoa is me. Talk to me, I gotta know so lay on me....who bought this crap?

I wonder how many Red Goo-chugging imbeciles will but these to go with their gold Trump sneakers and their Trump Bible?
This guy is without doubt the greatest con-man who ever lived. But at the same time, so cheesy.
His worshippers are beneath embarrassment.

I have no idea why this bothers Dems so much. Maybe Kamala can sell gold plated birth control pills to get in on the action. Either way I won’t be buying either. Who the hell would buy a watch these days when everyone has a more accurate clock on their phone?

Many celebs have big, expensive watches. They just won't be buying these trinkets. I have a couple of [SPOAT TRIGGER!!!] Rolexes myself.

I’ve got a phone that is accurate to a fraction of a second and will autoupdate to changes in time zones or daylight savings time. In 20 years Rolexes will be worthless and the company will be bankrupt.

Rolexes that you bought in Chinatown in 1935 when you were 20 years old don't count as "expensive watches"  
If you want to see what a real one looks like, I'll show you mine.

Jesus, you're pathetic.
PS: If you saw the appraisal on my Daytona you'd piss yourself, trigger-boy.

You couldn't afford a used Rolex at 75% off repeat boy!!  
You have a Daytona like you have a Maserati 🤣🤣🤣🤣

You are sooooooo easy to trigger!!  
PS: you'd piss yourself........ well, just because you often do.....

Accept it:
I own you.
I rule you.
Everyone knows it.
Even you know.
You're just too weak to admit it.
You hate the idea that I continually  expose your stupidity.
You actually know that I have everything I've said I have.
And you are consumed with envy.
Because, deep down, you know you are FAR too stupid to EVER have what I have.
You don't have a single Rolex, let alone two.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Sorry to make your day,  
Accept it:  
 You and the rest of the righties own me lock stock and barrel.
 I stalk you all the time.  
 Everyone knows it.  
 Even TER knows it.
 I hate the idea that I continually stick my foot in my mouth exposing my stupidity.  
 You actually know that I bullshit about my nonexistent wealth.  
 And I am hoping you are consumed with envy.  
 Because, deep down, you know I’m a complete fraud .
Yes icky everyone knows this. 🤷🏻‍♂️

He fails to comprehend that his pathetic little game of altering posts just makes him look feeble. Perhaps he is trying to win a "weak-off" contest with The SPOAT, whose gameless effort below displays his complete lack of chops.
Does The SPOAT really think constantly recycling his old lies works with anyone here but Loooooser?
Submariner my ass. The SPOAT thinks by reciting the name of a Rolex he googled makes anyone believe he has one? LOL.
BTW, if you wanted to impress us that you had a better Rolex than my vintage Daytona you utterly failed.
Go for a President next time. Trouble is, no one will believe you.
Here's mine. Recently appraised for $125K.

And post a pic of a rolex does not prove you own one  

more proof of NPD

That's a google pic you dumb fuk! That's not "yours"  
You are a liar! You're always a liar!! NO one believes you. You've been exposed AGAIN!!  
Posting a Google image don't make it yours🤣🤣🤣
Hey, post us a Google pic......uhhhh I mean a pic of your "Maserati"  

What. A. Moron.

But it's an exact duplicate of my Daytona. Now maybe you'd like to show us a picture of your mythical Submariner.
But thanks for continuing to prove you really are The SPOAT.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Of COURSE it's a google pic, you pinhead
5 min earlier: Go for a President next time..........."Here's mine"

So should I just post a google picture of one like you do? Or actually show you a picture of mine?

The LIAR is exposed again!!🤣🤣

Exactly what we expect from The SPOAT.
The jealousy and envy drips from him. He desperately wants a Rolex but could never afford one.
And I've got TWO!
That's the fewest high-end watches I've had in a long time, having given away two Pateks, a Royal Oak, and a Breitling.
Weep, SPOAT. Weep.
Slink home and go to sleep, sobbing softly into your pillow.

So predictable. Your jealous of those of us who still have "game" and can still fuck!! Your constant lies of.... ohhh look at me! I have... I've done.... I'm so..... blah blah blah is nothing but a crock of shit. You live in a fantasy world and everyone here knows it.  
You DON'T have a Rolex
You DON'T have a Maserati  
You DON'T "chase pussy" to God knows where
You DON'T "feast on Hotties" (disgusting old ass man)  
You've never been to Panama or Costa Rica or Guatemala or any fuk'n place you lie about  
You're a washed up old ass lying fuk board stalker.
You DO lie.
You DO back stab
You DO get posts pulled (this one's probably next)  
You DO get others banned when you cry to your "friends"
You DO repeat what others say and pass it along as your own words  
You DO constantly repeat the same ol shit over and over.  
You DO constantly post here because you DON'T have a life.

it's because his prior post was so feeble there's no point in rebutting him. It's also a great way (indeed the ONLY way) of shutting him up.

Because my prior post hit the nail on the head and he knows it.  
There's no point in "rebutting" me because eventually you run out of to "rebut" the truth.  
It's also a great way to expose the lying piece of 💩 he is.  

Truth hurts don't it TATL.

You can't afford a Timex much less a Rolex. Don't you see Mr Liar. I exposed you. That's why you get 9 kinds of pissed off. You get the madness when you know I'm right (and everyone else for that matter knows I'm right too)  
This is why I always have, and always will "own you" You belong to me. You do exactly what I tell you to do🤣  
......Sound familiar??
I'm always right,  and you're always a liar. And how I LOVE to expose you for it.  
What's sad is you live in a complete fantasy world on a fuk board because you have no life. I know it. You know it. Everyone here knows it including your lefty pals. That's all you have!
That's why I'm over here...... and you...... you are over there. Like I said, I can show you mine, and you just keep window shopping from your walker and pretend. Oh would you look at the time, My submariner says it's time to go. I've got a gal to meet. Unlike you!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

How to tell time I would not believe you have a Rolex Daytona.

It is a fact that people who constantly brag they have this or that are worse off than the people they are trying to impress. Especially when the braggart is behind a keyboard on an anonymous fuck board or the like, on a Friday night.
When someone finds it necessary to brag, especially for no reason, that he has very expensive, high end, possessions luxury items and so on, is always a very insecure person, the quintessential Walter Mitty., and classic signs of NPD.

You will now of course project and accuse me of having all the character flaws you actually have liar, envious, jealous, stalker or triggered or the like.  
Then say something stupid about me trying to predict how you will reply.  
Let’s not forget (one of your standard sayings) weak meme, when you say that I know I’m getting to you and am under your skin.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Expensive watches are a big deal among you betters. I have a couple of Rolexes myself.
First off the “I’m a kinda big deal” beginning is hilarious and typical icky delusional narcissism, secondly… NO YOU DON’T 🙄🙄🙄

To find humor in everything. But C'mon even you have got to be shaking your head on this, right??
To be anymore dumber and fall for this is to actually vote for this guy..

-- Modified on 9/27/2024 4:53:12 PM

and other merchandise to his supports.  Kamala is selling her soul to her donors.  Can you even imagine how many rich people she OWES while out of the other side of her mouth that she is telling the middle class she is for THEM.  There are actually a large number of Dems that believe her lies that she is doing all of this for THEM, even some with IQ's over 100!!

Trump is selling merchandise that doesn't imply an ongoing obligation.  Whether it's a hat, a T-shirt or a $100K watch, it's a discrete transaction with no strings attached in either direction.   A home-run for Trump might be a shotgun engraved with his signature and "2nd Amendment - 2024" for $10,000-$20,000.  He could probably sell thousands of these.

With that said, I don't believe people who buy something on the internet, like a T-shirt with a political slogan on it, are considered "donors," so the buyer does not have to be reported as a political donor.  It allows the UTR supporters to help Trump without putting their name on it as a donor in accordance with campaign finance laws.  

To the big oil donors. Kinda like a "quid pro quo"...And lets remind the audience of the 450M he owes to NY....He is selling the office of the president, its for sale.
But my question is, again...who buys this shit??...You?

nunya_buisness2 reads

When I need an example to explain why I say 'boomers ruined the internet,' I can now point to this thread as a perfect case study.

I have a way for your to prove that you have mass disposable wealth for us to all be envious of. And it’s a great

Go get your “Rolex” appraised under your screen name by a reputable watch appraiser and then post the results here.

Next do a charity auction selling said “Rolex”  aka a piece of gaudy jewelry that also tells time badly. Just for reference a Citizen promaster dive watch from the early 90s tells time way more accurately. How do I know? I have actually been trained to repair 11 jewel mechanical watch movements.  A quartz watch will always keep better time.  

Finally after the sale donate the proceeds to the survivors of the Abbey Gate bombing, say something like? “

Sorry for the horrible dem leadership that got you all blown up.”

Then present the proceeds to the charity and post the tax right off the give ya here for us to be envious of.  

Whatcha think?

You think I actually give a shit about anything you say.
You think I would actually DO what you demand.
All you've made me do is make you even more upset. [TRIGGER ALERT for Looooser, SPOAT and SwallowMeat]:
I have owned not one but TWO Ferraris, one of which I raced.
I have owned FOUR Porsches.
I have owned FOUR BMWs
I have owned  FOUR Audis.
I am worth MILLIONS.
Now get triggered and all three of you clutch your pearls and shriek that none of this is true. I will laugh and keep shopping for a Maserati.

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