Politics and Religion

It is official
followme 2027 reads

bama is the most insignificant and most  disrespected world leader in history.

When the scum of the earth snubs you , you are lower than the scum of the earth.


2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

salonpas469 reads

........Iraqi journalist throwing a shoe at a standing President of the U.S.A. G.W. Bush. It's one of the worse insults an Arab can show another man.


Posted By: followme
 Obama is the most insignificant and most  disrespected world leader in history.  
 When the scum of the earth snubs you , you are lower than the scum of the earth.  
 2014 = GOP Senate and House  

But he achieved that distinction one week after election. Hell, months BEFORE the election lol

world leader in history?

That's quite a long list. Even more disrespected than Joe Stalin? Hitler? Hirohito? Caligula? Pol Pot?

How can any US President be insignificant? How can ANY "world leader" be insignificant?

Look man, I know you don't like Iran, but Iran is going in the right direction. We might as well see where this takes us.

Claiming it proved Obama was kow-towing to the Mullahs, thus proving he's a secret Muslim.  Face it, fm, Obama can't do anything right as far as you're concerned and you will always paint him in the worst way you can imagine.
I bet you just loved it when Bush gave that Saudi some tongue

news cycles before making your 'official proclamation!' Note, in the article, how long it's been since an American and Iranian president have spoken, and the real reason for their meeting not having taken place at the UN!

-- Modified on 9/27/2013 12:38:59 PM

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