Politics and Religion

Look at these headlines!confused_smile

…from the outside looking in. It seemed like they were fielding alternatives to Joe without Kamala. Then it seemed like there was a rejection of passing Kamala up, and that it would be a slap in the face of POC DEI crowd not to put her at the top of the ticket. So then they were exploring Kamala + Buttplug or Kamala + Whitmer. Then Big Mike repeated what he’s been saying all along. Not gonna run. The California Snake says he backs Biden. Many Dem governors came out for Biden. Some major donors say they won’t give a Biden ticket money. So who knows where we are now. I think the Dems ability to scrub Joe is going to be difficult to impossible so long as Joe wants to stay on the ticket.

RespectfulRobert18 reads

Van Jones just said its a question of when, not if. So much reporting now that Biden is worse now than a year ago behind closed doors. I have to admit that the media is looking lame here. Only now they are reporting what they knew for a while.

…that the media is less trustworthy than a rattlesnake doing an impression of a used car salesman. It just so happens that their endless dishonesty had the unintended consequence of screwing the left. You see this kind of blatant propaganda in the LA Times, the Associated Press for Christ’s sake and the NY Times just to name a few. At some point you’d think it would dawn on the left that this isn’t just a problem, but a danger to our country. If you can’t make sense of the world because you’re always being lied to, then how can you expect a democracy to function properly?

I’ve noticed even “Biden Is The Nominee, Period”supporters adding the “but if he chooses to step down, it’s Kamala”.  That said, even Biden King Maker Rep James Clyburn is saying the Democrats could pull off an open mini-convention. I think he pulls out of the race on Monday, commutes Hunter’s sentence after the election.

The Biden/Harris campaign has around $250 million in the bank and, unless Biden withdraws in favor of Harris, that money can't be used or controlled by another candidate.

I think you may have hit the nail on the head here. Even with Biden down in the polls, would the Dems really risk losing such a war chest? I don’t think so. This was just posted on X.

Biden just called out those trying to push him out of the race. And he wasn't referring to Republicans.

RespectfulRobert35 reads

WTF????? This is getting ridiculous now. This is borderline elder abuse.

I also listened to ABC's post-interview commentary as well as CNN's and no one mentioned it.

RespectfulRobert20 reads

He was asked by George if he had watched the tape after, and Joes response was "I dont think so." He doesnt THINK so? How can he not remember if he watched maybe THE most controversial debate in US presidential history that involved him???

Statistically performance reverts to the mean after either a very good or very bad performance. So Biden team was wise to get him in front of a friendly interview. I didn't watch it but it sounds like his performance was more in line with his average abilities. So good enough to tamp down the panic and probably keep him in the race, but not really good enough to propel him to an easy victory.
He probably stays in.

RespectfulRobert17 reads

And he wont subject himself to an independent medical exam. Two VERY bad signs. Oh, and then there is Hunter hanging out in the White House and sitting in on meetings. Ugh. This is a TOTAL shit show.

Six months late on that observation. People are looking to their future and most don't want to be associated with a loss in Nov. The exceptions as I've mentioned are people like Newsom and Whitmer would would prefer that Kamala is not the incumbent in 2028 -- they'll stick the longest with Biden, but even they have their limits.
But still, there simply is no benefit to the Biden's to step down. They rightly believe that if Joe can't win neither can Kamala -- who they recognize is the only viable alternative. They might as well ride it into the ground.

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