Politics and Religion

Look at Alabama.
Makwa 18 Reviews 809 reads

They passed very strong anti-immigrant laws a few years ago.  Then farmers crops were rotting in the fields with no one to pick them.

[b]Study: All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants[/b]
By NRO Staff, June 26, 2014 7:22 PM

According to a major new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), net employment growth in the United States since 2000 has gone entirely to immigrants, legal and illegal. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, CIS scholars Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler found that there were 127,000 fewer working-age natives holding a job in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000, while the number of immigrants with a job was 5.7 million above the 2000 level. ...

If USA Citizens need jobs, why are we letting in immigrants to take those jobs? Isn't the added competition for unskilled labor hurting the poor the most? Why don't we have compassion for the USA Citizens who are poor and unemployed?

Maybe we wouldn't need a hike in the minimum wage if there were not so many people competing for the low paying jobs.

There you have it in black and white. Obama is ass fucking America and all his cronies and toadies care about is votes and staying in power to keep the ass fucking going for decades to come.  


Posted By: gsee60606
[b]Study: All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants[/b]  
 By NRO Staff, June 26, 2014 7:22 PM  
 According to a major new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), net employment growth in the United States since 2000 has gone entirely to immigrants, legal and illegal. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, CIS scholars Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler found that there were 127,000 fewer working-age natives holding a job in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000, while the number of immigrants with a job was 5.7 million above the 2000 level. ...
 If USA Citizens need jobs, why are we letting in immigrants to take those jobs? Isn't the added competition for unskilled labor hurting the poor the most? Why don't we have compassion for the USA Citizens who are poor and unemployed?  
 Maybe we wouldn't need a hike in the minimum wage if there were not so many people competing for the low paying jobs.

DA_Flex927 reads

So tiresome, can't you ever make a rational argument instead of spouting this stupid crap.

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
There you have it in black and white. Obama is ass fucking America and all his cronies and toadies care about is votes and staying in power to keep the ass fucking going for decades to come.  
Posted By: gsee60606
[b]Study: All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants[/b]  
  By NRO Staff, June 26, 2014 7:22 PM  
  According to a major new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), net employment growth in the United States since 2000 has gone entirely to immigrants, legal and illegal. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, CIS scholars Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler found that there were 127,000 fewer working-age natives holding a job in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000, while the number of immigrants with a job was 5.7 million above the 2000 level. ...
  If USA Citizens need jobs, why are we letting in immigrants to take those jobs? Isn't the added competition for unskilled labor hurting the poor the most? Why don't we have compassion for the USA Citizens who are poor and unemployed?  
  Maybe we wouldn't need a hike in the minimum wage if there were not so many people competing for the low paying jobs.

GaGambler713 reads

It's been a long time since the WNBA's biggest fan has posted here.

Pretty weak for "The Most Interesting Man In The World (In His Mind)"

so i expect him anytime to do what he did to willy. We'll see what kind of a man he is.

We already know what kind you are

...forget the PM's we exchanged regarding your handle(s) and the fact that you took my advice regarding same.

You also conveniently forget that you publicly said goodbye on the boards to another handle.

And to give you a little edumacation which you sorely lack, when you change your handle, ALL your old posts are changed to the new handle but the replies are not.  They still refer to the old handle.

salonpas831 reads

..........if the shoe were on the other foot, I'm sure they would be far more welcoming of these new immigrants.

Part of it has been some businesses exploit the cheap labor. A bigger factor, particular with this administration and liberal groups, is for political reasons. The prize is to turn Texas into a blue state. I know there are kids pouring in now( but not all look like kids) and they can't vote. Not yet. But these people have no education and little skills. They get in here and they are going to need government assistance and a monthly check.So groups like LaRaza and ACLU lawyers are going to get them marching in the streets demanding we take care of them. They already are.If you oppose them you are a racist xenophobe. Some Republicans favor amnesty thinking they can the Hispanic vote. Won't work. The Democrats are the party of government. They need more poor people. It's good for business---the business of the Democrat party.

That virtually all the jobs created under Obama have been shit jobs.

...done in this photo.  Also, I have it on good authority than Obama will sign an executive order authorizing the return of the short-handled hoe.

Or......are you just purposefully ignore the construction and manufacturing sectors in a DISHONEST ATTEMPT to create a false impression??????

Yup, that's it!! L'ing MF'er.  

So i guess I'm right, seeing no meaningful rebuttal.

Dummycrappers, SHITTING on Americans while conning them out of their votes at the same time...tsk tsk.

BTW, did you notice MrSelfFistFuck "outting an alias". I'll expect you to be dropping a dime to Mommy soon....or are you just the Big Hypocrite we all know you to be?

Like the picture of the truck farm workers BP posted below, I worked on one back in the late 60's as a high school student. Nothing like having that muck ground into your knees, and the hot summer sun. I'm quite certain that was before Obama's time! Before that was as an apple picker in the orchards! ;)

I worked along side true migrant workers. They had papers and everything. They also went home every winter. But what does one sector of low paying jobs have to do with the overall statistic cited?

There is an argument that slavery slowed the pace of mechanization. That same argument can be said about illegal immigrants (farm workers) and today's pace of mechanization.

Simple supply and demand analysis would seem to indicate if you increase the supply of labor, wages will decline. But immigrants don’t simply increase the supply of labor. They supply skills that most Americans don’t have. As such, they don’t replace American workers so much as free them up to do other, typically more-skilled, things.
This is BS. First of all, the "replaced" American workers that have been "freed" up are not being employed at more-skilled things. If they were, the employment of American Workers would have increased.

Second, I will presume that certain farm jobs require skills. If Americans had been performing them, then they would have the skills. There will be a period of adjustment as Americans are trained and brought up to speed. Just like in the oil fields where skilled oil workers are needed. The only way to get skilled workers is to train them.

Workers are paid by volume, with skilled workers typically earning $15 to $20 an hour.  Unskilled workers earn much less, which is why most locals don’t want the jobs.
I say that if someone is on the public dole, if these training jobs are available at minimum wage, then either work, or find someone else to support you (obvious exception for disabled workers who cannot physically perform the job)

Every job, will evolutionaly be replaced by technology, most likely in the form of a machine or a chemical.

Posted By: gsee60606
There is an argument that slavery slowed the pace of mechanization. That same argument can be said about illegal immigrants (farm workers) and today's pace of mechanization.  
Simple supply and demand analysis would seem to indicate if you increase the supply of labor, wages will decline. But immigrants don’t simply increase the supply of labor. They supply skills that most Americans don’t have. As such, they don’t replace American workers so much as free them up to do other, typically more-skilled, things.
 This is BS. First of all, the "replaced" American workers that have been "freed" up are not being employed at more-skilled things. If they were, the employment of American Workers would have increased.  
 Second, I will presume that certain farm jobs require skills. If Americans had been performing them, then they would have the skills. There will be a period of adjustment as Americans are trained and brought up to speed. Just like in the oil fields where skilled oil workers are needed. The only way to get skilled workers is to train them.  
Workers are paid by volume, with skilled workers typically earning $15 to $20 an hour.  Unskilled workers earn much less, which is why most locals don’t want the jobs.
 I say that if someone is on the public dole, if these training jobs are available at minimum wage, then either work, or find someone else to support you (obvious exception for disabled workers who cannot physically perform the job).  

They passed very strong anti-immigrant laws a few years ago.  Then farmers crops were rotting in the fields with no one to pick them.

then I don't want to hear about the 'less fortunate" and we taxpayers have to support them. If that is true then it proves I'm right when I say in most cases the reason people are poor is because of their own choices.

How long before the default R-card is tossed?  

They dont seems to have any other legs to stand on!!!

we don't have a country where a child and his parents have a choice regarding the quality of that child's education, nor an education or job commensurate with his or her full potential as a person. Until we do, your argument can stay unchallenged.

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