Politics and Religion

Putin's plea of caution to the American people.confused_smile
mrnogood 2877 reads

When people like Putin are making more sense then America, maybe it's time to reevaluate things.  Russia continues to be more diplomatic than America.

GaGambler839 reads

but I wholeheartedly  agree with both you and Putin.

Our POTUS once again is about to be suckered into either directly or indirectly supporting the sworn enemies to our way of life with absolutely nothing to be gained on our end, just like he did in Libya.

I truly hate to admit this, but the leader of Russia is making a LOT more sense about Syria than are our own leaders, with Obama being the biggest fool of all.

he would so let's vote for him again. Never mind the 1000s of acres of  irrigation ditches that dried up in the process.

St. Croix930 reads

I can see where Putin would take offense to American Exceptionalism, especially when Putin is running a 2 bit mafia style country that yearns for the days of Stalin. Note to Putin...Uganda is exceptional as compared to Russia.

Now the fact that Obama, of all people, mentioned the word exceptionalism in his Syria speech caught me by surprise. He and the Left hate the word because it may imply superiority.

Assuming RRO2610 failed to take his required medication today, we can except some kind of foaming at the mouth "I hate everything" speech.

GaGambler831 reads

Let Russia arm Assad's Syrian Army, and let us SELL arms to the rebels in relatively equal numbers, and let them fight it out until only one man is left standing, and let that man have the whole damn country.

St. Croix800 reads

Why leave one man standing?

OK, so much for this political shit. You know I'm in Vegas this weekend. Do you have any "sure thing" bets. You know what I mean... a GaG "almost sure" thing. There is a lot to bet on this weekend.

-- Modified on 9/12/2013 11:53:15 AM

Alawites sect Syria were the lowest of all Syrian society when the French occupied the country. During the occupation, Alawites joined the French Legion to avoid persecution by the Sunnis and Shiate and became one hell of a fighters while, Sunnis and Shias continued with business and their life in luxury. When the French left, Assad’s father organized and led the Alawite army and overthrew the .

May be the reason the so called rebels cannot organize and fight Assad.

But I agree with you on arming the rebels but the only issue is that, the world could end up with a N. Korea in the middle east. Exactly what happened in N. Korea during the Cold War

GaGambler1052 reads

and yes, we did that one to ourselves.

Our  biggest problem in Syria is that the cure (the rebels) is at least as bad as the disease (Assad) Going in there in clearing the way for the rebels to succeed isn't going to make them like us any better than they do in Libya. Obama was already punked by the French to get rid of Gaddafi for them, and replace him with yet another highly Anti American religious regime, You would think he would have remembered that lesson learned such a short time ago.

BTW my remark about arming the rebels was tongue firmly in cheek, and I distinctly said "SELL" them the arms, not arm them at our expense, especially considering those arms will most likely be turned against us sometime in the not too distant future if the rebels actually do win.

The only reason the Obama admin appeases the left was to secure votes, and appeale to the majority

more often, not because of fear of alluding to superiority, but rather the fact that it means different things to different people. In other words, it's not a rock solid, clear cut concept. Perhaps, the reason why Obama used it in this context is because of wear the term "American Exceptionalism" was first used. How interesting!    ;)

mrnogood902 reads

we are flipping LARGE amounts of the world to radical islam..

This interview says to me that the situation is VERY GRAVE So much of the world is about to go radical islamic if our government has their way, that the ENTIRE WORLD will all live under the CONSTANT threat of terror, so these elite ass holes can sell us oil...

In Mali we got france, and others figthting for us..

These elite greedy fucks are about to risk us all, life and limb, so their defense industry stays employed and they have someone to sell oil too

mrnogood837 reads

This is why the Boston bombing happened..

We're funding "freedom fighters" their too, in several of the old soviet states

Not that I support Obama's mis-handling for the whole Syria mess.  But Putin is a naked opportunist who sees there are diplomatic chips to be gained.  He has supported Syria the entire time because it's an important client state where many Russians live.  His support has cost him dearly in the Sunni Arab world and he sees this gambit as a way to recoup.
His desire for a UN-backed solution is hypocritical.  We all know Russia and China will veto any meaningful action on Syria.  Just because Obama blew it -- and may be bailed out by Putin's effort to remove Syria's chemical weapons -- doesn't mean we can believe anything Putin says.  Anyone who does is dangerously naive.  That said, his effort to get the chem. weapons from Assad should be supported for now as the least bad option.
In all likelihood, there never was a good option in Syria.  We should have announced at the beginning we were staying out and it was something for the French and Turks to deal with -- helped behind the curtain by the CIA.  I bet Obama never utters the words "red line" ever again.

Neither one of them understands the meaning of the phrase "American exceptionalism".

When Putin states, "It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation." he incorrectly thinks it's about the people being exceptional.

When Obama states, "...with modest effort and risk, we can stop children from being gassed to death, and thereby make our own children safer over the long run, I believe we should act.  That’s what makes America different.  That’s what makes us exceptional.", he doesn't get it either.

Regarding Putin, Americans as individuals are no better or worse than anyone else.

Regarding Obama, it's not the power of the American government that makes us exceptional.

It's our system and culture due to our form of government that empowers individuals that creates exceptionalism.

It's the individual's freedom that makes us exceptional not the individual himself.

GaGambler785 reads

Of course Putin is full of shit, he is looking out for Russian interests, not American interests. The problem here of course is that our fearless leader isn't looking out for American interests either. He is just looking for political cover after botching the job once again.

Let's face it, Obama got punked once again and because of his nature as a political survivalist, it looks likely that Putin is going to get exactly what he wants. That said, it beats any other outcome that I can think of. Getting embroiled in yet another civil war where the "devil that we know" is almost certainly better than the alternative, doesn't seem like a luxury we can afford right now. Remember how we "won" the cold war to begin with? We broke them financially, partly by getting/keeping the Russians involved in financially draining black holes like Afghanistan. It could be that strategy will come back to haunt us as the Russians return the favor.

"We" got Russia involved in Afghanistan?  Note quite.  But "we" did do a good job of getting Stinger missiles to the mujahaddin to help get the Russkies out.  Of course, those guys then turned out to be the Taliban and Al Queda and we're still there.  Hell of a win, I'd say.
Also, don't give us all the credit for defeating Communism.  Give some credit to Karl Marx,  Stalin, etc. for creating an economic system that defied human nature and could not sustain itself.
PS: Keep in mind that Putin's plan was simply taking Kerry's comment and running with it.  Did Kerry knowingly plant that seed?  Who knows?  But if so, who punked whom?

GaGambler1160 reads

Somehow you managed to interpret

"Remember how we "won" the cold war to begin with? We broke them financially, partly by getting/keeping the Russians involved in financially draining black holes like Afghanistan."

into "We got Russia involved in Afghanistan", Let me repeat my earlier question "Are you on crack?" or have you simply been spending too much time debating the likes of the Dungbeetle?

What we did in Afghanistan was to give them enough weaponry to not only drain the Russkies financially, but to extend them so far militarily that their influence in other parts of the world was impacted. Sound familiar? That's just what's happening to us now.

We are in agreement that their flawed economic system allowed us to outspend and ultimately bankrupt them, leading us to our cold war, and we owe that victory in large part to your favorite POTUS Ronald Reagan.

As for Kerry knowingly doing anything, bitch please. I won't even dignify that with a rebuttal.

And I'm on vodka, not crack.  First of all you did say "getting/keeping" and we had nothing, zero, zilch to do with "getting" Russia into Afghanistan.  As for the "keeping" part, we didn't keep them there, only they could do that.  We did make it as painful as possible but, at worst, their Afghan fiasco was the straw that broke the camel's back.  Ultimately, it was their own system that brought them down.
Which is why the myth that Saint Ronnie "won" the cold war remains utter bullshit.  Sure, Ronnie did his part, but our effort to arm the Afghans was led not by him but by a Democratic Congressman from Texas called Charlie Wilson (viz. the wonderful movie "Charlie Wilson's War" starring Tom Hanks, but also try just boning up on the subject.).  
And while we're on the subject of history, our cold war victory belongs to a decades-long policy of containment first formed by George Kennan under Harry Truman and consistently followed by every President since (well, maybe not Jimmy Carter, lol!).  The fall of communism was the result of a bi-partisan effort, supported by Congress and, ultimately, the American free-enterprise system.
Last, as for Kerry, you can "bitch please" me all you want, but you don't know for sure any more than I don't.  Bitch, please.  LMAO!
Now, where's Dungy?

GaGambler979 reads

I never said we got Russia into Afghanistan, my exact words were

"financially draining black holes LIKE Afghanistan"

Now either learn to drink or put the fucking bottle down before talking to me. Sheesh, I am used to this kind of crap from your lefty buddies, but I expect better from you. Either you have been drunk off your ass for the last two days, or you are  being intentionally obtuse, which one is it?

and do you seriously believe that the cold war ever would have ended under the like of Carter? If so, you're a moron, If not, you have to give Ronny the credit he is due for turning this country around AND winning the cold war.

Here are your actual words, in context:
"We broke them financially, partly by getting/keeping the Russians involved in financially draining black holes like Afghanistan."
Now you're furiously back-peddling by saying Afghanistan was only used as an example when it was the only example you cited and blaming me because it's an imperfect example.  And, as I said, you are the one who used the word "getting" in the same sentence in which you raised Afghanistan. But anyone who can read English would easily have the same interpretation I did.  And they would be right.
You are trying to slice the salami way too thin here, GaGa and the obtuseness is all on your side of your feeble attempts to defend the original bankrupt statement.  I'm not drunk at the moment, but even if I were I'd make more sense than you on this.
As for the Carter reference, I clearly made an exception in his case, so don't try the straw-man argument of making it seem like I included him among the Presidents responsible for ending the Cold War.  Please go back and read my last post, as it seems you weren't capable of doing it the first time.
As for St. Ronny, I did give him some credit.  Just not all the credit, as you seem driven to do.  He continued to follow a policy laid down by Truman and followed (with the exception noted re Carter) by all Presidents before and after him.  Just because the Soviet Union foundered during Bush, Sr.'s watch doesn't mean he gets all the credit either.  Is that really too difficult an concept to wrap your booze-soaked brain around?
And you don't even have the usual excuse of having your head wedged between the thighs of a CR chica this time.  Tsk, tsk.
PS: Let's concentrate on important things like scheduling a post-Thanksgiving trip down there.  I'll buy the first round of Ticas and Tequila.

GaGambler926 reads

It's obvious that since you can't tell the difference between "Afghanistan" and "like Afghanistan" our conversation would be a lot more productive talking about things like booze and pussy that don't require as much thought on your end. I seriously think that lowering your game to engage an unarmed Dungbeetle in a battle of wits has had the unintended, (but predicitable, as I warned you at the time) consequence of lowering your game permanently. When your only defense is to repeatedly misquote and misinterpret my worlds, ala DaffyDuck, your game is seriously lacking.

Now, about Costa Rica. Are you sure you are ready for tequila? They do have vodka down there, and since you are having so much trouble with English I would hate to see you trying to communicate in Spanish. BTW How is your Spanish? It is by no means necessary to speak Spanish in Costa Rica as there are so many gringos down there, but it can be helpful.

I am open to virtually any post (or pre) Thanksgiving dates, December does usher in the "high season", right now we are in the rainy season through October and into the beginning of November. There really is no such thing as a bad time to go there however, except for perhaps the week of Christmas through New Years. I have spent many a year down there, and that week has to be the quietest of any. Most of the chicas spend that week with their families, instead of spending it fucking gringos like us. lol

Back to Ronnie, the reason he gets so much credit IMO is the fact that he had to do a complete 180 from Carter, and he did it with a Democratic Congress who didn't want to work with him anymore than the GOP wants to work with Obama, and unlike todays GOP, the Dems were firmly in charge, not the minorty party like the has been while Obama has been POTUS.

Well, two can play that game, fucker!  Your game here is so poor you have slipped below the Officer Cartman Partisan Hack Line.  In fact, your parsing of words like, well, "like" to hide behind has you settling with a bump on the floor of the intellectual cesspool previously inhabited by the sorry likes of nuguy.  It is distressing to watch.  You really need an emergency visit from Dr. Saint Croix to tighten up your game.
But, magnanimous guy that I am I'll give you one more chance.  Name one other place similar to Afghanistan where the Soviet Union intervened militarily and got bogged down for years by a US-supported insurgency.  The answer is, you can't because there is no such example.  And don't cite Eastern Europe because the analogy totally fails.  The rest of the Cold War was fought proxy vs. proxy except for Afghanistan, Viet Nam and Korea, where it was the Chinese on the other side and Russian support was limited to a few fighter pilots.
As for Ronnie, I think he would have done what he did no matter what  happened under Carter.  The big difference between now and then is Congress still subscribed to the old rule, "politics stops at the water's edge."  Ronnie got along well with Tip O'Neil and others and they played ball with him because they thought it was the right thing to do.  Then the atmosphere got fouled by partisanship on both sides -- which started with Republican anger over Watergate and the Bork hearings -- and today we have nothing more than knee-jerk partisanship which, in my opinion, the Republicans have taken to new depths (more blocked votes in the Senate than the Dems ever did, and a House dominated by the Reps Tea Party wing).
No, try as you might, you cannot run away from the plain meaning of your own words.  Now, as to Spanish I have virtually none and struggled to communicate with our Salvadoran house-keeper.  So I'll rely on you not to order me up a disease-ravaged MILF at the Del Rey.  (BTW, what's the deal down there with STDs?  Are the girls registered and regularly tested?).  As for timing, I'm trying to spend as little time as possible in the NE this winter and it's still nice here in early Nov.  So I figured late Nov. would be good.  If I like it down there I'll return for a while in Feb.  So let's think along those lines and firm things up when we get closer.  In the meantime..........

GaGambler1210 reads

and you are the one parsing words, it seems to be a talent the left seems to value. I can't think of any righty's, either here or in public life that seem to parse words like you lefties do. I simply wrote a sentence in plain English that you saw fit to misquote, and then misunderstand as it suited you. Talk about a lack of game.

Since the talk about Ronnie seems to be going nowhere, lets talk about CR. While I won't deny that there probably are disease ravaged MILF's at the Del Rey, I can't think of a person I have ever known that ever caught anything from a Del Rey chica. and yes the girls are registered and are regularly tested. They also have to sign in at the front desk before being allowed upstairs to any of the rooms. It cuts "trick rolling" down to a miniscule level, although I would suggest you take advantage of the room safes that are available for free in every room. No sense in tempting the fates.

As for spending any extended time in CR, I would never consider staying at the Del Rey for anything more than a couple of days. Quite frankly the hotel has seen better days, and since they jacked up the prices a few years ago, a drunk like you would most likely be running up thousand dollar bar bills. The beach is really the place to be. The talent is better and renting a condo on the beach is a very simple matter.

I would suggest that if you can get away for 4 days to a week in late November that we spend a day or two in San Jose and then head for Jaco. The Co Cal Hotel and Casino is where all the current action is, feel free to Google it.

Re your final debating point: Pot=Kettle=Black.
Re CR.  A fine plan.  We'll nail it down in Nov.

GaGambler920 reads

well not actually. Truth be told, it was pretty damn weak, probably due to your weak competition of late.

As for CR, virtually any time works for me. I wonder if we can get anyone else to go? Probably not likely, most Americans don't even have a fucking passport, mush less ever travel abroad.

You are just a hoot, unilaterally declaring victory after I have wiped the floor with you.
My passport has another five years on it.  Mikey wants to join us but, as you said, is passportless.  I told him to get off his ass.

Posted By: GaGambler
well not actually. Truth be told, it was pretty damn weak, probably due to your weak competition of late.  

As for CR, virtually any time works for me. I wonder if we can get anyone else to go? Probably not likely, most Americans don't even have a fucking passport, mush less ever travel abroad.

GaGambler951 reads

good thing you aren't fat, because the other two must apply if you think you did anything of the kind with me or your floor. I would respectfully suggest you stick with stepping on dungbeetles, it seems a lot more your speed considering how low your "debating skills" have fallen.

My passport may need replacing soon, it still has six or seven years left on it, but it's not only out of blank pages, it's in pretty bad shape by me carrying it in my back pocket next to my wallet. What is it about Americans, I think only somewhere around 7% of Americans even hold a valid passport, doesn't anyone else ever go anywhere? No wonder they are so clueless about the rest of the world, they've never seen any of it.

Note to both of us. If Mikey come with us, remember to bring an extra few grand for bail money.

the way you do your victory dance.  Hilarious.  Do you have a funny hat, too? LOL!

How do you talk to anyone that doesn’t want to talk to you. US, UK, and France were trying to talk Bashar for two and a half years, he didn’t budge because he didn’t need anything from the three and Russia supported him.

Only Russia can force him to do anything because he needs Russia so Putin could do what he did. The only thing US could do was to bomb Syria and UK our natural ally did not want participate. British citizens are tired of big brother getting into wars and the last one with big fat lie.

You are beginning sound more and more like “RIGHT WING NUT” or “TEAHALIBANS” or both!

mrnogood871 reads

however, it still doesn't change the fact that he is indeed acting more diplomatic over Syria than Obama.. and I think the fact that Obama is being showed up by putin, speaks volumes to the amount of trouble America is in...


Posted By: inicky46
Not that I support Obama's mis-handling for the whole Syria mess.  But Putin is a naked opportunist who sees there are diplomatic chips to be gained.  He has supported Syria the entire time because it's an important client state where many Russians live.  His support has cost him dearly in the Sunni Arab world and he sees this gambit as a way to recoup.  
 His desire for a UN-backed solution is hypocritical.  We all know Russia and China will veto any meaningful action on Syria.  Just because Obama blew it -- and may be bailed out by Putin's effort to remove Syria's chemical weapons -- doesn't mean we can believe anything Putin says.  Anyone who does is dangerously naive.  That said, his effort to get the chem. weapons from Assad should be supported for now as the least bad option.  
 In all likelihood, there never was a good option in Syria.  We should have announced at the beginning we were staying out and it was something for the French and Turks to deal with -- helped behind the curtain by the CIA.  I bet Obama never utters the words "red line" ever again.

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