Politics and Religion

Link : are White Christian Conservatives less educated than the rest of the U.S. population ?
Priapus53 1492 reads

The polling data in this article would seem to suggest so; maybe a partial reason for this is  "homeschooling" carried out by so many Evangelicals/fundamentalists. Former conservative Fla. GOP congressman Joe Scarborough referred to the GOP as the "stupid party"; here are the possible reasons why :

-- Modified on 8/22/2012 9:27:14 AM

Priapus53136 reads

Your moronic, paranoid & tinfoil hat conspiracy posts are proof of that; btw, "space cadet", what is the level of your matriculation ? ( he has YET to answer that question when posed innumerable times to him )

Lastly, keep in mind, that's it's an oxymoron to be bigoted against a "bigoted majority".

-- Modified on 8/22/2012 6:51:02 AM

followme138 reads

What part of the bell are you and your mail-order degree the Ding-Dong?

What was your mail-order degree major “special projects” or was it a double major special projects and failure.

I no doubt you were at the top of your class in loser 101.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

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