Politics and Religion

Israel must be ready!
bigguy30 865 reads

This is bad and everybody can see it but Trump's cult.

-- Modified on 2/28/2017 2:55:34 PM

bigguy30306 reads

Posted By: bigguy30
This is bad and everybody can see it but Trump's cult.

-- Modified on 2/28/2017 2:55:34 PM

-- Modified on 2/28/2017 2:59:52 PM

TwoMints179 reads

Yeah, I see a big wave of Jews fleeing the USA. This is a fucking joke.

Oh FUCK, Trump's in office it's open season on Jews on orders directly for the Oval Office. Next week he's going to give a speech about it.  

People actually get paid to write this drivel?

Obama shit on Israel every chance he got, but it's Trump's fault says the far left fake news author.

bigguy30277 reads

So former President Obama gave Israel a aid package of 38 billion dollars.

Also he gave 12 million to Holocaust survivors.
He never had a problem with the Jewish people but their scumbag Prime Minister who acted like a bitch!

Posted By: TwoMints
Yeah, I see a big wave of Jews fleeing the USA. This is a fucking joke.  
 Oh FUCK, Trump's in office it's open season on Jews on orders directly for the Oval Office. Next week he's going to give a speech about it.  
 People actually get paid to write this drivel?  
 Obama shit on Israel every chance he got, but it's Trump's fault says the far left fake news author.

-- Modified on 2/28/2017 3:20:37 PM

bigguy30264 reads

Thanks Mr.M.Johnson for your reponse.

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
Very well said!

-- Modified on 2/28/2017 7:16:24 PM

What else do you expect.    This is going to be worse than the Holocaust.  

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