Politics and Religion

Lefties like Mari and Lawrence O'Donnell have already shot down the "Bush lied" nonsense.
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 3112 reads
1 / 86

Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.

“I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.

“This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”

The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.

Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.

Link to complete article below

Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone

thisbud4u 399 reads
3 / 86

Gee, why?    He could have joined the State Governor and NRA card holder with A++++ Ms. Namritha Randhwa to promote his Stand Your Ground, Guns in college campuses and Guns everywhere agenda.

So they take away  their benefits, take away their voting rights and then go to their churches, one last free and peaceful place (not any more) and shoot them to death.

So a take away from this is:

1. Priests giving sermon with an AK47 and 300 rounds magazine
2. School teachers in class rooms with an AK47 and 300 round magazine
3. Students in colleges with hand guns and ammo.

The country will outsmart the BOKO HARAM country.

thisbud4u 357 reads
4 / 86

Does anyone think that things are going to change ?     Don't hold your breath.

HONDA 153 Reviews 570 reads
5 / 86

.......asswipes like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson get involved. I suspect the people of Charleston will NOT allow those two misfits to come into Charleston and stir up trouble.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.  
 “I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.  
 “This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”  
 The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.  
 Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.  
 Link to complete article below  
 Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone.  

RRO2610 51 Reviews 281 reads
7 / 86

But I would have sincerely preferred an epic gaff from a Presidential candidate rather than a murderous atrocity.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 298 reads
8 / 86

Posted By: Laffy

 I'm sure they are already screaming FALSE FLAG too.  
 Sickening....for many reasons.
  The powers that be sacrificed thousands of innocent souls with their 911 massacre. They'd murder nine, ten, or a couple dozen AA Christians without batting an eye to continue their political agenda. 911 was needed to convince the American public into giving up their 4th Amendment and rally around GWB/Dick Cheney's Crusade. Sandy Hook was less than well produced theater to push more anti-Second Amendment legislation. This "atrocity" has all the earmarks of being extremely politically expedient on many levels.  

 But yes; It is "Sickening....for many reasons".

RRO2610 51 Reviews 320 reads
10 / 86

Posted By: Laffy
You freaks act like no one was ever killed before our country was created.  
 Do I think there have been false flags?  You bet.  Thousands of engineers, architects, physicists, etc say the official 9/11 story is complete bullshit.  
 Then there is the US Liberty and Operation Norwood and many other cover-ups like JFK.  
 But you guys think EVERYTHING is a "false flag".....especially when it comes to Obama.  
 Hate to break it to ya, but there are some actual flaming racists in this country who think blacks should be swinging from the trees again.  
 Do you think those were all "false flags" 60 years ago?

  I didn't say there WEREN'T confederate flag waiving racists in this country! All I'm saying is don't again vilify and legislate against 2nd Amendment Rights simply to put forth more feel good legislation that only marginalizes and oppresses the law abiding while doing NOTHING to stop the criminally aberrant.  

 Many property rental agreements now have a provision for "NO GUNS STORED ON PREMISES" And so too for commercial storage facilities. This is a back door to prohibition if I ever saw one. If one is not a property "owner" there is no place to keep your firearm(s).  

JohnyComeAlready 362 reads
11 / 86

The guy obviously wasn't acting Christian, if had been acting Christian he would have turned the other cheek, instead of commiting violence.

Posted By: Laffy
the hillbillies are already blaming it on Obama and crying about "Al and Jesse and the liberal media are going to exploit it."  
 If it were a Muslim that shot up a white church, Faux would run the story 24/7 for a year.  I bet this doesn't last 3 days on their "news" network.  
 I even saw one post that said, "He didn't look white to me but a light skinned Muslim."  
 The dude loaded his gun SIX times and said, "I HAVE to do it.  You're raping our women and taking over our country."  
 The Baggers have been whining, "Blacks have been taking over our country" non-stop since 5 seconds after Obama was sworn in.  
 I'm sure they are already screaming FALSE FLAG too.  
 Sickening....for many reasons.

bigguy30 362 reads
12 / 86
JackDunphy 347 reads
13 / 86

Those two idiots need to stay out. Sharpton more than Jackson imo.

Sharpton is a hate and fear monger extraordinaire. And a lying snake to boot.

No need for him anywhere near the place. Let the decent, peace loving people in to restore hope and much needed stability.

Mr. "Gas on the Fire" needs to take a hike.

bigguy30 514 reads
14 / 86

Posted By: HONDA
.......asswipes like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson get involved. I suspect the people of Charleston will NOT allow those two misfits to come into Charleston and stir up trouble.  
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.  
  “I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.  
  “This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”  
  The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.  
  Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.  
  Link to complete article below  
  Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone.  

JackDunphy 390 reads
16 / 86

Obama calls many of them "friends and advisors."

GiantBombing 344 reads
17 / 86

Posted By: JackDunphy
Obama calls many of them "friends and advisors."
I'm not doubting you, and I have no agenda to further here, honestly - who? I just want some names to google for my own edification, is all.

JackDunphy 528 reads
18 / 86

How about we start with the person Obama has referred to as "the most influential male in his adult life." None other than Revered Jeremiah Wright, racist to the core yet Obama spends 20 years in his church.

Then whom did Obama choose to say a prayer at his inaugural? Racist Reverend Lowery. He said "all whites are going to hell" and slams whites in the prayer he gave! Unreal...

Then, he assigns Van Jones as his green jobs czar. Pull up Van Jones lovely thoughts about how whites intentionally poison African American water supply and all his other winners.  

Moving right along...we have Al Sharpton as his advisor on race relations. LOL. I swear, I am not making any of this up.

Then you have his VP Biden say how "articulate and clean" Obama is. No racism there right? LOL

Harry Reid said Obama was a 'light-skinned' African American 'with no Negro dialect'. What Republican wouldn't be branded a racist for saying that?

Obama seems to be perfectly comfortable in the company of racists. Worse than that he LIKES them, honors them with key positions.

followme 491 reads
19 / 86

You did NOT point it out.  

Based on you hatred of religion
Your hatred of Christians or thumpers as you like to say
Your hatred of the Bible
And your hatred in general and the fact that you are  
are just an angry person filled with hate.

I'm not surprised you did intentionally leave out that point until
called out on it and then you just put up a cover your ass post.  


You're Welcome
May God Bless those Souls

GaGambler 379 reads
20 / 86

I just gave Hadji an earful for laughing at the misfortune of others. just because I agree with your underlying premise, doesn't mean I give you a pass for mocking people in a time of grief. Your post was even more insensitive than Hadji's as people are dead, which is no laughing matter. IOW don't be a dick, show some fucking compassion for the innocent dead

JackDunphy 539 reads
21 / 86

Who gives a fk if the guy "hated" them or not? What possible relevance does that have?

So somebody that murders that DOESNT hate the victim gets less of a sentence?

Give the guy the max sentence. I could care less what his thoughts were about those innocent victims and the law should care less as well.

GaGambler 490 reads
22 / 86

If I punched Hadji in the face, would he go crying to LE that I did so out of "hate" for his race, or just because he's a douche bag? Should the punishment for killing a black person if the perp is white, or a white person if the perp is black, really be any different. It's like saying one life is more important than another when the whole goal is "supposed" to be equal treatment under the law.

IMHO As long as there is no doubt that the person they arrested is guilty, either lock him up and throw the key away, or better yet, put one right between his eyes and be done with it. That is of course as long as there is no doubt about his guilt and I don't think that is an issue in this case.

2236707 3 Reviews 427 reads
23 / 86

let him spend a lifetime taking it hard up the ass in a shit-hole of a prison. He's young - lots of good mileage left.

GaGambler 598 reads
24 / 86

If this becomes another media feeding frenzy the perp will get EXACTLY what he wanted, Glory and his name all over the news. To some warped minds, this guy will be some kind of martyr for "white power" when he should be treated as the sick piece of shit that he is and deprived of his moment in the spotlight before being put away somewhere we will never hear from him again.

nuguy46 392 reads
25 / 86
JohnyComeAlready 406 reads
26 / 86

...as of now NO ONE knows this individual's motive.

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready

JackDunphy 346 reads
27 / 86

Obama is already politicizing it.  

He just cant help himself. He couldn't just say he was sad for the victims...couldn't wait for all the facts...just went full speed ahead today on gun control.  

What a POS we have as a president.

followme 322 reads
29 / 86

That it caused him to cancel a fund raiser.

Thank you

-- Modified on 6/18/2015 3:22:17 PM

bigguy30 324 reads
30 / 86

Since one of your race baiting followers exposed his hate.
What do all of you clowns do on here?
Just find every stupid reason to blame something else.
Why a sorry bunch of losers!

Posted By: followme
That it caused him to cancel a fund raiser.  
 Thank you

JackDunphy 395 reads
32 / 86

12 hours after a horrific episode is NOT the time.

Lets get facts...lets wait for the funerals...lets concentrate on the victims for a few days.

There is always time to discuss the politics at a later date about gun control.

Is this THAT difficult to understand???

bigguy30 366 reads
33 / 86

Posted By: JackDunphy
12 hours after a horrific episode is NOT the time.  
 Lets get facts...lets wait for the funerals...lets concentrate on the victims for a few days.  
 There is always time to discuss the politics at a later date about gun control.  
 Is this THAT difficult to understand????  

followme 306 reads
34 / 86

Thanks to the excellent work of many good cops.

I wonder what a backstabbing cop hater has to say about that?

You're welcome

JohnyComeAlready 435 reads
35 / 86

The death penalty is much more appropriate in matters such as these. If anything America is becoming much more of a Christian nation, due to liberal policies that are against the death penalty.

Back to my question Why do Americans love to sentence people to sexual assault? Is it some kind of submissive  sexual fantasy that people get off on because the state has authority over your life, and they like seeing their master satisfied?

Any time a rape joke is told on an entertainment medium, it's followed by laughter and applause. I can only assume if people clap and laugh at rape jokes, that they condone rape.

JohnyComeAlready 227 reads
36 / 86

Last I checked white isn't a religion .

JohnyComeAlready 287 reads
37 / 86
JohnyComeAlready 372 reads
38 / 86

You couldn't have possibly cared about these Christians when they were alive. Now since they are dead you all of a sudden feel the desire to show compassion?

That's some backward shit there

2236707 3 Reviews 309 reads
39 / 86

A guy who kills nine people in a church because he hates their race deserves hell. Since I don't believe in christianity and its childish fantasy of hell in an afterlife, I wish upon that bastard a real hell in the most feasible way.

JohnyComeAlready 265 reads
40 / 86

I could empathize, if you knew one of the victims personally. I still wouldn't suggest that your anger is healthy. Why couldn't you op for a simple sentence of death?

Would you feel comfortable carrying out the punishment you are in favor of

JohnyComeAlready 235 reads
41 / 86
HONDA 153 Reviews 377 reads
42 / 86

Do you think Sharpton and Jesse Jackson really give a rats ass about the causes of minorities and the poor? Shame on you if you think this to be case. They are both IMHO professional shake down artists who have made a pretty mint($$$$) shaking down Corporate America.

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: HONDA
.......asswipes like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson get involved. I suspect the people of Charleston will NOT allow those two misfits to come into Charleston and stir up trouble.  
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.    
   “I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.    
   “This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”    
   The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.    
   Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.    
   Link to complete article below    
   Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone.    

JackDunphy 394 reads
43 / 86

That's a hypothetical.

With Obama we actually have hard evidence because he has ALREADY done it. MANY MANY MANY times.

And don't you think the POTUS should be held to the highest standard???

Why in the world would you compare Obama, who is at the top of the government food chain, with pundits on Fox and Rush who are political commentators?

Is your opinion of Obama really THAT low

JackDunphy 516 reads
44 / 86

He has a long and storied history of doing it. See Trayvon, Ferguson, Cambridge Police, etc etc etc

You would think the dumbass would learn from his mistakes but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

He has divided us by race every chance he gets and he wonders aloud why the police have backed off patrolling the inner city.

And check out my post re: all his racist cronies.

Many reasons why he is a POS Laff. MANY.

followme 442 reads
45 / 86

Vomits diarrhea.

You have one diseased mind to fabricate the stuff you post.

You're Welcome

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 273 reads
46 / 86

Another day in Good Old US of A.

Until the society is willing to face some hard truth, such atrocities will continue. You will hear howling for the legendary 90 minute news cycles and it will all die down as usual.

When those elementary school kids got shot, I surely thought, our society cannot be as callous but I was proven wrong, nothing happened

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 240 reads
47 / 86
marikod 1 Reviews 439 reads
48 / 86

And I’m baffled as to why Mr. Obama and Hillary even mentioned guns in their public statements. As best I can tell, the guy just walked into a church with a .45 given to him by his parents and started shooting.  He did not use an assault weapon; there is no public carry issue; and maybe not even an illegal sale issue.

       If you label every premeditated shooting by a deranged evil person a gun control issue, you muddy the water as to the areas where gun control makes a difference – i.e, the use of assault weapons/ high capacity mags or gun violence arising from public carry.  

        While you are incorrect that Mr. Obama by his one sentence (unless you are talking about some other statement I have not heard) attempted to “politicize “the tragedy, there was no reason to mention guns at all in his speech

dncphil 16 Reviews 510 reads
49 / 86

A sick evil person went bongos and did a terrible thing.

That is about all one can say.

There is no indication anyone else was involved.  Unlike a massacre such as the one in Paris, no one will try to excuse it  

There will be universal condemnation, except for a few statistically insignificant malcontents and nuts.
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.  
 “I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.  
 “This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”  
 The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.  
 Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.  
 Link to complete article below  
 Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone.  

JohnyComeAlready 271 reads
50 / 86
JohnyComeAlready 281 reads
51 / 86

I don't think any of that has been verified.

JohnyComeAlready 361 reads
52 / 86

black churches, white churches... don't they all use the same Bible?

JohnyComeAlready 336 reads
53 / 86

He did(allegedly) kill people in a Christian church.

JohnyComeAlready 465 reads
54 / 86

Any time someone looses their life it is a tragedy. I find it even harder to form an opinion of someone I've never met, especially once they are no longer living

GaGambler 288 reads
55 / 86

but I have certainly formed an opinion about you, as has most of the rest of the board.

followme 414 reads
56 / 86

As I expected, A lying arrogant fapping fraudulent yammerer .....  totally meaningless fiction.

Very entertaining watching you lose control, get flustered and whine and cry.

You're Welcome

GaGambler 410 reads
57 / 86

and all the millions of other people put to death by these "Good Christians"

Now that doesn't mean that I in any way excuse the actions of this sick puke who gunned down almost a dozen innocent people who were minding their own business, not harming a soul. but to claim Christians aren't a bloodthirsty lot is ridiculous, exactly the kind of nonsense we have grown to expect from JCA

GaGambler 380 reads
58 / 86

You could put Michelle Obama right at the top of that list as well. How quickly people seem to forget the words "For the first time in my life, I am proud of my country"

GaGambler 418 reads
59 / 86

because you are absolutely correct, at least the part where you say that this is NOT a gun control issue. Even the toughest gun laws, short of banning all firearms period, (a logistical impossibility in a country with hundreds of millions of guns) would have done anything to have stopped this tragedy.

To even bring up the subject shows how little he knows on the subject, or what a political animal he is, ever the opportunist just like RRO has claimed

GaGambler 377 reads
60 / 86

but I suppose we can chalk this up to even a broken clock being right twice a day, because assuming he really said this (and yes I believe he did) this is beyond stupid, and maybe a good way to knock some of the more ridiculous thumpers out of the race early???

Ok, go fuck yourself, i know that is only wishful thinking, Santorum will most likely be around for a while, to my utter disgust.

but while we are trying to be fair here, does anyone remember the massacre in Paris, where they tried to claim it was only coincidence that all the victims were Jewish. That was almost as dumb as what some of these thumpers were claiming today, Not quite, but close.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 340 reads
61 / 86

Posted By: Laffy
1)  You automatically called it a false flag, so stop whining, "I never said there weren't racists."  Did you see they caught the guy?  
 2)  I thought the Right was for "Business owners can do anything they want on their property" so now you're whining some are banning guns?  Instead of crying "the mean old liberal Obama is behind it", with ZERO proof, how about they don't want the liability if shooting happens on their property and have their ass sued off?
1` I've been rather busy today and not up on the minute to minute.
2. What gave you the idea I'm a "Righty"?????

  I strongly believe in the Second Amendment, I also believe strongly in reproductive choice/rights (for both women & men  ;)
And I didn't say Obama masterminded Sandy Hook for his own political gain or legacy.  All I said is with the racial overtones and other hot button issues that will CERTAINLY be pounced on by the media a reactionary and further subjugation of law abiding gun owners should be avoided and thoroughly questioned.

  You don't like guns; that is obvious. But making every law abiding defender of the 2nd Amendment a pariah through ever more restrictive legislation is NOT EVER GOING TO TAKE THEM AWAY FROM CRIMINALS!

JohnyComeAlready 421 reads
62 / 86

Every piece of anti death penalty legislation has been signed by a self identifying Christian. I'm talking about recent history.

Your witch burning example is damn near ancient history.

GaGambler 435 reads
63 / 86

How many non christian legislators can you name?

The right is overwhelmingly pro capital punishment, and the virtually all the anti death penalty support has come from the left. Now please go ahead and tell me that the left is more Christian than the right and sew up the SPOTY right fucking now.

bigguy30 438 reads
64 / 86

When more people realize white race baiting terrorists are just as bad as Isis!
Then maybe we can start getting some where in this country.  

Posted By: Laffy
 The response by many on the Right saying, "This wasn't an attack on blacks, this was an attack on religion" make me want to vomit.  
 Just as their phony outrage over Obama "politicizing this" when they've done nothing but drag Benghazi thru the streets for PURELY political purposes for YEARS even after their talking points were shot down over and over.

GaGambler 330 reads
65 / 86

First I am hardly a thumper, but I am 100% in favor of the death penalty as long as there is ZERO doubt about the guilt of the perp. If there is even the slightest doubt that he/she did it, then toss em in prison until there is proof positive, we can alway execute him later, but you can't "unexecute" a person.

As for Obama, he said it, he owns it, and he damn sure politicized it to bolster his long standing anti second amendment stance. I don't apologize for the idiot righties trying to make this about Christians instead of race, I damn sure am not going to give Obama a pass for doing something just as dishonest. and no, this is NOT why Obama is the most worthless POS ever, that list is much longer than him taking a cheap shot about gun control when even you AND Mari concede that gun control had nothing to do with this.

digdirkler 85 Reviews 306 reads
66 / 86

But condenses the conventional wisdom with his usual dumb dumb aplomb
1- OF COURSE this was a racist attack on blacks
2- BUT that doesn't matter, it is still not the equivalent to a terrorist attack by moslems
3- Why?  because Islam has an extremely active and growing terrorism, partly aimed at the West and the US, with corporate aims, varying levels of organization etc.  A moslem attack is part of a larger mass phenomena and real active threat.    19 Guys, acting as the point men of a far larger and more complex organization, pulled off 911... a lone gunmen on psycho active meds acting alone or with a couple buddies ain't the same.
4- But what about Fort Hood and Boston!  They were lone wolfs using regular weapons or lame home mades, not organized terrorists or using WMD's.  OK, half a decent point. BUT, the main issue of the Fort Hood thing was the guy had been making threats for a LONG time, and clearly should have been discharged/ had his clearance revoked, but wasn't precisely because he was Moslem... Dumby Liberal PC enabled his attack (just like 911).   Its like this kid going to that church, making open racist threats and the church inviting him to be a member, and then being surprised later by his attack.  Boston?  OK, getting warmer.  Boston was horrific on its own, but reacted to even more because of rhetorical ties to a bigger threat it was ONLY rhetorically related to.  Sure, the Tsarenevs weren't Al Q or ISIS or connected to any organization, they just reminded everyone of 911 etc.  BUT, they did raise the valid question of how many moslem lone wolves are there.
5- and so we come to the real point of why Charleston IS NOT comparable to 911, or even Boston.  Yes Yes, it happened in a state with Confederate roots... but come on.  If this was 1870, or even 1965, trying to tie him to some bigger conspiracy would make some sense.  But seriously, there is NOT some big White Supremicist, KKK, Confederate irredentist threat to blacks out there. There just isn't.   Most hate crimes are actually by blacks on whites, as well as most interracial violence period.  The Confederacy and the Klan and all that are a dead letter and no active threat, and people these days who try to "pass" are whites passing as black or Lationo... nobody wants to pass as White anymore.  Islam is a real and growing problem.   Sure, the Confederate stars and bars on the state house could be an irritating or hateful symbol to many, but it STILL is not the same as an ISIS flag, no real threat.  

Streets named after Stonewall Jackson in S Carolina is no more a threat  than modern Mongols revering Genghis Khan (and boy do they) which should not and does not strike hearts into Muscovites or the residents of Bagdad, no matter how real and terrible their historical experiences with Mongols were.   If a psychotic mongol with dreams of glory shot up a place in Moscow, or a Japanese a place in Pearl Harbor, nobody would freak out that this was some sign of current menace from that slumbering ancient threat.  Neither should a psychotic kid with internet fantasies and Rhodesia flags.

CONCLUSION: Stewart is a typical dumb ass liberal mega overhyping the threat and sins of white Americans (actually only SOME Americans.. when he says "we" he means "you other people") and ridiculously downplaying the threats and problems of foreigners or non-white Americans.

JohnyComeAlready 277 reads
67 / 86

Another fact is we can't have people saying Christians are pro death penalty. When every death penalty moratorium bill has been signed into law by a Christian.

You can't have it both ways, unless your name is Matt.

digdirkler 85 Reviews 310 reads
68 / 86

How exactly are white race baiting terrorists just as bad as Isis?  I mean yes, a murdered person is dead no matter who did it, so in that sense equivalent... but...

Where are all the other White Race Baiting Terrorists lining up ranks of blacks by the tens and hundreds to behead them or gun them down like ISIS?  Where is the territory held by White Race Baiting Terrorists, against the combined armies of several  countries with US airpower help?  Where are the White Race Baiters streaming to their banner from all over the globe to help wage White Race Jihad against the blacks of South Carolina like mohommedans from Milwaukee and London flocking to Syria?

No fair answering that territory one with "the confederacy".  Nobody worries about ISIS because of Islam's bloody conquests in 900AD, they worry about the beheadings last week on Youtube.   Where is the current equivalent of White Race Baiting Terrorism sweeping the nation, now, here, today?  One incident is not a trend.

JohnyComeAlready 272 reads
69 / 86

The point is people should respect people more while they are alive, instead if only showing respect once rhey are dead.

My thing is if I've never met you I'm not going to have much compassion for you alive or dead. That's the not to say I don't have respect for a strangers life.

JackDunphy 287 reads
70 / 86

Its the oppositions job to point that out Laff.

2236707 3 Reviews 468 reads
71 / 86

the religious right loves your life until you are born.  Then they want the death penalty, no health care, no welfare, etc.

JackDunphy 413 reads
72 / 86

Why do you never feel the need to take on my facts and have to try an make moral equivalency arguments constantly?

Is your faith in Obama that weak

JohnyComeAlready 380 reads
73 / 86

I was talking about Christians whom are against the death penalty. Who are also liberal policy makers. Yes I believe they are pandering to their liberal base, who happen to be Christian. I'm wiling to bet the victims of this tragedy fall into this demographic.

Posted By: dani987x
the religious right loves your life until you are born.  Then they want the death penalty, no health care, no welfare, etc.

JackDunphy 314 reads
74 / 86

and I have previously put up the link from Lawrence O'Donnell from McLaughlins show. Knock yourself out.  

Btw, how many Senate Intel Committee Dems are on record saying Bush lied about WMD?

digdirkler 85 Reviews 368 reads
75 / 86

Are you saying he acted as part of a conspiracy, as an agent of a terrorist group?  So far as I've seen, all sources say he is a loner.

OK, even if we concede that he is inspired by Rush (who is Faux?) and by Tea Partiers and Militia movement types and their rhetoric... and even if we fully accept  your characterization of their rhetoric (though given the Justice's broad definition of online threats, I would be a little surprised if your accounting is true as stated)...  How does that make them or the "lone" gunman as you call him the Equivalent of Al Queda or Isis?  How does that make Stewart's or your equivalence make any sense?

Both the left and right use lots of hot talk and violent rhetoric.  But there is surprisingly little violence, and there is no organized campaign of terrorism on either side.  Whether its a black dude killing whites like that Long Island train guy years ago, or the reverse, does not mean they are part of some large conspiracy.   Do whites, blacks, latinos, Asians act in tribal coalition ways politically and vie for dominance for their own? Yes.  Is the Confederate battle flag a symbol of a historic dominance?  Yes.   Does that mean that this "lone" gunman in Charleston is part of some larger problem and vast conspiracy of violence and intimidation of blacks by whites in this country?  Nope, not even a little.  

Re: 911.  Please, intel indicated vague warnings that no president could have acted on, what a ridiculous point.  My point is specific, that Politically Correct fears of racial insensitivity or actions that might result in legal or employment sanctions lead, specifically, to the FBI and airport personnel and flight school staff not acting on specific suspicions of the actual 911 terrorists.   Being moslem/ Arab actually gave the 911 terrorists an advantage, because of PC.  PC is a liberal cause.  .  It wasn't merely their rhetoric that influenced the FBI and others similar to your accusations of Limbaugh or the state flag.  It was specific legal and social punishments liberals use to enforce PC thought policing that coerced those persons into letting Al Q have a pass.

Liberals didn't cause 911, Al Queda did.  But they did disable numerous levels of our defenses.  Limbaugh has never said he wants anyone to go into black churches and shoot people, but the FBI and others acted exactly as Liberals have explicitly taught us to act on pain of punishment.  So yes, to that extent, Liberals bear some blame for 911.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 286 reads
76 / 86

Posted By: Laffy
 But last time I checked, IIRC, around 75% of the country wants stronger background checks yet the gun nuts scream, "That won't stop crooks, so why do it?"  
 Using that "logic", make all drugs legal because crooks will get them anyway.  
 And make prostitution legal because that is the "oldest profession."
 It WON'T stop "crooks" or atrocities as this in South Carolina because they are already committing a felony in the use of a gun in the commission of the crime. And a criminal by definition will break any law that further enables him in his felonies.
 I'm not against a cursory background check, or even waiting a couple days "cool down" period. But the anti-gun lobby just keeps wanting to heap more laws on top of similarly unenforced, ineffectual, laws that only encumber, beleaguer, marginalize, and make pariah of the law abiding who choose to exercise a 239 year old RIGHT too own guns .    

Much better to treat "drugs" and addiction as a healthcare issue rather than a criminal issue.

Better to simply decriminalize. Legalizing it opens a Pandora's box nobody wants opened.

followme 314 reads
77 / 86

So was she Lying her ass off too?


Let's blame it on a video........  

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

BTW Do you really think I believe your bullshit about putting me on ignore?

-- Modified on 6/19/2015 3:56:07 PM

JackDunphy 412 reads
78 / 86

MR. MCLAUGHLIN: Bummest rap, Pat.  

 MR. BUCHANAN: Ronnie Earle indicts Tom DeLay for a crime, breaking a law that did not even exist when Tom DeLay allegedly broke it -- cheap political prosecution from Texas.  

 MR. MCLAUGHLIN: Eleanor.  

 MS. CLIFT: From Mean Jean Schmidt to decorated Marine veteran John Murtha: "Cowards cut and run. Marines never do." Bummest rap.  


 MR. BLANKLEY: The bummest rap is that Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction. He did not.  

 MR. MCLAUGHLIN: Lawrence. MR. O'DONNELL: I think I agree with Tony if what you mean -- the bummest rap is that Bush knew there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before the war. That is the bummest rap.  

 MR. MCLAUGHLIN: That's a bum rap?  

 MR. O'DONNELL: Yes.  

 MR. MCLAUGHLIN: So you're with Tony on that.  

 MR. O'DONNELL: Yeah. He definitely thought there were weapons there

digdirkler 85 Reviews 355 reads
79 / 86

a conspiracy of violence and intimidation is different than blacks " feeling intimidated".  Whites feel very intimidated by blacks, which all PC enforcers admit because they talk about how whites cross the street or women clutch their purses....those are the actions of intimidated persons.   Do blacks have a vast conspiracy of violence and intimidation against whites, equivalent to ISIS?  If not, since blacks commit the vast majority of interracial violence, how can you say whites do?   Ah, that's right, you didn't, you moved the goal post, to merely "feeling intimidated".  Disingenuous.

Nobody is burning black churches.  Clinton ginned that bogus one up to get out the black vote, and then his own DOJ found it was without basis, either accidental fires or black pastors doing arson for insurance.  Nobody cares?  Clearly you are disingenuous again, as the media LOVE stories like that, and it would be the 24 hour news cycle if they could find such a juicy story.

Vague.  Your characterization of the intel is false.  

PC is not a liberal cause?  Seriously? This is the ultimate disingenuous claim.
Blasphemy and offensive speech are related phenomena, but PC is not the same thing and you know it.  PC is a set of specific linguistic and behavioral protocols set up and policed by the left, regarding racial and sexual minorities and women.     Please, if PC is not beloved of the left, who is out there launching twitter tirades against folks who call trannies "men" or getting CEO's fired for private political contributions or threatening law suits if someone uses not the most up to date term for a group or attempting to get tenured professors fired for writing an opinion article or whining about microaggressions.  You mean those were Righties?  You mean it was conservatives who convinced those FBI, airport, and flight school personnel to squash their qualms and suspicions about arab/ muslims because of fear of seeming racist and all the punishments that can follow that?

mattradd 40 Reviews 413 reads
80 / 86

None to the victim or victims. However, a hate crime usually has the intent and effect of instilling fear in the racial, religious, cultural, etc., communities of that or those members.

JackDunphy 238 reads
81 / 86

The "slam dunk" comment didn't come from Cheney or Bush. It was directed to them, from George Tenet, an appointee from Bill Clinton.

So now Tenet and Tony Blair are part of the vast right wing conspiracy, along with Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore and Hills, who ALL said Iraq had WMD.

There was no lie. Just bad intel Laff. Sorry. Lo

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 438 reads
82 / 86

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.  
 “I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.  
 “This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”  
 The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.  
 Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.  
 Link to complete article below  
 Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone.  

digdirkler 85 Reviews 310 reads
84 / 86

every single thing you say is in bad faith
you don't attempt to make arguments you simply call names
dispute ala the playgroun

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