Politics and Religion

lefites will not like their leaders saying this...there is "no" there.. there
nuguy46 2817 reads

no evidence of any kind of any type of collusion between Trump campaign and Russia..will snowflakes remain delusional? take to the streets and destroy property? cry and beat their head against a brick wall??


followme279 reads

BrokeBackStabber is going to cry, whine and wet his panties telling you that yo do not know how to post a link.

What is the dumbass "so called" President hiding in his tax returns.   Put it out in the open.   Then people can decide if there is a connection.    Get it out SOB.

Tax return released. Libtards like you have egg on your face. Take a shower stumpy.

Actually FBI threw that egg in your Liar in Chief's face today for the whole world to see!   The FBI Director was gentleman enough not to call the tweets about wiretapping as LIES but came close to it.    The Liar in Chief got what he did not want to hear.

Now about that Barack Obama is not a US citizen and born Kenya lie.   Can we talk?   You will get more shit in your face and may will hit the fan.

When he does "get it out"...what are your plans for it?

He's going to let Lesbo Rachel Maddow get it out for him so she can get a 1 day rating hike.  

Posted By: hwy2heaven
What is the dumbass "so called" President hiding in his tax returns.   Put it out in the open.   Then people can decide if there is a connection.    Get it out SOB.

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