Politics and Religion

I realized something tonight . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 128 reads

watching Kamala's MSNBC interview on TV . . . . .  If I turn the sound off, I get the same amount of information about her policies as I do with the sound on.   She managed to avoid direct answers to the five or six questions she was asked by the presenter who publicly endorsed her a few days ago.  The only new info I got was that she grew up in a middle-class neighborhood.  I bet the rest of you guys didn't know THAT about her.   Lol

…to blame Trump for the economy being shit at the end of his term and her own interviewer had to tell her that was due to Covid.

shortest recession inn history.  Biden/Harris rode the coattails of Trump's vaccine development programs and the economy improved.  Then they started spending huge money on new green deal shit and inflation ballooned.  They inherited an IMPROVING economy and managed to still fuck it up.  

From Trump's "shortest recession inn (sic.) history" to NO RECESSION AT ALL.
Way to go, Joe and Kamala.

Joe and Kamala fucked things up royally after starting off with the great economy Trump left them.  That is, unless you think 20+% inflation over 3.5 years is a GOOD thing.

The economy wouldn't have recovered as rapidly under trump. What gets me is that trump never really promoted his vaccine, which came out on 12/2020.Trump not promoting his own vaccine which would have delay consumer confidence. And for sure he wouldn't have done the American rescue Plan which would have stalled the growth of the economy even more. To me, that saved the economy..in conjunction with the Biden Administration promoting the vaccine..2,5-3M vaccines a day. Hospitalizations dropping.
But we had two options
Inflation under Biden- which is more easier to recover from
Recession under trump- Which would have devastated the markets. real estate and manufacturing
Me, I can work with inflation, a recession there's no coming back from
But trump did print money with the Cares Act....can't totally ignore that

…and Debra Birx there wouldn’t habe been any recession at all. It was all a scam to get Trump out of office.

There was a recession because of Covid. But Trump made it MUCH worse with his incompetence. No scam. But notice, Wanker does NOT say the election was stolen. That's a start.

…to get Trump out of office. They over hyped a virus, they sold the country out to big pharma, they locked us in our homes and they set the country on fire from coast to coast. It was a coup. They waged a civil war against our own populace to punish them for electing Trump. That is what happened.

It was Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi on TV telling Dems that they would not "trust" the Trump Vaccines.  A year later, Joe is doing PSA's recommending getting the vaccine and you won't catch Covid.  (I got the vaccines and still had Covid three times, but I never wore a mask.  I would tell stores to call the police and by the time they get here I will be gone anyway, so leave me alone and I'll finish my shopping quickly and get out.)

…from Covid. Typically, when a new virus causes a pandemic you get high rates of excess deaths the first year due to it taking out the most vulnerable population, and then you have a selection effect where excess deaths drop suddenly. This is known as a pull forward effect. With Covid there was no pull forward. Instead excess deaths is expected to remain high for the next decade. Why? It’s the “vaccines”. The mRNA shots have now killed more people than Covid.

Trump tried to slash the NIH budget every single year. The Dems restored and passed the NIH budget every singe year. mRNA vaccine research had been going on for 20+ years and two of the pioneers, Kariko and Weissman, shared the 2023 Nobel Prize  http://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2023/press-release/ .
BioNTech was working on mRNA vaccines since 2008. Moderna was working on mRNA vaccines since 2010. It took YEARS to learn how make stable mRNA analogs, how to formulate mRNA for storage and delivery. The genetic sequence of the Covid-19 virus was released around Jan 11 2020. EVERY RNA lab was waiting for it and they designed and made mRNAs to test with a week or two. Moderna's selected sequences were among the best and things sped up even more. ...  
CONGRESS wrote and passed the CARES Act http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CARES_Act which Trump signed into law. Operation Warp Speed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Warp_Speed was funded out of the CARES Act money. OWS was not implemented until MAY 15, 2020 which was AFTER most of the R&D had gotten candidates in clinical trials. It can be noted that Pfizer-BioNTech did not take and OWS money: "The BioNtech project to develop a novel mRNA technology for a COVID-19 vaccine was called "Project Lightspeed", which started in mid-January 2020 at BioNTech's laboratories in Mainz, Germany, just days after the SARS-Cov-2 genetic sequence was first made public. ... Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said that the company had ***not taken Warp Speed funding*** for the development of the vaccine out of a desire "to liberate our scientists [from] any bureaucracy that comes with having to give reports and agree how we are going to spend the money in parallel or together". ..." Pfizer-BioNTech was the first to have a vaccine approved WITHOUT Trump.  
Trump originally denied that Covid was a problem, that it would go away around Easter, nothing to worry about. AFTER the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were proven effective, he sort-of supported their use. As evidenced in a recent (2024) recorded call with RFK Jr., as well as public statements, Trump is back to being an anti-vaxxer:
Trump’s campaign against public health is back on
The former president says he’ll block funding for US schools that require vaccines.
[Aug 14, 2024]

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: The Covid recession was the . . . .
shortest recession inn history.  Biden/Harris rode the coattails of Trump's vaccine development programs and the economy improved.  Then they started spending huge money on new green deal shit and inflation ballooned.  They inherited an IMPROVING economy and managed to still fuck it up.  
"Biden/Harris rode the coattails of PRIVATE INDUSTRY (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, etc.) vaccine development programs ..."

he wouldn't even do a photo op of himself getting the vaccine. That's the opposite of leadership.

it will be at least in part that he listened to that toxic bimbo about Haitians eating pets. See, Wanker, most Americans found that one ludicrous and are laughing at Trump.

…their top issues? Immigration and the economy.  

Trump’s going to win.

It was the selling point he once banked on.
Maybe they should start showing the reruns of the Apprentice..😂😂😂

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