Politics and Religion

Just my usual cynicism at work…confused_smile
RRO2610 51 Reviews 1559 reads

But Obama could be being set up as a huge patsy having his "Obamacare” relentlessly opposed, vilified, and voted for repeal well over 40 times by the Red team. And now having ACA have such an abysmal ‘roll-out’ it seems the puppeteers might have the 'trouble maker', any immediate future non-white candidates, as well as a SCOTUS approved and far reaching change to the government’s ability to “tax” its citizens.

  Well played corporate plutocracy

St. Croix215 reads

calling audibles. They would probably make Peyton Manning proud at their ability to deal with government continuous stupidity and incompetence.

Let me give you a small example. Remember the Keystone Pipeline? Still not approved. The EPA, Administration and State Dept are still analyzing the affect of greenhouse gas emissions. How long does this fucking analysis take? Is it stupidity, incompetence, or pandering to the environmentalists, maybe it's a little of all three.

So let me tell you what the "plutocrats" did. They are expanding the rail network. They are shipping oil from Canada via rail, and by 2016, they will be able to ship the same amount of oil as the pipeline. Now think about which method creates more potential greenhouse gases, a pipeline, or a bunch of trains spewing shit in the air.

ACA is a piece of shit legislation on its own. Trust me, it doesn't need any help from anybody. And in the end, the "plutocracy" is really good at changing the play at the line of scrimmage.

-- Modified on 11/5/2013 7:48:02 PM

The "corporate plutocracy" is the puppeteer. BIG MONEY, the same fuckers that had it ALL 300 years ago and had an aneurism when The U.S. Constitution was Signed. American Capitalism has now fathered its own super rich, and now Old and New have simply joined forces to keep the world en-mass as economic slaves.  
  Obama could possibly end up beaten politically senseless in the end for stepping on the toes of the "for profit" Healthcare Insurance Industry. And the Republican/Tea-bag Party has been relentless with its opposition and beating since day one. But whether history shows BHO a hero or a zero for getting or trying to get affordable healthcare for every citizen; it is the Government's now much increased ability to "Tax" that ultimately serves the "puppeteers"    

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."
--Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1777-1836)

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