Politics and Religion

July11 - sentencing day for Trump; July 15-18…
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 124 reads

Republican National Convention when the GOP will officially nominate Trump as the Republican Party’s candidate for president.  

Happy days are here again!

How DARE you mention Trump!!! Why are you obsessed with him!!
Said every Looooooooooooooser on the planet.

followme16 reads

Go ahead mention Trump, Shout Trump, yell Trump, Scream Trump while all you lefties jack each others joint, felch and tongue punch each other in the fart box.

 You lefties cannot stop mentioning  TRUMP because he is in your heads and under your skin.

2024 = Trump 270+

cue ickypus.....whaaaaa same ancient lines balh blah blah

When I decline to respond to SwallowMeat (as here) it's because none was needed due to the feebleness of his "reply."

Stealing another one of laffy’s lines.

You say you decline to respond to me in a post that is in response to me …yeah that’s another of laffy’s lines too.

Comrade ickypus again  proves he is laffy’s replacement.

And yes he will respond to me  

2024 = Trump 270+

If you thought everyone but the Turd Gargling left was angry before, I think we're now about to go scorched earth. Talk about becoming galvanized. I lost count of the people I saw on X who were furious.  

At the end of the Revolutionary War, the small portion of the population still loyal to the British and the remaining British forces left the country. This event was celebrated for years after wards as Evacuation Day. After the election, are we going to get a modern reenactment of this?

RespectfulRobert7 reads

Wasn't January 6th enough? Btw, does your guy EVER win in court? He was 0-62 in the "Stop the Steal" court tour, he lost in the E. Jean Carrol case, he was forced to pay $2million in his fraudulent charity case, the Trump organization was found guilty of SEVENTEEN tax evasion felonies and he is now a convicted felon.  
Trump's losses have come in state and federal court, civil and criminal, in rulings by juries and judges.  
Why don't you hero worshipers finally face reality by acknowledging your god is a fucking disaster and loses in right wing courts, moderate courts and left wing courts.
Champions can win everywhere. Losers lose everywhere. But yes, let's resort to violence and hurt innocent people. Thats the way to go instead of backing a sane candidate. smh

Losses at the ballot box since 2016 include:
2018 mid-terms = LOSS
2020 Presidential = LOSS
2022 mid-terms = YUGE historical under-performance.

Bah 🤣 ha 🤣 ha 🤣 ha 🤣 ha  

You two couldn’t wait to start your nightly nose nuzzling under the steps could ya?

What’s hilarious is you idiots are thinking “Oh boy we got him we got him we got him!!!” And in this case you are thinking “we” as if you had some hand in it.  

The reality is, this is galvanizing a nation tonight. Please keep thinking it’s not. 😆

"This will galvanize the MAGA base."

Now you're posting: "...this is galvanizing a nation tonight."

Next you'll probably post: "This will galvanize the WORLD!!"    
Bah 🤣 ha 🤣 ha 🤣 ha 🤣 ha  

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: WOW 😳 😳 😳 - earlier today you posted...  
"This will galvanize the MAGA base."  
 Now you're posting: "...this is galvanizing a nation tonight."  
 Next you'll probably post: "This will galvanize the WORLD!!"    
 Bah 🤣 ha 🤣 ha 🤣 ha 🤣 ha  
Nope just this nation 👍

Icky wants to know why you quit whispering “But Trump” in his ear… 🤢🤮

It is galvanizing the shrinking MAGA base. The Trump Grift Machine was sending out fundraising emails and posts within a few minutes of the conviction.

Posted By: LostSon
Re: WOW 😳 😳 😳
Bah 🤣 ha 🤣 ha 🤣 ha 🤣 ha  
 You two couldn’t wait to start your nightly nose nuzzling under the steps could ya?  
 What’s hilarious is you idiots are thinking “Oh boy we got him we got him we got him!!!” And in this case you are thinking “we” as if you had some hand in it.  
 The reality is, this is galvanizing a nation tonight. Please keep thinking it’s not. 😆
The Trump Grift Machine would have used a hung jury (mistrial) to galvanize the MAGA base. The Trump Grift Machine would have used an acquittal to galvanize the MAGA base. The Trump Grift Machine will grift off of anything.

THE DNC is really behind a good chunk of what’s wrong with this nation and has been for a LONG time…

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