Politics and Religion

Julie Newmar
Priapus53 946 reads

VERY hot lady. Funny thing-----when I seek a provider "body type" ( from all races & ethnicities ) I always look for buxom, voluptuous
bombshells in the tradition of the ladies we've pictured. Christie Brinkley is a more recent example of that phenotype. Overly thin, heavily tatooed "spinner" providers do NOTHING for me.

One last photo quiz ( & this should be easy for you ): still below of another buxom damsel in distress comes from what sci-fi film ?

Priapus533498 reads

Couple days ago caught Ron Paul on cable ; while I find most of the government budget cuts he propses to be ridiculously Draconian, he DID say one thing that was spot on; immediately ending U.S involvement in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan & Libya. Claimed the wars were "money pits" that greatly contributed to massive U.S deficits. He also butts head with party bosses & GOP orthodoxy by proposing massive defense cuts. Another sentiment I hardily agree with. Even though I disagree with much that he proposes
you gotta give him lotta points for integrity & independence, 2 qualities sorely lacking in "Washington miasma."

Then there's Mein; some will dismiss his "conspiratorial world view" ( often referred by board wags as "tinfoil hat thinking" ) but, by doing that you would miss excellent threads by him. I cite the following by him that many of you might have missed :

"It comes as no surprise that libs and cons were found to be equally close-minded.  The left-right paradigm is a big load of phony-baloney that has been created by politicians to obscure the actual process of monopolistic cronyism that their performance(s) in office amount to in the long and short runs.  Politics is a game played on  a field of polarities, and if the politician is astute enough to play one group (haves vs have-nots, white vs black, men vs women, and so on) against the other by awarding what is perceived to be either patronage, pork, or flowery lip-service amounting to little more than high-minded nonsense that pleasantly scratches their itching ears, he will attain political success."

Now, with anyone who has at least half a brain on this board ( with the notable exception of "Officer Cartman" ) disagree with the above ? Very perceptive stuff !

However, I will take Mein to task over LBJ role in JFK assasination. Hearing Howard Hunt's "deathbed" confession, told through his son, is "highly suspect" to a skeptic like myself. Doesn't mean I WOULDN'T like to blame LBJ for the murder. To me, he was a motherfucking war criminal who permanently ruined this country.

Btw, Mein ,hot pic of Beverly Garland you posted.
Here's another pic of 50's buxom beauty;strike a bell with you ? Do you know what film it's from ?

Lastly, the point of this OP ; if you're not open to opposing viewpoints, than you're politically brain dead ( a description that applies to several on this board-----;)

-- Modified on 4/22/2011 10:22:52 AM

hairdo's and dress the women in the photo's you're both posting, I'd say you're both still very much in love with your mother's! ;)

Priapus531335 reads

Btw, Matt's fave song is "I only have eyes for you"-----;)

-- Modified on 4/22/2011 5:52:41 PM

my casual observation was untrue, and that would have been the end of it. However, judging by your defensive reaction, now I suspect my observation to be true! ;)

If he runs for president he would loose. Who would vote for him? His appeal is limited to throwback conservatives who reside in giant mason jars. These jar dwellers were once known as the "silent majority", They elected Nixon, then returned to their giant mason jars. Later on they got out of their jars to elect Reagan. Reagan fucked over them by ending the cold war so back into their jars they went. Things were going well for the jar dwellers because those thick mason jars insulated them from reality.
But reality has a way of seeping into the most airtight of mason jars and a tiny bit of it has corrupted the mason jar dwellers. The corruption caused the jar dwellers to morph into the Tea Party. No one wants the Tea Party to run the country not even the Tea partiers themselves. What people want is the piece of mind that comes with knowing who your friends and enemies are. If Ron Paul can give people that kind of piece of mind then he will have a chance.

TheCunningLinguist1346 reads

"What people want is the piece of mind that comes..."
No, in that context it's "peace of mind."
But you can give someone " a piece of your mind."
Get it?
However, I do like your analogy using mason jars.

Got it. My proof reading is not what it used to be. BTW, pronouncing your alias makes me smile!

TheCunningLinguist1688 reads

I am always happy to help.  As for aliases, here's another one I love (not mne): Colonel Angus.  Please see below.

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