Politics and Religion

I've heard of it, and I'm no New Yorker.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 316 reads
1 / 9

To me, it sounds like a good reason to carry a firearm.

bobbollu14 3 Reviews 1723 reads
2 / 9

If those of you on here follow the news, I imagine you may have heard of something called the "knockout game". This is not a game, far from it . If you do not know about it, I am not that surprised since it has been downplayed in the media.. If you have heard about it you were probably were not provided with much detailed info.

The bottom line is this....The purpose of the game is to sucker punch someone just minding their own business ,in the street and hitting them so hard that you knock them unconscious.

I live mot far from New York and the latest incident happened here in March 2014. Most likely if you don't receive New York news you don't know about this. If you do your won investigation you will find the the perpetrators are overwhelming black targeting  white people and filming the experience to boast about it.
(yes there was ONE case I heard of , of a white lowlife targeting an elderly black man)

So here's is my point ,why no mention on the broadcasts of this highly charged racial trend? Why is his not a national story by now since it has occurred in numerous cities throughout the country?

Your comments are appreciated....

mattradd 40 Reviews 255 reads
3 / 9

I just heard about it through the previews of a TV crime show; perhaps it was 'Blue Bloods.' Given what you are reporting, it will be interesting to see who they cast as the perps.

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 301 reads
4 / 9

Old guard media like CBS,NBC,ABC,etc will downplay the racial angle if it is black on white crime. Those newsrooms are dominated by urban white liberals who feel guilty about racial injustices in our history. They are scared of being called  rascists and don't want to be shaken down by Sharpton or  J Jackson.

BeautywithBrains See my TER Reviews 339 reads
5 / 9

...dozen times, and more than three were black on white.  It never made the news.  I heard about it from people I know within different government agencies.

Hugs and Kisses,

Blowing Chunks 245 reads
6 / 9

They sucker punch.  

I guess if you run into a group of teenagers you can show that you have a gun as a deterrent.  I'm just afraid I'll empty out the entire magazine into the guys chest if he tries anything. Then get accused for murder, all over CNN,  when I was just defending myself.  Lol

Not exactly a win win for those who wanna stay private.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 239 reads
8 / 9

Well, I was thinking that someone who was carrying concealed and saw this happen would detain that person with a gun until police arrived.

DUANE 33 Reviews 245 reads
9 / 9

Agree - Fox covered it maybe 3-4 months ago I think but apparently it was not "news" on most of the mainstream networks, CNN, MSNBC, etc

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