Politics and Religion

Ivanka Trump accosted on a flight with her family
86H13LTP 2031 reads

The pencilneck cowards jumped her and her family .  

Dear baby Jesus , please allow me and my bros to be seated near her the next time some pussy leftist pulls that crap !

GaGambler347 reads

You would think at the very least she would charter a flight rather than subject herself to that kind of shit.

I agree, If I were sitting nearby, I would have been more than happy to help walk that "tough guy" off the plane who accosted a woman traveling with her kids.

Are you sure this is a "real" story? I am too lazy to check to see if this is more "fake news" but it sounds rather fishy, actually it sounds VERY fishy to me

JakeFromStateFarm334 reads

And I had the same reaction you did.  WTF is she doing on a Jet Blue coach flight?  That said, I don't think she should have been subjected to any harassment and hope I would have told the guy to stop.
I wonder what Gumby would have done?  Nothing, is my guess. Most people who talk tough on a fuck board are over-compensating for being pussies.

So you admit you're a pussy.  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
And I had the same reaction you did.  WTF is she doing on a Jet Blue coach flight?  That said, I don't think she should have been subjected to any harassment and hope I would have told the guy to stop.  
 I wonder what Gumby would have done?  Nothing, is my guess. Most people who talk tough on a fuck board are over-compensating for being pussies.

86H13LTP403 reads

What family - hot blonde , future first female POTUS - would their marketing people want on the airline .

Fake News - " we landed under he heavy sniper fire and mortars " - HillaCrimina

GaGambler210 reads

If I ever make any "real" money, I will NEVER take another commercial flight again in my life.

I bet you it was more than free tickets that prompted her to be flying Jet Blue

Probably difficult to get a quick  private/charter flight out of JFK for her family and her security team-secret service.
   I suspect the intolerant liberal  harassing Ivanka  has severe  Trump won neurotic disorder, similar  to our most disgruntled residents.
   Likely wears  shiny shoes with rubber soles to compliment his attire.


She with her kids, not cool. Look, her father is the lying dirtbag.But to harass her in a public setting with her kids is fuck up.

-- Modified on 12/22/2016 5:59:19 PM

I agree about the guy being a douche but something like that was predictable and I think Ivanka and her husband should've known better then to take commercial flight and not even be in the 1st class.  

It was an accident waiting to happen. The election just happened, the people are still wired up and half of the country won but the other half lost practically right down the middle. Putting themselves among masses was an accident waiting to happen and I think it was mighty irresponsible for the daughter of upcoming president to put her and her family in such a situation (kind of goes to show how detached and removed from our lives those people are). Kings shouldn't mix with masses unless during some official event even if both believe that they're neither masses nor kings. This incident on the plane between Ivanka and her family and the pissed off gay couple is the reason why.  

Thank God trouble didn't happen in flight too. Thank God it wasn't one of the crazier Bernie supporters ready to get violent. Daddy should have a talk with his favorite off-spring about the birds and the bees. Stupid is stupid does. I'm not saying Ivanka and her husband are stupid people, by no means, but that was pretty reckless on their part especially while traveling with children. Hopefully they learned their lesson and won't do such a thing anymore, at least not until daddy is out of the White House.  

Those crazy rich people. Damn...

   Do you actually believe Ivanka goes anywhere  without security.  
     Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't there.
     That's why they are called secret..rofl

Posted By: Nnoway
I agree about the guy being a douche but something like that was predictable and I think Ivanka and her husband should've known better then to take commercial flight and not even be in the 1st class.  
 It was an accident waiting to happen. The election just happened, the people are still wired up and half of the country won but the other half lost practically right down the middle. Putting themselves among masses was an accident waiting to happen and I think it was mighty irresponsible for the daughter of upcoming president to put her and her family in such a situation (kind of goes to show how detached and removed from our lives those people are). Kings shouldn't mix with masses unless during some official event even if both believe that they're neither masses nor kings. This incident on the plane between Ivanka and her family and the pissed off gay couple is the reason why.  
 Thank God trouble didn't happen in flight too. Thank God it wasn't one of the crazier Bernie supporters ready to get violent. Daddy should have a talk with his favorite off-spring about the birds and the bees. Stupid is stupid does. I'm not saying Ivanka and her husband are stupid people, by no means, but that was pretty reckless on their part especially while traveling with children. Hopefully they learned their lesson and won't do such a thing anymore, at least not until daddy is out of the White House.  
 Those crazy rich people. Damn...

If Chelsea would've done this or Malia, even if they would've flown in the first class I would've said the same thing!  

You see, that's why the term Trumpanzee (thank you Luff) is so right on the money! There were never anything like them in history of the republic and I give a full due to the charisma of Donald Trump. It's absolutely unmatched. Not by Reagan, not by Bubba.  
And just by saying what you said you perfectly illustrated the criteria. For Trumpanzee Trump=God and for them it's always Allahu Akbar, no matter how and what you say and what's the topic. Touch Trump - God can be only great!

FatVern198 reads


Imagine if they did the to Michelle, and the girls. The media would have painted the incident to resemble racisim.

JakeFromStateFarm416 reads

He sent out a text message before the incident saying, "Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial.  My husband chasing them down to harass them."
How stupid do you have to be to text about it?

FatVern260 reads

Yo, use the word wife or spouse, hearing the word partner makes it sound like a same sex relationship.

Only a loser would concern themselves with travel itinerary of another human

FatVern378 reads

Both of those men are complete bitches.

When I first heard the story, I did not know it had to do with the Trumps.

Isn't interfering with a commercial flight a crime?

How stupid can they be ?
Quite often on first visit an attorney would attempt to use his bar license to get in the club.
  I'd inform the dumb ass I'm not  impressed but I have a stripper working tonight who loves attorneys.

I couldn't help but notice, lawyers get ripped off by strippers more often than anyone.  
   Just because they studied  law books doesn't mean they are astute with ordinary affairs or wiser  than someone with common sense.  
  Most dumb lawyers are no more intelligent  than any other dummy.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
He sent out a text message before the incident saying, "Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial.  My husband chasing them down to harass them."  
 How stupid do you have to be to text about it?

brooks5253 reads

harassing women and children

their usual violence and intimidation thing

wouldn't a smack-down by her security team, on tape, have been delicious?

she, and her team and family, showed class and dignity that a lib could NEVER understand

but, really, thanks to the ONE lib who denounced this behavior here (hpy)

brooks5206 reads

family after he leaves office?

conservatives/Americans won't though

we would show respect

a concept most libs don't get

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